
Hey, 10 minutes ago I asked for some help and got nothing. I want to start coding but literally cannot even open the programs I installed. I got Java and Atom. Whether these are good programs or not can also be discussed, but for now I cannot even find the shortcut to OPEN these programs. I need help desperately.

IN SHORT: Help, I can't open my coding programs cause I don't know shit about coding.

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run as administrator

compile them you fucking retard

what do you mean ".java"
where is that, is that a program file?

That OS7 background tile
Fucking nostalgia.

I have a feeling you would be better off finger painting. What programming programs can you not open OP?

I seriously don't even know what that means. Go easy on me, sheesh.

Use google, retard.

There are a fuckton of tutorials on how to compile java code.

google it. holy shit, are you 16?

In all seriousness though, start with some tutorial that will take you step by step from the beginning till the end on how to setup your dev environment, so you're not just installing a bunch of shit without knowing what you're doing.

okay look I looked some shit up and I'm following the instructions PERFECTLY but then I get this shit and there seems to be no way around it even thought its EXACTLY what he told me to do

have you googled that error?

Just kidding, i know you haven't. You're not here to make any effort.

google "javac is not recognized as an internal or external command" and follow what to do from there. this is how programming works. you just google everything the computer spits out at you and someone smarter than you will tell you the solution. Im 100% srs

I did, and everything brings me to solutions that dont make any sense. You don't have to help me if you don't want to. It's not like this is some kind of tech community or anything.

Please go back to kindergarten, retard.

like for example this file doesn't even exist and this shit is really just nonsensical right now so perhaps this isn't my line of work and should not have even started

But seeing as how EASY the internet likes to make coding look, i thought id give it a try. And failed miserably (considering how I couldn't even get the programs working).

Wow, how insightful and kind your words are, thanks.

What the fuck else do you expect people to say when you can't even figure out how to compile a java file?

Nothing, I literally didn't expect anything more than this. Seriously. Thanks a shit ton.

Remember that he is in windows with its ridiculously obtuse way of handling PATH.

OP, I'd recommend a real OS. The reason javac fails is because "javac" doesnt mean anything on your system. The reason for this is that the java compiler hasnt been added to your environment. There is a standard procedure as to how this is done which you can google.

Not trying to be rude but if you're not a super user, not able to browse some forums, too lazy to hit F1 and read a bit, you're probably not going to get very far.

In short, this.

My sides. You gave up before Sup Forums's eyes in less than an hour and you sound like my mom, OP. The internet isn't a person who made you feel a given way, you're running head first into your own stupid preconceived notions. You did this to you.

Still, not everyone can be an autodidact, and folks like you (at least those who DONT give up early) need to take a course.
40,000 hours, OP. Pick something and commit or be a NEET.

here, I googled it for you

With linux bullshit like this is (usually) not necessary, it feels a lot less hostile to beginner programmers from my experience.

Go be autistic somewhere else you dumb fag. I didn't have a fucking clue when I began, I seriously struggled on this exact issue and now I'm working on a PhD. Learning how to solve problems like these is a skill that has to be acquired like any other, not something you are innately born with.

Have some goddamn humility

just the way you speak makes me know you're underage.

>Can't run a java file
My sides, OP. My sides.


I'm sorry about your garbage reading comprehension, this was obviously the very first time I tried to code like 4 years ago.

You have to be in your java directory for it to work (the directory where javac is). This is because javac isn't in your environmental variables. If you don't know what this means, google it. Sorry these dorks are giving you trouble.

Thank God, otherwise Sup Forums would be flooded with your shit

I'm honestly giving you the most help of anyone in this thread, if your only response is anger then you've confirmed my suspicions of your age and NEET status.

I'm still actually willing to offer you any help you might need, but until then you should probably continue to work on your English degree,

What is this even supposed to mean?

I'm trying to convey that once upon a time before I started writing my code in vim and emacs on linux I too was a clueless chucklefuck unable to get through the ridiculously obtuse PATH bullshit in windows. After I got some actual help I managed just fine, and it taught me some humility.

I'm not OP, I'm someone who had the same issue when I started out and got help instead of derision, so I figured I'd pay it forward.

It's difficult to setup dev environment in Windows. You should install Gentoo and try again, OP.

In Gentoo you can just:
emerge atom jdk

OP, just dual boot ubuntu.

Or debian ubuntu is fucking shit

put javac.exe in aids