Sick of Windows botnet

>Sick of Windows botnet

I just installed Ubuntu 16.04 Sup Forums, now what?

Other urls found in this thread:

You already posted about it, so...use it?

Install a better distro and come back


Even my grandma can install Ubuntu

obviously your grandma doesn't have a 980ti because this piece of shit is giving me a goddamn aneurysm trying to install drivers

>screenshot is 1366x768


Install Cinnamon or XFCE.

OP is either lying or retarded.

>tfw he realizes im not OP

kys faggot

Weaboo virgin loser and tech illerate


Use your computer, dingleberry.

Do you need my email address?

install gentoo

That's not me and delete that

I've actually had sex with THREE GIRLS

>Winbabby calling others tech illiterate

THREE GIRLS is a weird name for a dude, faggot.

>sick of botnet
>install other botnet
good job, OP

Maybe it was a native american

> Hurr durr Canonical is so bad
Op if you want things to actually work stay with ubuntu

OP should get a mac by your logic
>it just werks muh muh mi

> Mac
> not botnet
Okey, you are retarded

okay, i forgot i'm on Sup Forums and i have to present my arguments for "special people".
>le me imply that ubuntu is botnet
>random 4channer says ubunut just werks, stay with it
>le me say that following le logic of random 4channer would lead to buying a mac (which is a bad thing due to botnet)
>-->le me not implying mac is no botnet

But Ubuntu is non-botnet AND just works. Now go kill yourself

enjoy your virus

>calls us "special people"
>then proceeds to make le ironic greentext while going nowhere with his argument

>ironic!!!!11!! greentext
top kek
Watch this guide it answers a lot of question and most things apply for everyone have fun

>>ironic!!!!11!! greentext

Oh wait, you were being serious?

you are not fitting so well here son, I know you're trying hard but it's not enough
why don't you go play somewhere else?


Bitte sei ruhig, du kannst ja nicht einmal deutsch sprechen du kleine dreckige Steckschraube. :D

Not him but question. Currently have Ubuntu in a dual-boot, I riced my Unity but noticed that none of that transfers when I log in with Cinammon.
How does one rice that?

I laughed.


Install Xubuntu or Ubuntu MATE so it doesn't look like complete shit.

I'm happy for you OP.

Get the numix theme

fucking what? go away man

test functionality, update/upgrade, benchmark, get comfy, and enjoy

Remove the Amazon botnet

Cinnamon is not easily riceable because it follows a pretty strict paradigm and has its own WM

Online search is disabled by default in 16.04. The Amazon app just opens a browser window to

ubuntu fucking sucks
at least linux mint that shit

If you have a 980ti, then you're probably a gaymen manchild and should stick to windows, anyway.