Oh, hey! A box

Oh, hey! A box.

Cum on the bedsheet...

This better not be dilios

>inb4 dragon dildo

Tits or GTFO

Video card or motherboard


>tfw the GPU shilling on Sup Forums has got so bad that an unboxing thread is blessed relief

Almost there.

hurry up you faggot

>inb4 it's another fucking GPU unboxing


another nvidia car

>Its a GPU unboxing episode

>he fell for the 1060 meme

Thanks for wasting my phone data on a useless 1060

You're welcome :^)

Fucking passed my filter

>founders edition

>Founders Edition


I wish Sup Forums, summerfags, and all the retards and trolls left this board already.

LOL well played OP, you dun goofed.

>Sup Forums
Fuck off back to.

Tfw OP's thread backfired on him

>founders edition
I too worry about my GPU being detected by radar.

>founders edition

>inspired by gaymers
I'm surprised there are grown up people out there who are not embarrassed buying shit like this. That's assuming OP is actually a grown up manchild and not just a child.


>founders edition


Some people don't walk through life with a massive stick up their ass at all times.

>tfw minimum prices for 1070 is still ~410

-sent from my Razer Keyboard

Razor keyboard or not, we're two grown men staring at LCDs and arguing over gadgets on the same internet site.

>Minimum Price of a 1070 is $700 Au

I too hate money. Mine is being delivered today as well.