What is Sup Forums's favorite Antergos DE

What is Sup Forums's favorite Antergos DE

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>What is Sup Forums's favorite * DE
xmonad w/ dmenu & xmobar

bspwm + demnu + lemonbar

Enlightenment is clearly the best option

Never tried it. Not my style. Perhaps xfce4 openbox or gnome 3 hrmmm

Is openbox setup for Antergos bad?



Just out of curiosity, what makes it not your style?

KDE clearly

GNOME 3 (with custom shell theme and gtk theme, icon theme, and Plank instead of the default GNOME launcher) or i3


Just the setup/feel .Just seems like other DE's can do the same without being forced to ya know

Yeah I havent done that in awhile. I been of flinux the past year. figure some things have must approved.

Gnome 3 can look sexy once you add a few extensions and get rid of some things.

I like Gnome too.

Rate my desktop


desktop is whatever but looks comfty. i have had that setup once. no problems

Damn... I legitimately thought you were running Antergos on a VM on Windows 10.

this is the worst desktop i've ever fucking seen
I wish arc color scheme was #282828 instead of this weird blue-gray shit

I think Antergos is for bad posters.
Just upgrade to Windows already.



If you use any type of linux distro you're retarded, be a normal person, use windows, it's that simple. Windows master race and that's a fact.

>using Chinese closed-source software

It's the only comfy browser

>J U S Tified

tom's window manager

you are fat

yeah still not "liking" this show much yet. on season 3. it has gotten better but no real feel for it

Is this the new desktop thread?

And you're autistic.

no i3?

OP here. nah neve rliked i3. I can tile with a DE or openbox script.no need . Everything I use is not cli

i3 is just so comfy. Regardless of whether everything you use is cli or not.

yeah no hate against it. just not for me at this point in my life.

Fair enough. I can understand that. It does come with it's complications but it just feels great when you set it up as you want.

Hey, can someone help me. How would i install screenfetch on Antergos via the terminal.

sudo -i
Input your user password!
curl -O /usr/bin/screenfetch raw.githubusercontent.com/KittyKatt/screenFetch/master/screenfetch-dev
chmod +x /usr/bin/screenfetch
Then press ctrl and d
and now u can run screenfetch :)