Pixel C vs Ipad Pro 9.7

Which one should I get Sup Forums? Really torn between these. I've got an android phone so I'm bought into google's ecosystem, but iPads are sort of the better tablet.
Would be using it mostly for web browsing/media consumption and RDP sessions to my main PCs

Why would you get either of these when a Surface is a better device in every single way?

I would say pixel c if it supported chrome OS, but because it doesn't,

literally get the cheapes possible Surface Pro 4 variation, it's better than everything.

Get a comfy thinkpad.
Tablets aren't comfy.

If you plan on using a hardware keyboard then Pixel C.
If you don't then iPad but don't waste your money on the Pro.

Why would you purchase a tablet over a large modern smartphone?

Given the stuff you plan to do, it doesn't even matter. iPad is probably smoother but that's it.

Not him, but one can actually watch movies on a tablet, while doing it on a phone, no matter how big, is just ... suboptimal at best.

just get a surface pro dude lol

Tab S 10.5.
>getting a non OLED tablet

Have any of you used a surface pro? It's a very good laptop but a really shitty tablet. I already have a laptop and don't need a replacement for it.

>getting a shitty normie tablet with burn in issues
>wanting to deal with screen flickering due with quality control issues with the battery

Never again. I went through three of those bastards and ended up returning each one for those exact reasons.

I'd go for the iPad Pro.

Android tablet apps are either non existent or total shit. With iPad you at least get real tablet apps instead of phone apps stretched to 10 inch screen. Also, in general the iOS the apps are better quality compared to their Android counterparts.

I've owned both.

Pixel C:
+ Higher resolution display
+ Aspect ratio closer to actual paper
+ 1GB more RAM
+ Near-stock Android

- Screen backlight isn't "solid" and shifted dramatically with viewing angles.
On my unit, this effect was extreme enough that it looked different for each eye.
- Wifi is terrible
- Speakers are mediocre at best
- On Android, high quality tablet apps are something of a rarity.
- All Android web browsers are shit, even Chrome.

iPad Pro 9.7:
+Backlight is great, very little shift even at extreme angles
+ Wifi is rock solid
+ Speakers sound great
+ Plenty of real tablet apps
+ With a thick silicone case, the iPad is about as thick as a caseless Pixel C
+ Stylus support (Apple Pencil)
+ FAR wider variety of third-party accessories
+ Mobile Safari with engine-level adblockers makes tablet browsing great

- Costs more
- 4:3 aspect ratio isn't ideal for some media
- Decent lightning cables are expensive

More subjectively, I find the iPad nicer to hold, and its bezels actually serve a purpose. On the Pixel C I was frequently bumping buttons just trying to hold the device while that almost never happens with the iPad.

Split screen in iOS 9 and iOS 10 beta work really well too.

None. Tables are useless and "pro" tablets only excel at being useless. Get a Surface or just a normal ultrabook.

Yeah this. I've seen a few surfaces in the wild but they're always being used as a laptop, never as a tablet. People who use tablets as tablets almost universally are using iPads or some 2+ year old Galaxy tablet with a ratty worn out case.

In what, apps? Battery life? Weight?

The iPad Pro (12.9) is just a bit thinner and weighs ~40g less than a i5 SP4.

The battery life is ~10 hours on the ipad pro vs ~8 for the SP4.

Besides, if one wants to just do tablet tasks (email, youtube, facebook, watch videos) the SP4 has all the apps for that shit anyways. Having slightly less battery life, a slightly thicker device, and "less" apps pales with being able to actually run any win32 application I want. I own an iPad air 2 and I still prefer using my SP4 over it.

Personally I won't be able to consider a Surface until they're cool enough to be fanless (even the i5 model) and can run something that's not Windows. I have no love for win32 applications, so being able to run them has little value to me. Its OS being a tablet OS before all else is more important.

But then again I may not be the target demographic for the Surface line. I do PC things on my laptop and tablet things on my tablet and have zero desire to blur those lines.

If you want to do tablet tasks just buy a cheap android tablet, or an apple tablet if you're a pretentious faggot who likes to burn money for the sake of looking hip and trendy.

On a slightly different note, I never really understood this trend with windows tablets. If you're looking for a device to do windows work on, just get a laptop.

Fair enough. I understand wanting to keep devices separated and al (Everyone's workflow is different). I just disagree with the sentiment that its not a good tablet device. In this instance, I can have my cake and eat it too (tablet + ultrabook in one device)

>OP wants a device for web browsing, media consumption and RDP sessions
>Somehow a Surface that can do all of these things rater well is a poor option

iPad Pro 9.7 is worth it if I have an iPad Air first gen?
Mainly used for browsing and media consumption.
Reloading tabs are an absolute bitch sometimes but 2GB seems like a band-aid fix.

The problem with the Surface is that in order to work well as a laptop replacement, it makes serious sacrifices that make it not so great as a tablet.

Intel + tablets is just a shitty idea really. The Surface should have dual chipsets (Intel+ARM) that can be switched on the fly so you don't have to use the hot power guzzler CPU for things that don't need it.

It's all anecdotes but I find that 2GB of RAM paired with a good Safari content blocker works very well. The only time I ever see tabs reloading is if I'm juggling moderately heavy apps in addition to switching tabs. It's amazing how much lighter sites are when you block all the cruft.

Windows just isn't mature enough as a touchscreen operating system.
Simple shit like opening a webpage, tapping on a text box, and the keyboard not popping up. Sure, all you have to do is press the keyboard button on the start menu, but that gets annoying after a while.
There's a ton of stuff like that that comes up when you try to use windows as a touchscreen only OS.