Multiplexing general

what about terminal multiplexers? do you use one Sup Forums?
>which one and why is the best
>your favourite feature
>best keybindings/configurations

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I use screen because that's what I always used.

Mainly use it to turn normal command-line programs and scripts into services.

I used to use tmux a lot, but now I rarely use it. All the use cases are gone.

>Mainly use it to turn normal command-line programs and scripts into services
didn't systemd just broke that functionality though?

>All the use cases are gone
how so? have you replaced it with other software or you just use your computer differently?

Well, no, it still works just fine on my home Ubuntu server and at my workplace, on our proprietary debian fork.

How would systemd break it?
the change is in systemd 230
ubuntu 16.04 is still on systemd 229

Well, either Debian or Ubuntu will do the right thing and change the setting to "no", so I doubt I will have to worry about that.

tmux is unfuckwitable, when I first got introduced to twm I though what's the use of them, tmux can do all that when it comes to terminals but the only good use of twm is when you have terrible screen resolutions

what's next, a .bashrc/.zshrc customization general??

do you prefer another windows 10 upgrade thread?

i just got into tmux after screen and i wouldn't mind a discussion about how to get into it/make use of it.

if people want to share zsh and bash configurations, why does that bother you?

of all the things we talk about on Sup Forums, that would be among the most central to the purpose of Sup Forums.

just seemed like there are threads for this already, but alright no need to get defensive.

and i guess if i see a good enough config, i'll steal the good bits.

What are some of the most common or helpful ways to use tmux? We had to learn about it in class but I never got into it.

# vi mode
setw -g mode-keys vi
# enter copy mode
unbind [
bind Escape copy-mode
# begin selection
bind-key -t vi-copy 'v' begin-selection
# copy selection
bind-key -t vi-copy 'y' copy-selection
# paste selection
unbind p
bind p paste-buffer

>tfw $120k/yr job
>use terminator, chrome and sublime text

neckbeard autists all of you

do you ever ssh on a remote server?
because that's the use case
also: faggot

i just use terminator, can i have a 40k/yr job now?

>tmux send-keys commands
>vim Make and Dispatch plug-ins
>become god

>accidentally send C-s command
>tmux won't take input
>C-q doesn't do shit
fucking fuck fuck you tmux

actually if this thread is still up when I'm home, I'll share my workflow. I can go from rtl to running fpga images on remote farm with one click on F5 + some maniac wrote some quick fix window stuff for our synth tools, It's mental.

I use screen. Feelsgoodman.

I went directly to tmux because the general opinion was that it's newer and more actively developed than screen
why do you prefer screen? just don't reason to switch or something else?


not him, but i used screen until *very* recently (like i switched about a week ago) because screen satisfies 99% of the things i need - that is, it's a dead simple way to reattach a session. it's so simple that it's perhaps broken, but there's no need for mental models of things like sessions, windows, and panes, for example.

i'm making an effort to exercise the muscle that tmux gives me, but just as LaTeX hasn't changed substantially in over a decade, the argument that screen is a dead project doesn't mean much to me on its own (i realize this analogy is flawed but the general point remains).

how to screencast like that?

hello is this the new desktop thread?