I cant afford a fanless gaming pc but I'll just dream on. I believe fanless computers are the future...

I cant afford a fanless gaming pc but I'll just dream on. I believe fanless computers are the future. The only sound I like is the one coming out of my speakers. Also I think fan noise has a bad influence on my psychological state. Feel free to post anything about fanless pc's, tell me it's not cost efficient, that you like noise, etc. It's not a fucking fridge. Also i think it's a conspiracy that they make computer cases which look so much different than fridges. If pc cases are supposed to be cool inside they could just contain all the isolation material but they dont. All air cooled computers are noisy pieces of shit. All that r&d and they still dont eliminate fan noise. because they dont care about your experience. they want you to be depressed by constant stupid noise you have inside your home, being annoyed as fuck and playing games to be able to ignore it.

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That heatsink isn't nearly big enough.

>Also I think fan noise has a bad influence on my psychological state.

... What?


just get a case with good sound isolation and 600rpm fans

the fuck is this thread lol, i can't even hear my pc

Stick your computer in another room, and run a thunderbolt cable though the wall for I/O.

Instant silence.

look at this beauty.
a chip should work around 50 celcius under full load, downclock it or whatever.
you may unconsciously be influenced by it.

yeah dude just stick your pc in a closet or something. Extension cords for the tv and speakers are cheap af.

>you may unconsciously be influenced by it.
new level of tinfoil

Check out logicsupply.com/

Not gonna lie, that GPU cooler is boss.


Which $400 PCI card and $300 cable should I buy?

>Build fuckhueg server/gaming machine
>Put it in a broom cupboard with an Ethernet cable
>Use at your desk
>Use steam in home streaming or remote desktop or something similar
You now have a silent rig. I use steam to play games maxed out on my HP craptop with the fan off. Works a charm.
Not enough I say this but I legitimately think you're shilling for your employer. I've seen you post here before. I don't mind but you may want to be careful since Sup Forums has that nasty habit of finding people and flooding them with free tampon samples just because.

>Not enough
*not often. Need sleep.

Yep, busted. I posted one other time in a fanless pc thread. You must have started that one too.

My $200 mobo has two Thunderbolt 3 ports baka.

I didn't start it but I think I posted in it IIRC. Just keep in mind that Sup Forums isn't a very nice place, they have a habit of shitting on people for no reason.

Side note, I like the website, may be ordering a few things from you when AMD release their new APUs some time in the next century. Feel like I've been waiting since time began now.

True that. I know it's risky but i'm not even saying what department i'm in. We don't sell any AMD stuff currently, for obvious reasons. Some zen apus might be on the table if they ever get released. We don't have much in the way of graphics power right now.

>We don't sell any AMD stuff currently
Yes you do. Or, it's listed on the website. Still, my plan was to grab a case and a PSU from logicsupply and an ITX mobo from a local supplier. The trinity units listed on the site are getting a little long in the tooth.

I could have sworn that thing went EOL. Must be old stock. Either way solid plan. The fanned cases are pretty sweet for doing your own build.

>Must be old stock
Looks like it uses the r series of trinity chips, which AMD will have available for at least ten years after launch date so you can replace the old systems if they break. They've been somewhat slow to replace them.

There's one nice fanless ITX case on the page, think I'll grab that since I build my PCs for novelty rather than any specific use. This will certainly qualify.

The fanless ones tend to be geared towards specific motherboards. Some will fit a couple different boards.

ML250 says it's ITX. It looks ITX on the pictures. It won't support a conventional PSU but that's alright, I don't want one anyway. The heat sink might be an issue but I might end up jury rigging something.

>mfw i run an hdmi cable through a wall and use a wireless keyboard and mouse for my media center, because im a dipshit using a fucking 1090t and an nvidia housefire from 7 years ago.

but seriously works great because i cant hear the fucker through the wall

Buy a god damn non-gaming fanless PC for the like $40-150 that costs. Obviously you can still play older games on that.

Fanless for new high-end games is just not going to happen right now. The trade-offs involved for getting a fanless design are stupid for the vast majority of people.

Move into a house with 2 floors
Put the PC in the floor above or below you
Drill holes through the floor
Put extension cords

>I believe fanless computers are the future.
With today's TDP requirements, you'll never come close to ever being fanless anymore. Nvidia's GT930 is the highest end GPU thats fanless

none of Intel's PC parts are able to be run fanless, AMD doesn't have any fanless GPU's or CPU's anymore.

The heatsink is the real issue. If you're into metalworking you can make your own block of metal to sit between the die and the lid.

Yeah, thought as much. I've tamed a few engineers and made sure they owe me a favour or two, shouldn't be too hard to get one to make me an aluminium heat sink.
>AMD doesn't have any fanless GPU's or CPU's anymore.
But they've had some 65 watt desktop parts, they should be a lot easier to cool without a fan. Intel has some low TDP desktop parts too but the IGP isn't as good.

The atoms and the like run fanless and can do a lot of things, they're just not particularly good for gayming.

Still, that's how you get a fanless PC for cheap, even. Just use that way.

I have hearing so sensitive I can hear the buzzing from the transformer in my Dell Ultrasharp, and I still think a fanless PC with insane heatsink is stupid. Just get some low RPM noctuas for your case and a noctua heatsink. If you absolutely need a huge GPU, use MSI Afterburner to turn down the fan speed. And stop bitching about poofans, you can get them in gray.