Is there a Linux I can use that's closed source? Im opposed to open source software, I find it amateurish and insecure

Is there a Linux I can use that's closed source? Im opposed to open source software, I find it amateurish and insecure


Back under your bridge there, OP.

You can't, license of Linux is written in a way that it will not allow it. When you copy it regardless you are infringing the license. You can call it something else and steal their code though. If it grows popular you'll eventually get caught but in your homebrewing scale you won't.

gpl v2 doesn't allow it to be closed source
go use os x or something

the fact that something is open source don't means that every kids around can touch it
every programm have a list of dev, you can just see the code and present your mod to them that's all, so it's not because it's open source if a program sound amateurish

and if you think that opensource = insecure you don't understand a shit about security

Red hat is open source

I didn't know it was possible to be so stupid

Think about it this way.
If it was good quality and doesn't do any tricky stuff like selling your data why would they give it away for free?

The irony is that the top ten most secure pieces of software are all open source

Hello there! You seem to have used the term "open source".
The term "open source" was created by a group of people that did not want to be associated with the free software movement. When I say "free" software (which is one of the alternatives preferable to "open source"). It's not about price; in that case I would say "gratis", or "free as in free beer". It's about "freedom"! This is what the free software movement is fighting for.
So what is "free" software? Free software is any software that guarantees the user the four essential software freedoms:
> 0. Run the program as you wish.
> 1. Study the source code and change it so it does what you wish.
> 2. Redistribute exact copies of the program.
> 3. Distribute your modified version of the program.
Some people decided that they wanted to restrict the user; but being able to study and modify the "open source" code is not enough! This is directly hurting the cause of the free software movement because it takes away the sociological "freedom" aspect of free software and turns it into a technological one.
So for those reasons I ask that in the future you use the terms "free", "free/libre" or, if necessary "FLOSS" (short for "free/libre and open source"), though the latter should still be avoided.

What if my "change it as I wish" wish means change the license?
Checkmate, athiests

The license isn't part of the source code.

Fuck off shills.

Contact North Korea.

Fuck I can't handle this level of bait

brb killing self

Thats a pretty poor and indeed, amateurish attempt at bait, pal

os x

Clone any distro you want.
You now have a fork.
You can be a rebel badass thug nigger who makes changes to that fork where you don't publish the source code.
It is now proprietary

You cannot shill for a non-commercial product.
Shilling requires you to get paid, otherwise you're just a fan.
A product with no commercial goal enjoys no marketing budget.

Well I like FOSS software and their security but this sentence doesn't make any sense.

>software used by billion dollar companies is amateurish

Because communism is good


>Is there a Linux I can use that's closed source?

>Im opposed to open source software

Go back to os x, fucker.

Nice bait

>Is there a Linux I can use that's closed source?
It's called garbage


Because some people have motivations other than greed.

How do you think RedHat makes money?

Barely. The Red Hat organisation have always done the absolute bare minimum to reach the qualifications required to be labelled OSS.


How can you all be so easily baited.