Road construction computers

So there's this digital message board right by my house that they were using to let us know about some future construction. Well the construction wrapped up over a week ago and the sign is still there. Called the construction company and asked them to get rid of it because it's an eye sore. Two days later and it's still there.

SO I decided I'm gonna put up my own messages until it's gone. Problem is, I can't get passed the password screen. I've tried the default for these things (DOTS) and it won't work. Read that Ctrl + Shift DIPY resets the password but it's not working for me. I was at it forever looking all over the machine to see if it had been etched in the metal but sadly nothing. How the fuck do I reset this thing?!

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Forgot to mention, console in the pic is what I'm up against

Does the password lock it after a few tries, or have a delay?

Give it back Jamal

use a trojan

No it lets you keep trying as many times as you want

Moralfags are the worst.
Look for a USB port. Serial sends data as strings. I may be able to help you brute force it.

Bump for interest

There's no USB port that I could find. Opened up the panel to get to the guts and I couldn't find anything I could physically plug into in a hurry.

I'd like a picture of guts if you can, user.

Sorry fucking 4mb limit kept screwing me up but here. Didn't wanna lose quality if it helps.

When I tried googling a solution all I could find was info about resetting the password by holding down Ctrl + Shift and hitting DIPY. I tried that and all variations using the right control button with the left shift button. Everything. I couldn't get it to reset. Don't even know if that's how to do it but that's what I got googling "reset ver-mac PCMS 1210"

Call the company impersonating a worker asking for the password

That's exactly what I started thinking. I got the model and serial number so that might be my best option.

Call the manufacturer of the sign as well. I see a Ethernet port there, maybe you could telnet or ssh into it.

Call them up OP

Yeah I'll give a few people a call. Problem with plugging into it for me is that it's in a somewhat heavy traffic area during the day and I totally don't look like someone who should be plugging into one of these. Things so I'm hoping that calling will give me something to work with so I can just walk up when no one is around and do it quick.

"High-speed remote programming from your PC with cellular

Go to Walmart and get some Dickeys work clothes. Nobody will be the wiser. Also have you tried the serial number for the password?

>super key with a windows icon
every time

nono, a hard hat. If you have a hard hat and a clipboard / tablet, no one will question you

Don't forget a reflective vest just to seal the deal

My usual is a hi-vis vest, a hard hat and a blue box filled with misc tools.

All can be had for less than 50$

The bonus to the blue box is that you can bring things you actually need as well.

Yeah I tried the serial number plus various numbers all over the thing with no luck

Well I can't call them until they open Monday. Tried shooting them an email. Not really expecting much though.

Have you tried messing with the jumpers on the processor board? The one with the COM(ABCD) ports. What about power cycling while holding the reset key combo?

Try the last 4 numbers of the serial


Bumping in hopes someone who has done this before will lend their expertise.

It's dumb enough to commit a crime. It's even dumber to post about it on the internet.

That serial number in the pic gives away the specific device. You have probably been caught on cameras in the area. one and one equals caught OP.

called the cops

If you asked for it to be removed, and the company essentially is just parking it on public land for free, then I don't think there is anything that can really happen to you except encourage the company to come get it faster. Win for you either way.

What crime is being committed?

But it's ok for them to leave a sign flashing in my window a week after the construction ended? Fuck off. I'm aware it's a crime. It's not like I'm spreading mass fear or harassing anybody. I wanted to change the message to "take your sign back". Simple clean fun. I guess if everybody is as close minded as you and easily put off by something thats less than legal then I guess I should be concerned. It's a fucking sign. In the middle of nowhere I might add. Chill out.

Technically it IS illegal to tamper with these signs. But the way I see it, they totally forgot it here and the message it displays has been irrelevant for over a week so why not? I know the people in my neighborhood would approve of it saying something funny instead of something useless.

Give us some pics, also you should look up the PCMS 1210 service manual for a serial communicator port

Good luck OP. I wish I was a hacker.

the password is probably "caltrans" or something equally stupid

Don't bother actually walking into their place of business.

However if you are going to be out there fucking with it, you should wear one of these just to look natural

As long as you are not giving flashing false driving information, I don't see how this is any different from a road side advertisement. Then again, IANAL.

I'm in Arizona if that helps. Someone went around Tucson a few weeks ago and hacked a bunch of them. Figured it couldn't have been that hard but THIS one is. So I'm assuming nobody knows how to reset the password? There's gotta be a way to do it from the console. What if the construction worker who set it up legitimately forgot the password?

I can't wait to hear your stories about getting gang raped in prison because you threw a hissy fit about a sign being left in your neighborhood for a week. Illegally accessing construction equipment is absolutely a crime, and I hope you get caught and get the book thrown at you.

Do you really want to hack this (thumbnail related)?
You better get yourself some camouflage first.
As i said before, look into this device's service manual, it will include every bit of info for this device like: Pinouts, Physical disassembly, Diagrams to understand the circuitry, and also Developer info, like memory size, reset operations, stuff like this.
Also, if Ver-Mac does not make any service manual for this model, look up the user manuals. With some digging you may find out something.

Work for a construction company. Mind you not a road crew or project manager but I have seen some of these actually be web managed, so maybe there's a web portal you can go through. Wanco I believe is the ones we use, so if you could find a web login there's that...

Oh also worth note that Wanco could be the brand. and again with some being web managed these could have a 4g connection as well and send back data so be a bit careful what you tamper with. Not sure if this one is advanced as that but it's something to consider.

I don't think condoms would be useful in this situation.

Did you try calling up the construction company and saying some idiot changed the message to something offensive, the mayor/someone important saw, and while this isn't your job, you just mix cement, you're stuck out there without the password.

This model is produced (?) by Ver-Mac, and they have, apart from direct input, the possibility to be programmed with an external PC.