Do my job for me

can you simplify this conditional?
if (!((!X || !Y) && X))

Other urls found in this thread:'s_laws!((!X || !Y) && X)

its just like arithmetic, u gotta distribute the !


((X || Y) && !X)

>can you simplify this conditional?
>if (!((!X || !Y) && X))
if !((!X || !Y) && X)

Thank me later

Is there a tutorial or something about how to distribute the !

if (kys = 1)

Here is your code

Use the catalog fucklord.'s_laws

>using the assignment operator

>if (!((!X || !Y) && X))

>if ((X || Y) && !X)

>if (Y && !X)

!x && y

So it'll always return true, ya dingus

> Not even using De Morgan's Law
I know, you are probably shitposting, but come on, you could have done it better

Using De Morgan:

if (!((!X || !Y) && X))
if (!(!X || !Y) || !X)
if ((X && Y) || !X)

Truth table:

0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 1 1

Conditional from table:

if (!(x && !y))


if (!x || y)

You don't even need a truth table, just use the the law of distributivity

>it'll always return true
>not knowing assignment op returns rvalue

Ok then:

(X && Y) || !X

Is equivalent to:

(X * Y) + X'


X' = 1 - X


(X * Y) + (1 - X)
X * Y - X + 1
X * (Y - 1) + 1
-X * (1 - Y) + 1
1 - (X * (1 - Y))
(X * Y')'

Reconverting to boolean algebra:

!(X && !Y)

and using De Morgan:

!X || Y

That's ok 4ya, buddy?

I jost got boner looking at that pic

What exactly does ! Represent in this statement


Got Y && !X as well, correct yes? I'm seeing too many different answers and it's making me question myself

Should be ||, not &&

!((!X || !Y) && X)
!(!X || !Y) || !X
(X && Y) || !X
(X || !X) && (Y || !X)
true && (Y || !X)
Y || !X

DeMorgan's Laws

I got this too. Regardless how you put it, X has to be true. Y can be true or false.

>returns rvalue
Which, in that case, equals to 1 => Statement is always true.

if (!gentoo) do install gentoo

it depends on the language, you turd

Would compilators generate warning for that?
Not to mention it is against any good practice.

Why would I do your job when a computer can?!((!X || !Y) && X)