NEW Browser Share: Chrome #1

>mfw people hate FireFox

Not strange when Mozilla's goal seems to be making Firefox an exact copy of Chrome.
I'm sticking to Firefox due to Chrome's retarded handling of tabs (no scrolling, all tabs visible always and no addons to fix it, so if you have a normal amount of tabs open, there are no titles or even icons).
If Mozilla cucks decide that this feature is too complex for a typical user, and knowing them, they will, I'm jumping ship. It's literally the only thing keeping me there. This and addons, but they already said that they want to dumb them down to Chrome's level.

look at my tab bar. And I still stick with Chrome because Firefox is a piece of shit.

pic related

Mozilla has been taking shitty decisions.

Their stupid decision to pay stupid shit somewhere around $50k for a 1 line bash command

Their decision to include shit like Pocket

Their inability to keep up with multi-process and multi-thread

Their half-way measures that supports DRM

just shows you how powerful aggressive marketing really is

What is the correlation between number of end users and over-all quality for free programs?

Who /other/ here?

Its just a correlation, not causation.

Most of it has to do with Google's reputation and bandwagon effect.

Anecdotally it might mean if it's a better program, but it's more likely that it's because even secret military computers from the 80's that have never been connected to a network outside of the closed circuit system of a top secret underground base will still somehow get Chrome on it without anyone knowing exactly how.

chrome is for people who don't notice they got chrome installed onto their computers and just continue to use it, that's why the market share is so high



Use Konqueror desu

Apparently the new Safari snapshot is the only one that supports 100% of ECMAScript 6 features kek

I want something that is close to firefox before they turned into chrome, but not a huge memory hogger.

Heard Pale Moon is good, anyone can confirm?

Chrome is basically bundled to everything because google pays for it, pretty much every idiot uses it because they don't know how they even got it on their system.

Don't 99% of phonefags show up as chrome?

Phone useragents don't count towards this.

But Firefox is better anyways

And that's how they beat IE.

That looks retarded. You can't even see what the tabs are, whereas firefox will keep a minimum width for the tabs (it scrolls), and always display the favicon.
Besides, you should probably just be breaking each related thing into its own window if you have that many things open.

>mfw Chrome's been out for 8 years and it still can't into sidetabs
