Y u no like opensuse? don't see it mentioned around here much

y u no like opensuse? don't see it mentioned around here much

It's my main OS for like a year now. Originally went for it because of its focus on KDE since I was fleeing from Fedora GNOME.

Another GNOME migrant here, know dat feel.

It's OK I guess.
Don't use it, cause it's got too much distro-specific shit tacked on and googling most issues always yields results for Ubuntu first so I use that.

Dumb frogposter.

Leap is OK. Tumbleweed is pure love.

You changed your entire distro because you wanted to use KDE?

OpenSUSE is one of the best KDE implementations.

Debian is better

Until you want to run something that isn't in the repos. Or has been updated in the past 2 years.

It's been some years from the last time I used but I remember it like the only distro that was slow like windows, it was not just KDE, also package manager, power on/power off and little things
Globally not a bad distro, nice aesthetic and god tier KDE integration
Not reason to prefer it to Ubuntu though

I'd argue the best.

Arch and XFCE+Compton seems to be the only thing that makes my nvidia card happy and not have tearing issues

Kind of is the go-to distro when you want KDE.

Everything you do on arch you can do in every other distro, no magic involved
The difference is that the other distro doesn't break after a month

every other distro seems to have some hidden configuration somewhere that fucks with everything

fucking this
especially anything debian based because they modify the fuck out of everything thus invalidating any official documentation

>3+ y/o packages
Debian is not for desktops

The one selling point of Arch is that the packages are as close to vanilla as you can get.

Is too.
I've used it on the desktop for a whole year. Learn2Backports

OpenSUSE is the only distro with a KDE environment that works.

KDE Neon

The problem is that they don't split packages

at least arch has documentation that works and config files in standard locations that work too. then theres ubuntu that does nothing when you change a config file or has some shit that overwrites the file.

that shit that overwrites config files?
Yeah, that's optional.
You can set up a minimal Ubuntu install, add X, a WM and your user software, and you'll notice all config is done by manually editing config files.
Which are saved in well-documented locations.

We do like pepesuse, its good and its my goto distro when need to do this and that...
I just decided linux is not for me though

using the minimal install wont save much space tho. it will still have useless dependencies

>tfw gentoo has the best package manager

Ubuntu with --no-install-recommends is leaner than Arch.

Novell sucked too much Microsoft dick for the average Linux user

You misspelled Slackware.

>tfw gentoo has the best package manager

A copy of Suse 7.3 that I liberated from the server room of an office I was working at was my first Linux and I've been a Suse fan ever since. I've gone through a number of distros since then, even a few that I briefly liked better than Suse, but still always end up coming back. Currently, I'm using Debian Jessie, but when I get my next laptop and the next version of OpenSuse comes out, I'm switching back again. Debian has been great and even holds the record for longest I've stayed with the same distro, but now OpenSuse seems to have a little bit more of what I want.

Any though about Studio Suse where you use openSuse to make own custom distro?

I steal kernel config from OpenSuSE because they tend to actually care about picking good kernel settings rather than using the defaults

Apart from that, I don't use it. I can't stand YaST or yum, and I need Gentoo to be happy either way.

>he is using yum instead of zypper

>y u no


If being a Red Hat betatester is awful imagine being one for Novell.

Use Arch or Debian if you want bleeding edge.

Sorry, I didn't mean yum specifically, I meant all rpm-based package managers I've tried (includes yum, dnf and zypper).

There are some aspects about them that just drive me insane, like the part where it always conflates the “update” operation into everything you do, which makes it slow as shit at even searching.

That aside, zypper does do some things pretty well, for example being able to simply install packages by their pkgconfig or tex names (e.g. zy in pkconfig(libass)). It might be cool to add that to portage some day

Anyway, portage+eix is the package manager for me. If only it had a real SAT solver and not some slow python shit...

Should switch to Manjaro. It's Arch based but without the cringe of being associated with autistic my little pony and anime faggots. You don't get the Ubuntu bloat and you literally download just about every package you want from Octopi or use yaourt. Everything has been stable so far. You can open Octopi once a day to see if any updates are available. It doesn't spam you with popups like Ubuntu does.

I switched from Ubuntu LXDE (Lubuntu) to Manjaro LxQT, and my idle memory usage went from ~950mb to ~300mb. Same desktop environment.

There's other flavors as well, but I like LxQT.

muh first distro. SuSE Linux. kde 3.


>There are absolutely no toxic arch users
The only way you can have a world view this warped is if you're an archfag yourself

enjoy your breaking system that takes away control from the user

What the duck is this shift

Hasn't broke yet.
Ur full of shit.

>not toxic

Thanks, but I'm done distro-hopping. After a while you realize it's all Linux, and there's no reason to jump ship from a system you've made to work your way.

welcome to Sup Forums!!!

i remember when opensuse was accused of "not being a real linux"
those were fun times
that being said id never use opensuse or opensuse leap
its an ok distro but suse just doesnt jive witth me
id rather use fedora or mint

Why was it called not a real linux?
Too user-friendly?

because it used to be commercial and userfriendly, yes.
redhat had to deal with the same.
altough, being commercial didnt do them any favors.
they really just started to make money when they started to sell sofware support rather than a distro itself.

So everything could go through unobserved
At least with Debian someone look a the code

I love it, especially Gecko linux.

>has image preview in the browser file picker

you're nigger shit tier opinion is "some years" out of date

kill yourself

>y u no
>only one person complaining
this place really gone to shit since i left

specifically Debian stable

openSUSE? more like openSUSAN, ur mother Susan, who is always "open" lmao

I don't know it's good

YaST is nice