Implying a better scrolling mouse exists

>implying a better scrolling mouse exists

>no wheel

>that's how revolutionary it is

>scrolling mouse

Yes I have a mouse for right clicking, left clicking and scrolling.

I really wanted to like that mouse when I got one for free, but the shape is so fucking retarded. My hand started to hurt after just a few minutes of using it.

>not using KDE connect on your phone to move the mouse and type
Fuck you faggot.

why are you holding it like a retarded orangoutang?

You can't tell me that shape is as good as one made to actually fit a human hand. "Just hold it differently" is some apple fag shit.

REE!!! This phone sucks! It has no buttons? How am I supposed to dial my mom?

I bought one on impulse. It's just trash.

Apple can't make a good mouse. They can do track pads fantastic, but all their mice blow. Mighty mouse was the last and only decent apple mouse.

apple makes god tier trackpads, but the magic mouse its garbage. it's great for scrolling, but sucks for everything else, including the macOS gestures.

no guys. seriously. there's no mouse scrolling smoothly like that.
also with an app you can get custom gestures and make anything with up-to-4 finger gesture/click
not for gaming, but is nice.

Have fun running trough batteries every 2 days.

(No, really, I like it for working and web browsing, but the battery drain is stupid and I needed a wired mouse for muh vidya)

stop posting this meme
I swear it's got to be one dude doing this.

>forced meme
ola reddito

I suck some major apple-cock, but you can't left/right click at the same time with this mouse.

Why might you want to do that? Play a game where you need to aim, then shoot. Pro tip: you can't.

Sauce on that pic

>forward and back thumb buttons
>double scroll wheels, wired in opposite directions so every motion of the finger scrolls in the desired direction.

Is Apple even trying to compete these days?


Bent is on, flat is off. Shit is portable as fuck too.

It's so dope I show off my mouse to everyone.

Form over function: the mouse. If Apple were to made a touch keyboard you'd eat that shit up too.

Because you have nothing else to show off. You're just a disappointment.

mah nigga

Great portability. Works great. Scroll is tactile. Although if you have sweaty palms there are some issues.

Nah, I think even apple fanboys prefer typing on actual keys, even if they're those new macbook keys that are even shallower than your girlfriend.

I kind of want one of those magic trackpads for my desktop though. Looks bomb as fuck.

I'd argue that unless you're gaming or doing graphic design, a trackpad would be just as good at scrolling as that mouse without being as retarded and uncomfortable with that terrible shape.

Also, as far as better scrolling, trackipoint on a Thinkpad. You hold a button down that's right below the space bar, and you pull the nipple down slightly.

My coworker had one. It was really useless.

I'll buy a pair of panties one of those days.

a better scrolling mouse does exist, user

Found one at Goodwill. Non bluetooth model, missing transceiver. Pretty much just a fancy flashlight now, that led is bright.
The haptics on the scroll pad is pretty cool I admit.

yeah this really sucks