It's that time of year again: Sup Forums makes a List

Taking suggestions to include

Other urls found in this thread: 3.0.png# Inverted.png# 1.4.png# 1.3.png#


Update 4.01

For reference:

v3.0: 3.0.png#
v2.0: Inverted.png#

v1.4: 1.4.png#

Game of life

Download manager

Knights tour

Hello World

A thing that counts the occurrences of characters in a given string and creates a nicely formatted, sorted console output of all found characters.
When I say character I also mean emojis.

>creates a nicely formatted, sorted console output of all found characters.

I'm unsure what you mean by that... If you have "Hello, World", would it just output
"deHllloorW" (ignoring capitals for now)?

: Medium
: Haven't done this myself and don't know how difficult it is, so leaving it blank
: Medium
not including this one on the grounds that it's the first thing you see in any programming course (and the first thing you see when you open up XCode)

If you were to enter "Hello World" it would output something like
l 3
o 2
e 1
h 1
Making it case insensitive / normalized would be harder I guess. Adding grapheme clusters like emojis makes it rather uncomfortable to program without outside help.

I suppose Download Manager would be at medium/difficult. I haven't created one but I think you have to know alot about thread programming.

IRC channel.

Alright... I can add Include unicode support for an extra challenge... How does that sound?

Make English sentence parser which points the context of this sentence.

Print "Hello World" in MASM

A shitposting markov bot.

Changed the DM to medium... I'm assuming you mean something that can act as an IRC client, not creating an IRC channel, or am I being dumb?


You are being smart. I meant client not channel.

let's add something not babby and/or crud

"Hello World".Select(c => char.ToLower(c)).GroupBy(c => c).OrderByDescending(g => g.Count()).ToList().ForEach(g => Console.WriteLine("number of {0} occurrences: {1}", g.Key, g.Count()));
number of l occurrences: 3
number of o occurrences: 2
number of h occurrences: 1
number of e occurrences: 1
number of occurrences: 1
number of w occurrences: 1
number of r occurrences: 1
number of d occurrences: 1

: Medium
: Posting this as "Markov Chain Simulator" but can add " with shitposting capabilities" in grey
: Hard

Not sure if it was obvious, but I'm doing this in Excel, gonna do this in its own image later, so sorry if the formatting's weird

I don't think "simulator" is the right word for a markov chain sentence generator

ai that plays go competently at the "fuck you" level.

is that a uterus?

disregard. just saw the file name at the bottom of the image. it's not a uterus after all.

It's a markov chain I found on Wikipedia's page that looked disturbingly like a uterus

: Alright... That's a spicy meatball, but I'll include it

A porn suggester based on what you've visited.

What if I code that in Go

Stock market simulator (using yahoo spreadsheet data)

Loli(Monster) raising/breeding simulator

with or without the use of evolutionary algorithm

The singularity is near

Automated mtg player.

I guess that covers it.

Now include some advanced emojis from here: and see what happens.

I came up with the following after reading the Java SDK Stringbuilder.reverse() source code.
public class JavaReferenceSolutionCharacterOccurenceCount {
public static void main(String[] args) {

public static void countOccurences(String input) {
Map graphemeClusterToOccurenceCount = new HashMap();

char[] inputChars = input.toCharArray();

for (int i = 0; i < inputChars.length; i++) {
String graphemeCluster;
if (Character.isHighSurrogate(inputChars[i]) && i < (inputChars.length - 1) && Character.isLowSurrogate(inputChars[i + 1])) {
graphemeCluster = new String(new char[] { inputChars[i], inputChars[i + 1] });
} else {
graphemeCluster = Character.toString(inputChars[i]);
graphemeClusterToOccurenceCount.compute(graphemeCluster, (graphemeClusterKey, oldCount) -> {
return oldCount == null ? 1 : oldCount + 1;

.sorted((left, right) ->, left.getValue()))
.forEach(x -> {
System.out.println(x.getKey() + ':' + x.getValue());


Are games OK? Cuz something simple like tetris/snake/pipe dreams is a good excercise imo.

Also a hard one (I guess), parametric or graphic equalizer, would be good if it just in/outputs a wav file but real-time would be better.

Sup Forums removes the emojis.
Add some (advanced/modern ones!)

CHIP-8 emu

It'd be a Go-Playing Go-Ai Bot!

>Stock Market:
Medium difficulty (I'm assuming it wouldn't be that difficult once you have the relevant statistical knowledge)
>Monster Raising:
Difficult (Mostly due to the Genetic Algorithm)

Buying winRAR after the 40-day trial period has expired.

>Tetris : Medium
> Snake : Easy
>Pipe Dreams : Medium
: Unsure whether easy or medium

What is even meant by evolutionary algorithm in this context? An evolutionary algorithm in terms of the comp. sci. definition -- i.e. something using a fitness function mutating "genes" to get new "phenotypes"? Or has the author just misused the term and simply meant some kind of algorithm that mashes monster attributes together in a sensible manner, to get a new monster?

