Opinions on this meme?

Opinions on this meme?

imo I can't imagine anything being comfier than Django, but people are hyping node+express so much, I get curious

>django (python haha)

Forget these deprecated techno, use .net core!

Disgusting, there's a reason why every framework takes everything from Django, especially templates. Django does things right

Node itself is cool, but the community is shit.

Great if you don't use any problematic emojis, you shitlord.

its a pile of shit
javascript on the server is an abomination
praise the one true spring mvc

Because its stupid easy, potent, and open source.

hang yourself

you can piss around with your gay hipster languages all you want if you want to stay a NEET.

I work with Django you melt. I've had a Java job before and it's pure shite

spring is an abomination.

good if you want to shit out an async webapp.

otherwise, a total meme.

why didn't you stay?
i work in fintech, we just sit around all day and occasionally run a few unit tests and i get paid a shit ton.

Spring takes the clusterfuck that is Java, gives it needed functionality, and then proceeds to make it even more clusterfucked and even more verbose

Because unlike my Django job where the projects and the company have matured so I do easy shit (minor bug fixes, small apps with small unit tests), the Java job wasn't the case, and I would have preferred working with Python. The money was better, but it wasn't fun

Trust me, spring mvc is such bullshit forget about that. Is awful. AWFUL

it's literally just
>I only know javascript and refuse to learn anything else, but I really really want to code backend.

Django templates are horrible. Most decent Django developers avoid them all together and use Jinja2. The Django developers have even made it easier to do and will probably deprecate Django templates in a future version.

I've used basically every web framework around and Spring MVC with Spring Boot is great. Anybody using Django or Rails these days is objectively retarded.

>Most decent Django developers avoid them all together and use Jinja2
your life is a meme

What does it do?
What is it used for?

this, spring boot is nice but I prefer xml configs



sorry, pajeet. I forgot that having a php file per page was the superior way of doing things

I know plenty of languages.

Switching back and forth is annoying because of function names that are similar but not identical.
And it's great being able to re-use code on both servers and clients.

I love it. Passport.js, which is used for authentication, is awful, but express and jade and all that stuff is lovely.

Sjw shock troops attempted to seize this project and were btfo.

Flux, retard.

Spring is easy, what is hard in the java world are those sick servlet containers and the whole servlet ecosystem. All that enterprise shit is mind exploding. In my opinion there is not much wrong with java as a language, it is a bit verbose maybe.

All the core Django developers use Jinja2 and in the Django developer survey in March Jinja2 beat out standard Django templates by a large margin.

Django templates are known for being very slow and requiring a lot of unnecessary string parsing.

and what makes it better than mvc?

Nothing. You can safely ignore anyone that uses Javascript garbage.

Unidirectional data flow.


literally what?

It's just a software architecture principle.
It can be applied to any language.

> muh unidirectional data flow

Be honest, you're just a retard that's read too much React propaganda. We both know it's true.

Are you ever going to formulate a counter argument, or is name-calling really all you're capable of?

Why would I form a counter argument when the only thing you've said is "unidirectional data flow"? That's trivial to implement under any architecture and doesn't resolve any of the difficult problems that arise when programs get large.

It's pretty great desu, extremely fast for non-CPU intensive applications, inherently scalable, and easy to develop with. Pretty much made other scripting language-based frameworks obsolete.

JVM and asp.net based frameworks are still the only practical options for applications requiring heavy asynchronous data processing though.

It's much more elegant than django. Python is terribly slow for today development.

ASP.NET and Spring Boot are much better.

MVC on website are just awful.
There's too much integration between view-controller.
Having multiple frontend (mobile site, standard site, etc), i'll prefer MVP.

>unidirectional data flow

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, do you?

first off, if you're writing a long piece of coding to like 30 or at least 40 thousand lines it can attend to be slower. Note: some codes can just put lines into a halt even if you got the code correct. It's best to debug the issue or use a different format code to reduce cpu. First off people that are using high tech PCs like xeon e3 etc or i7 it might not lag because there's so much cores involved depending on the threading hardware. If I have 6 or 8 cores on an i7 it would be faster and useful cause my PC is efficient to handle that much threading. The more cores you have the faster your PC will be. Ram in general is basicially of how much room storage can it possibly "hold" to create more files and run faster. The big difference between these two is one is for handling files and the other is increasing the threading. So if I have the least mount of cores my PC could be slower cause it doesn't have enough to run and create storage of space for my hard drive. It's best to get a faster hard drive to send files faster like it can have it's own cpu without the motherboard doing it's own handy work but that kind of technology may overheat the capacity of a hard drive of how fast the rpms are running cause the rpms we have right now are just like CDs running a storage just spinning.

Your diagrams are bullshit. If they were consistent even Flux wouldn't be "unidirectional" in the way you're using it.

Three years ago, Wal-mart implemented node.js site-wide and did a deployment ON BLACK FRIDAY, and yet you idiots think it's a meme.



>M sends to C, C sends back to M.
this is bi-directional. (data travels back and forth)
>C sends to V, V sends back to C.
this is also bi-directional. (data travels back and forth)

>V only sends to D
>D only sends to S
>S only sends to V
this is uni-directional. (data travels in one direction only)

Next time, look up what concepts mean before flaming them.

>implying this is javascript and not every other scripting language
Even if you know javascript before learning node, you have to learn a new programming paradigm, understand closures and callback handling, and know how to implement software design patterns to make up for how fundamentally flawed JS is as a language.

You can't just read Learn Python the Hard Way one afternoon and be off to the races, you actually need to understand some high level CS concepts to use it effectively.

>Next time, look up what concepts mean before flaming them.

Once again, you can arrange MVC to be just as unidirectional. Most Flux implementations, including the one used at Facebook, also break the unidirectional flow at the store level for performance and simplicity reasons.

>not using microframeworks
Stuff like Rapidoid and Vert.x blaze millions of http requests per second while Spring barely reaches 1% of that. Read the Tech Empower benchmarks. Also, these frameworks are faster than all other frameworks including those written in C++. Java master race confirmed.

itt web dev autism

nodejs is awful because it lets you fuckwits touch (and fuck up) things you should stay well away from

It's a meme. Big companies like Walmart bought into this and now regret it.
Having used that shit in the past, I can only advice to stay away.

>Big companies like Walmart bought into this and now regret it.

This. I think this is the fastest hype cycle yet. It will be interesting to see what the next savior of programming will be.