Mint, the only operating system with three update options, and just one of them is supposed not to break your computer

Mint, the only operating system with three update options, and just one of them is supposed not to break your computer

Freetards will justify this

Just use Ubuntu or Fedora
Both work better as a desktop OS.

t. Fedora 23 user

People still use mint? I thought that people stops using Ubuntu clones years ago?

why bother with Mint
Does Mint still have that shitty release upgrade policy where they disabled Ubuntu's in-place upgrade system completely because they were too incompetent to make it not break everything if you did a dist-upgrade to a new release?

Mint hasn't had a justification in a while. It's fucking Ubuntu except slightly further removed, so getting support is a bit harder and shit that expects Ubuntu can break. Xubuntu exists, Ubuntu Mate exists, both of which are pretty much mainline Ubuntu with a different DE and shit just works.

I know right. Install Arch Linux.

Does Ubuntu Cinnamon exist?
Cinnamon is still by far the best DE when compared to the other crap put there.

No. Use a ppa.

how about you install arch instead of using babys first distro

I just install from the mini iso

#apt-get install xorg lightdm cinnamon firefox ubuntu-restricted-extras software-properties-gtk

Then reboot

There now you have cinnabuntu

Just use Manjaro. 2 weeks less cutting edge than Arch. Miles more stable than Fedora or Ubuntu. >AUR

See you, space cowboy.
$ yaourt -Syua --noconfirm

this. Don't forget amazing community suppourt. You can get Manjaro with any preconfigured DE under the sun

If it just works, why bother with something else.

I will repeat this meme until I know everyone is saying this ironically

How about you get off your high horse and stop alienating people from Linux

I don't understand why things like xubuntu are a thing.
Linux makes it a point to separate the view from the model - Fedora is Fedora whether you use GNOME, cinnamon or KDE. But on Ubuntu they make it a point that only gnome is Ubuntu, everything else is suddenly a new distro.

>fedora as desktop os
>doesn't even come with media codecs like mp3 installed

Cinnamon is garbage

>only gnome is Ubuntu,

You mean Unity. They make that point because they sell support, so they can tell their clients that only the "real Ubuntu" with vanilla DE is supported.

Fedora isn't a commercial thing, so they can do whatever they want.

Just install vlc or whatever media player you enjoy using.

It's running flawlessly on my touchsmart tx2

But I actually like Mint. What are some better options?


I use mint. Its not as proprietary as ubuntu. Ive had zero problems. But I will inevitably install gentoo.

Fedora, Ubuntu.

I don't think freetards defend Mint. They loathe systems with propietary crap, so obanto and mint are a no no.

> Mint
> Free
kill yourself ignorant motherfucker

Literally nothing wrong with Ubuntu. I use Xubuntu myself.

linux mint a joke
>pls choose between security and reliability

there's nothing wrong with Mint, like any other distro you can configure it however you want.

just the usual distro spergs reeing at eachother.

>there's nothing wrong with Linux mint

These seem pretty similar to apt-get upgrade, apt upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade, respectively. Makes sense to be able to separate them and choose between them.

>apt-get upgrade, apt upgrade
apt is a synonym for apt-get on current Ubuntu. IT does absolutely the same thing

>hasn't tried xfce

>run nigger mt livecd
>no wifi
>run fedora

manjaro is shit it is less stable than arch

enjoy your security holes

>run fedora
>No WiFi
>No Graphics card driver
>No fucking fonts
What a piece of shit


None of these options will break your computer.

How about you stop thinking Arch Linux is "advanced" or """minimal".

>Arch's packages are all in one package (debug, development headers, and the actually libraries)
>Devoid of policies, specifically one's about licenses.
> OpenRC, (and runit and daemontools) are unsuported, And even if you use OpenRC systemd will get installed anyways because packages depend on it.
> Arch isn't "KISS" (kek), they use systemd, an fstab generator, and their own chroot script.
> AUR scripts and package scripts run as *root* (not safe)
> You can't even do something as simple as change the system (for scripts) shell (to dash instead of bash) on arch, or /usr/bin/python symlink