So user...

>so user, your credentials and academic achievements are quite impressive but it appears that you don't have a Facebook account or any social media presence. Is there any particular reason for that?

they're memes

Because I actually have friends

>get up
>walk out of interview

Certainly. I'm an advocate of the individual's right to privacy and I refuse to hand over my personal information to Facebook for no good reason, other than to see cat memes all day. I am in close contact with all of my friends over various free as in freedom messenger platforms and frankly, I find that question highly unprofessional.

I'm not willing to be used by Facebook.


What are you talking about. I have skype, facebook, tumblr, and 2 discord channels for art. Oh and a shitty page on zeronet. I just didn't put them on paper because it's unprofessional.

I do but it is set private for my family and closests friends.

And then you tip your fedora while awkwardly stumbling out of the interview room knowing you fucked up and should have just gone with something less autistic like "I had it once, I didn't like it. I just use my phone to keep in touch with the ones that matter."

I don't accept the premise of that question

Alternatively: "I got rid of my account because I was just spending too much time on it"

Ah, so you have poor impulse control, interesting *makes copious notes on form* I think that's all we need to hear. We'll be in touch

That means pretty much everyone. Including the interviewer. I hope he enjoys his no workers.

And the self-control to actually stop means nothing, of course.

I imagine he enjoys working with people who are capable of using something without claiming they got addicted to it. Same as you wouldn't state "Recovering alcoholic" on your CV unless you were an inbred faggot (guess it must be front and centre on yours, alongside applicable skills: marrying my own sister)

The idea of maintaining a public profile of my likes, dislikes, opinions, interests, strengths and weaknesses, all attributed to my real legal name, does not appeal to me really. A more important question is why you thought it best to try and find me on social media before interviewing me. Given that the purpose of an interview is to find out more about a candidate, why did you not think to ask me in person whatever it is you were looking for on a profile?


>when you get told you didn't get the job because you didn't have a linkedin account and weren't publicly searchable

The idea doesn't really appeal to me. I don't feel the need to share every detail of my life with all the people I know.

Company I worked at, I sat next to the guy who did the CV reviewing for technical content, he would reject anyone who provided a link to any social media profile (linkedin included) on the grounds of "I don't give a shit what their cat looks like".

near, far, wherever you are, your post will go on


>What was that word? A meme? What's that, user?

Nope. No reason.

so user, your credentials and academic achievements are quite impressive but it appears that you don't have a Facebook account or any social media presence. Is there any particular reason for that?

I hate data-miners.

>so user, your credentials and academic achievements are quite impressive but it appears that you don't have a Facebook account or any social media presence. Is there any particular reason for that?

Do they really ask questions like this these days? Fucking pathetic imo. I'm applying for a job and they think I'm a submissive person?
Ignore it and leave, OP.
Brainwashed facebook idiots have no idea when it hit them in the face.

You really need IT help if you can't find me on facebook, you just type my name in the search bar
>implying I don't have a extremely clean facebook just for this

"Oh I do, I've just created them using pseudonyms and configured them so that only my friends have access. Growing up I was taught never to share personal information online and it's proven to be an incredibly valuable adage that I absolutely live by and recommend. Identity theft is an increasingly common crime these days you know."

that'll be a hilarious excuse to a tech company, given that most of them do some sort of data mining or at least rely to some extent on data that's been brokered by facebook or google or something.

like showing up at an auto mechanic's garage looking for a job and telling them you don't drive a car because it's bad for the environment.

literally all you need to say is
>Oh I do
the rest just makes it sound like you're over-eager to share anecdotes nobody asked for. nobody likes socially needy people.

that's the gayest thing i've ever heard on this site

Try saying that quotation out loud and let us know how far you get before you realize what an obnoxious twat you sound like.

I don't agree with the business practices of companies such as Facebook or Google, not to mention the services they offer don't interest me

You don't have to know how to drive a car to know how to repair them.

You also don't have like your shit being data mining to be good at implementing it.

Because I have no friends.

I have a facebook account, i just never use it.

Funny thing is, I might go to America and find a job.
If they ask me that question, I can't really say "I don't need it to stay in touch with friends or family" because then they would ask how the hell I stay in contact with them overseas then


First of all, I do have a twitter account, a facebook account and a linkedin account, so your HR research isn't very impressive.

Second of all, I don't see how that's relevant for this position as an embedded software developer.

I shitpost on Sup Forums daily.

