Sup Forums I want to be a hacker. Anything I should do?

Sup Forums I want to be a hacker. Anything I should do?

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Start by learning C. Here, have a book!

Well the first step is you need a rope and something sturdy overhead to tie it to.

Never post here again.

Watch the movie Hackers

I might watch that movie actually

Fuck off I need my copy of Hackers for the next few hours, you can't use it

Install gentoo


what's next?

Learn C.

Also download Kali and make a live usbstick and play around with what.

If I were you I would start by watching Sam Esmail's hacking tutorial.
As of now there's 22 episodes planned (not everyone is released already), but it'll probably get more advanced classes in the future funded by its success.
Sometimes I'll admit the author goes a bit off-topic but it's only because hacking is really stressful and complex so you need to rest your brain every here and there.

My wife's son told me he has learned so much by watching it.

Here's the trailer. I'm sure you'll find some torrents with the full episodes.

>Learn programming (C if you smart, python if you idiot)
>Learn networking(the book
"Computer Networks: a top down approach" is good, you can find it on TPB)
>Learn how to use Loonix (start with ubuntu if idiot)

Stop being a Pajeet

Move to Europe, claim you're a Syrian refugee if asked


heh. you think youve got what it takes to be a hacker? nice try, kid. i bet you cant even turn your macbook on without mommy and daddys help, huh? I bet you don't even have your desktop riced like mine, fucking newfag. just because I take pity on you, and only because I take pity in you, I'm going to tell you how to actually be a hacker. the first thing you have to do is download the torrent browser and start surfing the deep web. be careful down there , you dont know what youre doing and you arent prepared for what you might see. the second thing you have to do, is to join an underground deepweb hacker collective, no lone wolf ever took down a sheep by its self. youre almost there. you should stop using apostrophes or proper punctuation because when youre constantly running and editing javascript scripts and uploading trojan viruses to scrubs harddrives, you dont have time to type like a new fag. if you don't follow that step youre going to be ripped apart in the seep web like a five dollar bill in a sinagog. next you have to install linux and change your display settings to high contrast number 2, nobosy will take you seriously otherwise. finally, and this is the most important, dont ever tell anyone you meet on the clearweb the things you have seen on the other side, we dont need that kind of publicity. if you want actual advice on hacking , you should go to 00101111 01110010 01110010 01100011 01100011 00110101 01110101 01110101 01110101 01100100 01101000 01101000 00110100 01101111 01111010 00110011 01100011 00101110 01101111 01101110 01101001 01101111 01101110 . if you dont know what any of those numbers mean, you dont have what it takes to be a hacker. sorry, but not everyone is cut out for it. thats just the way the game works.

>my wife's son

Am I being rused?

You're being new is what's up.

you've been rusing yourself by staying here
fuck off newfag redditor


taking the fucking obvious bait

summerfags everywhere

holy shit i didn't even know


Get Kali os biiiiiitch

>inironically saying kys
kill yourself for that abbreviation you fucking faggot, Im waiting for Summer kids who watch Youtube and Leafyisanigger to leave Sup Forums


>the .gif image meme
It's over buddy

>install kali Linux
then run rm -rf / command in the terminal to unlock advanced mode and gain access to the professional grade security software.

what would removing all files via hard mode do about hacking

i dont get it