Grafics kard thread

this is the grafics kard thread how many dollars did you spend on yours

running arch here, $0 because my intel cpu has graphics in it
status: owned

hello i spent $350 on my graphics processing unit

cute nico

is this the new desktop thread/ arch meme circlejerk?

me showing off what my super cool gpu can do

also i also have a intel cpu gfx thingy whatevbever u call it

also rare screenfetch from me

thats a cool wallpaper
i like your desktops alot user

>this faggot

God damn it Ben. Just get a tripcode already.

thats a cool wallpaper
i like your desktops alot user

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who are you talking about

wow thanx anonymous i was nervous about posting my deskop in case people didn't like it but now i feel a lot more secure

that is a very nice grafiks card everyone. but mine is better

Hi, I'm not sure how much I spent on my graphics card because it was bundled with my laptop and I didn't buy it separately!

my graphiks card came with my phone, it must be good because it can display these cutes

v cute wall

my gtx 680 is getting more and more obsolete so i decided to throw on linux mint and i've loved it ever since.

cute icons

cute number

why dont the anime girls have faces

This is my graphics card, it can show monochrome graphics in 720x348.

Like $75 for an R7 to play Civ 5 again and run through FO4 to keep my "Ive beaten all the fallout games" title.

Money wasted...

107 dollaryoos

fallout 4 sucks, what do you think?