He also rejected based on:
Photo too large (we're not a model studio);
They sent it in on different coloured paper (I don't like special snowflakes);
He even did the discarding CVs based on a coin flip thing (I don't think we should hire unlucky people)
And my personal favourite, rejecting anyone who listed "attention to detail" as a skill but then made the tiniest of spelling or grammar mistakes

guy sounds like kind of a jerk desu

Did he keep his job?

Oh yeah, totally, he taught me everything I know

He never wanted to be the CV reviewer, he was given it as an additional responsibility, eventually they found someone else to do it and let him get back to his actual job

I already have an account on Sup Forums. :^)

Sounds amazing. Especially the "attention to detail" bit.

literal autism

Anything I do online outside of work and my online presence is none of your concern.

I take my work seriously.

I guess you haven't heard of donglegate.
Crybabies will now run to your employer to get you fired because you hurt their feelings.

>I guess you haven't heard of donglegate.
I guess you didn't either, because the donglegate incident resulted in the crybaby getting fired for being a crybaby

oh yeah well this guy who i totally work with once took some guy's cv and said 'this motherfucker deserves a job... at the garbage dump!!!!!' and then put the cv in the toilet and did a poo on the cv and then flushed the poo and cv away. that guy who i work with at my job, which i have and nobody can prove otherwise, is a real laff-a-minute. real 'the office' stuff (uk not us, natch)

Because I still remember the golden rule was to never post personal info on the internets and still can't believe how things have changed in such a a short time

this guy once handed me a copy of his cv. so i winked at this guy who i work with and said 'here, friend, this man wants a job here where we work. what say you?' and then the guy (who i work with) sad 'can you explain why this third paragraph uses size 11 Arial, when the rest of the document clearly uses 12-point Arial as the typeface?? I highly doubt your so-called ""attention to detail"". and then the guy who gave me the cv turned bright red and ran out of the place where i work whie i high-fived the guy i work with

>not using Helvetica
I hope you ended up giving the job to someone who actually cares about their work, user.

This is the most mature response. I would go with something like this, to show the interviewer (who i'm sure would be of a similar opinion, at least secretly) and completely agree that handing over personal information to facebook (or any social media) is the habit of a fool, and not an IT professional.

Frankly user, I find your attitude condescending and highly unprofessional. We here at Hipster Industries TM prefer to take on the attitude of a close family, and facebook is the fabric that ties us together.

What did he mean by this

Except interviewers never make comments like this, it's not their job to make fun of you. They will write whatever they want but won't let you know whether they like you or not. Especially if it's professional recruiters and not just some employees thrown there to do shit no one else wanted to do.
You smell like underage.

You must be great fun at all the parties you don't get invited to, by all the friends you don't have

That doesn't make sense. Who would invite me if they're not friends with me?

>not having a fake shallow social image to raise suspicion.

I've learned my lessons but too late.


Because my private life, political views, and hobbies shouldn't be used against me in the hiring process.

I prefer personal communication in my private life

Lurk more then

reply: I wouldn't have had impressive credentials and academic achievements if I also had a Facebook account or any social media presence.

I find Facebook to be boring and a waste of time. I find it difficult to be part of a community where the average intelligence is less than that of a potato.

>then you find out you are on an interview for the Facebook inc


i usually give a link to my stack overflow profile

Then they'd make me an offer because I showed that I understand their target audience and business model perfectly.

>I've just created them using pseudonyms

You violated the Facebook terms of service? Do you have a disdain for rules and authority, Mr. A.?

>He even did the discarding CVs based on a coin flip thing (I don't think we should hire unlucky people)


Actually Sir, it used to be commonplace and indeed required good etiquette to use your real name on Usenet. Seems like you're relatively new to the Internet?

We'll be in touch.

It really makes you think.

>using facebook
are you retards?
when do i start?

A lot of companies want to put their employees on their website these days. You can't escape the tightening net. Everyone can google you and then see your cuck photo on some company's smarmily designed site. It's like your identity becomes chained to the company.

>He even did the discarding CVs based on a coin flip thing (I don't think we should hire unlucky people)
Whenever I hire someone which will prolly never happen this is how I'd do it. Fucking unlucky people eh, what do they think?!

>Joanna Wellick
shit, for a second i thought it was Pepe and that he made an account just to shipost with Tyrell

How will gay zoophiles, weeb losers and vegan hippies help me get a tech job?