Probably the first one

Verlet intergration

Then for which problem domain of the game would this evolutionary algorithm calculation be applied?

1) Request to change IRC Client to IRC Client/Bot
2) OpenAI Gym as an easier AI project than Go

Easy: To-Do List web app

Programmable RPN calculator with computer algebra system

make that cli
>not falling for the gooey meme

I don't know... I wasn't the guy that suggested it... If I were to guess, though, I'd say that, given some pre-defined conditions, each generation becomes more and more fit to survive in the environment.

Or hell. Let's scrap the monster idea entirely and do something similar to this:
Obviously not as complex as the researcher's, but same concept

loli monster

It's just, I like the idea kind of that was suggested. Just the evolutionary algorithm thing in the description didn't make sense to me at all.

Using this definition there would have to be some kind of actual problem domain in the game, to evolve an algorithm for -- but it's a monster/breeding simulator, where you breed monsters with certain attributes together. So I can only imagine that the algorithm meant by the author, was simply smashing together those attributes in a sensible way.

For the actual definition in Wikipedia what he said doesn't make sense, it wouldn't be an evolutionary/genetic algorithm then -- it would simply be a fitness function that tests individuals, and lets them survive/die/reproduce based on some kind of evolutionary pressure -- there would be no actual algorithm evolved.

So yeah.

Median of 2 sorted arrays in O(log(m+n)) time

: Easy

: Easy if you understand recursion... Not entirely sure what you mean by "Programmable"
Done, and done!

>Markov Chain

Create a program that sorts your list based on difficulty from easy to fuck you.

are you trying to get us implement a LISP you cheeky cunt

>font renderer

Whatever, any sane man would provide a json endpoint anyway.

Hey! Disagreements are why we're having these threads!

What should I put it as?

Can't really think of anything fuck-you level that's not just a stupid amount of work. Maybe a relativistic physics engine or a quantum-mechanical optics simulator or something but that's also a stupid amount of work.
Also what's gonna happen with this list when it's done?

Max medium

OP you gonna put this in (not my post)? Always wanted to make a verlet cloth thing.

>Also what's gonna happen with this list when it's done?

Absolutely no idea... I've seen some people post these in /dpt/s ocasionally and they're decent practice for new programmers, so maybe give them to a programming subreddit in the future
>in b4 "reddit"

Ah well if you collect 100 it can be a roll thing. Or 30/40 and it can be a roll thing where ppl can choose their level.

Oh fuck. I saw your post and was gonna put it, but I just forgot about it while researching something else... Quick question, though, I did a small amount of googling for VI, and I came across a tutorial that's basically saying to take the Taylor expansion of the Kinematic equations... What's a "verlet cloth"?

Question: Does this include combining the two arrays, then finding the median?

Forgot to include pic

Writing a markov chain sentence generator is easy so I suggest labeling it as easy. Not the guy you were talking with, by the way.

You're using a bitmap font with anti-aliasing.

Stop that, it's hurting my eyes.

You can simulate cloth with VI, you approximate the cloth as a grid of springs.


Was having trouble deciding whether to change the font to Ubuntu or Monaco

Oh shit that's really cool... Not sure how to classify it, though

Rock Paper Scissors and Dragon quest. Both easy.

Compared to other medium shit in the list I'd say hard.



My only reservation would be that maybe there's a lot of work for Dragon Quest, but I'm find with putting it down as easy


Basic Dragon Quest is just 2 caves, one with nice dragon and one with bad. Pick a cave and hope you dont get eaten.

>irc bot

I have version 2 and 3. Can someone post version 1?

Is it still an RPG? Or is it just a chance thing?

The earliest version I have is version 1.3: 1.3.png#

The "medium" part comes from the IRC client. The bot shouldn't be that hard at all

This is how I learn of it. Sorry, its called Dragon Realm:

Alright... This seems like less-than FizzBuzz-tier difficulty, so I'm not sure if I should include it...

I have this

There is a reason you get these questions as homework you dumb cunt faggot.

Hanoi towers solver

ai for rogue (or a roguelike of choice)

: Easy
: Medium

GUI installer for Gentoo

botnet for gentoo, pls go

> (include support for unicode characters)
> (include support for unicode characters (emojis etc.))
Emojis are important.

>Emojis are important
They already have a movie. I think unicode support is good enough

Make a Program that search for a suggestion in this thread and adds it to the original image with appropriate color, number and name.

So you dont do it manually.

TCP and UDP chat server/client, or music streaming, or anything network related.

a scraper that tells you when to post to get dubs

write a VM and a script to print out hello world in VM language

: Fuck you -difficulty
Medium and Hard
Also added Music Visualizer (you need to implement FFTs for this, so it's of a non-trivial difficulty)

Some simple fps in opengl. No complicated rules, doesn't need any gameplay. Just walking, looking around and jumping on obstacles is enough.

Fizzbuzz in assembly. Medium.

GPS tracking with daily path prediction

An application which tracks the user's mouse movements and develops profiles for indevidual users