Why don't you use Ubuntu with Unity? It literally just works

Why don't you use Ubuntu with Unity? It literally just works.

I prefer Windows 7 with Aero

It's slower than xfce, compiz eats laptop battery like an American in a McBurger shop

Unity is like Gnome with a wooden leg. No thanks.

>it just works

What is wrong with le filename?

>cant even update my drivers without it crashing
>it just works

ok faggot

>linux on desktop
top zozzle

Have they finally pulled their heads from the butts and enabled right-click on the mouse again?

No video games
No photoshop
No office
No music software
And more, I'm probably forgetting something

>it's not windows
>when it's windows I'll use it
basically what these shitposts boil down too

>it's nowhere as near as useful as windows

three reasons and three reasons alone

amazon, the way you can't make the window control buttons appear on the right side of the menu tab, and lastly when using certain applications, an example is firefox, the options are at the menu top of the screen rather than on the window itself

if it weren't for those shitty design decisions I would be on it right now, but am on Lubuntu instead

Amazon is not true anymore and you can make the buttons appear on the window itself easily.

>Amazon is not true anymore

Explain please? Not being condescending.
I installed a while back and when I tried to purge shopping lens or web apps it fugged up unity functionality

It shouldn't be there to begin with.

I prefer Kubuntu, it's built on Just Werks technology.

Mouse acceleration sucks a dick, use Xubuntu.

Why even people use Linux/Ubuntu if they don't not even program? lmao

arch with i3
just werks

No photoshop
No adobe programs
No Final Cut Pro X
No Sketch
Aqua is better & im more used to it

I'd consider switching if i get the first 4

You're right, with Windows I can download programs that replace my MBR, linux will never be as useful as windows!

I know is appealing for some people, but I prefer either a tiling wm or retro.

>using 2 docks
>not creating your own compiz session with plank, and mate-panel

he tried to sell the meme character on nickelodeon but failed hard.

windows and os x just works

linux will never just works


> it literally just works.

But it doesn't.

Thanks prajeet, but next time check your English

You'd be better of with Elementary OS mate.

>no video games
>top of the list

I'm a windows user, but mate, even I think you should kys.

Tell me you're not really this stupid

It's called sarcasm.

shit babby's first linux


what wrong with the right key?
mine works fine on 14.04

better than pretentious poser linux

Ubuntu is garbage

Holy fuck. Ubuntu is fucking stage 4 pancreatic cancer. There was a time when Ubuntu showed promise, but those days have long since passed and now it's just as regressive as Windows. Fucking Untiy.....

>ubuntu died in 2010

Unity has better ui scaling than gnome. Explain.

I'm pretty happy with my Arch+Gnome setup, thank you.

nah, ubuntu is perfectly fine, never worked so well with the right hardware
but if you want the 2010 feel maybe you should look on mate

I personally prefer the more polished feel of unity and don't like to change distro anymore just for something so stupid as a DE
it's not like I cannot install a WM and change the graphic session on the login manager

a distro is by definition a distribution of software and ubuntu packages a lot of software well, it's easy to use and supported by third party developers

if you want a more community driven, less commercial attitude, just use Debian

But I am.

you can't even play dark souls 3 on loonix which is a pretty popular game

I bet you guys think your shit-tier distro is better. Ubuntu is the face of Linux for a reason

>Sup Forums is for 18+

Xubuntu (or anything with Xfce for that matter) looks/functions/is better

XFCE is a dead project though. MATE is a better alternative for all the same XFCE functionality plus the stability and extendability of GNOME2.

shitpost = check
linux = check
anime = check

I tried MATE but i just couldn't get used to it, but i'll try it again later.

Because I don't use Linux on the desktop. Even if I did, Ubuntu's shit and so is Unity.

The panel system is identical to XFCE.

I actually just changed over from XFCE to MATE on Arch. I miss the Whisker menu, but the Mint menu is similar enough.

I have NVidya.