"dood linux is like super good and superior than winblows in every way!!!!!!"

>"dood linux is like super good and superior than winblows in every way!!!!!!"
>can't even run .exe without using 3rd party software

Haha u fell for the Linux meme

Its trash

How about you RTFM instead of shitposting, user? :^)

Windows can't do anything without third party software. It can't even install itself

Can windows run a compiled Linux binary? Even with 3rd party software?

No one uses linux for real it's just a stupid meme for NEETS

you can now compile C# in mono without too many async or net issues unlike 3 years ago.

What inherent value do you? You dont even write C dad.

Yes. No third party software needed even

$0.50 has been deposited into your shill account.

This board is fucking horrible

What do you consider third part?
Wine and playonlinux is in most repositories.

>dood windows is like super good and superior to lincucks in every way!!!!!
>can't even run .rpm without using third party software

>what is OS infrastructure
>why can't I use something different and expect the same as before

Linux is an OS you use for work. Windows for vidya.

dont compare apples and oranges juste cause theyre both fruits

windows has actually more professional software

for some jobs you have to use windows or mac os

Brain damage

>windows has actually more professional software

Such as?
>inb4 adobe meme

linux will never be popular. it's so clunky, full of little incoveniences, you never know when you're gonna need to google search some bullshit input commands just to get the shit done.

if you aren't a NEET doing some ilegal shit or a professional programmer, there's no reason to use linux at all.

>"dood bangblows is like super good and superior than winblows in every way!!!!!!"
>can't even run .sh without using 3rd party software

Good morning parjeet.
3 Rupees have been deposited to your designated account. Computer illiterate people will fall for your shit post

It's not a meme.
There is nothing to replace the Adobe suite.