In Mr. Robot, there is an extremely secretive, infamous and dangerous hacker group called The Dark Army

In Mr. Robot, there is an extremely secretive, infamous and dangerous hacker group called The Dark Army.

Do groups like this exist in the real world?

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They do but they generally like to remain nonnymoose

They are called internet MS shill force

yes. the NSA exists


Stop shilling this shit show


No, all serious hackers are state players.
And no one is hacking anything worthwhile and we will never know about anything they actually get.

>Implying I'm wrong

They're not even hacker groups.

they are trying to be edgy with a fake version of anonymous, even elementary does it, and it's a shame as it makes the shows really cringy.

this show is full of cringe btw, its made for stupid people to understand "hacking", in cyber security frim employee asks what is malware (like wtf) and they explain it (even worse)

groups exists but imo u should be afraid of ones u dont know even exists (logic :D)

and in group if one gets rekt he will snitch u all (lulzsec, crackes with additude and many more)

I forgot that Anonymous was at the head of US security and murdered people.

>poster name: Anonymous
hmmmmm really makes you think huh

The show is OK it doesn't has that much cringe moments. It's more about the schizophrenia thing

Being a state sponsored hacker sounds like the dream.

Edward Snowden :D

To me they seem like any other mafia-type organized crime syndicate. There's plenty of those around.

>Do groups like this exist in the real world?
Look up Chaos Computer Group.
They've calmed down a lot in the last 25 years but they used to be the real deal.

>The show is OK
>it doesn't has that much cringe moments
mfw watching mr robot

there were many attacks that no group have claimed yet, implying those are some secretive groups

in 2015. - ddos on root dns servers (5 million queries per second) biggest botnet so far, tho it was not enought to take it down, cuz dns servers are fukin farms of fukin computers

You don't even watch it

I heard this Chinese "Dark Army" actually exists and even hacked American satellites few years ago.

Well, it's no Twin Peaks, but it's pretty good.

There are lots of people who make a shit ton of money by ransomwaring north American companies with poor security

I miss it when anonymous wasn't a group of moralfags at all but anons with too much time on their hands.

>Twin Peaks
>Not Wayward Pines

Indeed they are lad


>hacking the FBI
>step 1: gotta update my packages


The Dark Army is literally based on NCPH.

Mr Robot Europe edition.

If John McAfee, computer programmer, 2016 US Presidential candidate for the Libertarian party, and owner of the McAfee SECUREĀ© branch of Intelā„¢ Security is to be trusted, yes.

I doubt it.


Lizard Squad is the best hacker group out there. They always hack stuff.

lol faggot

you gotta man

Hory shet. This is what normies think of "hackers" then?


The uTorrent screenshot was from his normie-at-the-time sister's laptop.


Even low level, worthless, disposable gangster are now in the tech business. Problem is that they still don't understand the stuff they are using.

>Do you wanna be here right now? And i don't mean like here here, i mean here like in a cosmic sense, like existence could be beautiful or it can be ugly. But das on you.
What did he mean by this?

He watches it while he lifts and plays on rift.

>not updating your packages so you're not hacking with outdated software

It's basic hacking 101, bro.

Literally "kys Elliot"

>implying that scene in his imagination where he makes up with all characters leading up to a grand supper with all of them together was not pretty elegant
he even leaves a seat for us user

Yes, but they have no name, so the "we are legin cause.." phrase would stand correct.

God damn I got to rewatch that episode.

Mr Robot officially entered the Television Hall of Fame

There exist groups that are extremely secretive and infamous, but none that are extremely dangerous.

This is because when you become dangerous you make enemies, and ultimate lose to someone with more resources. No one can out resource a government.

The moment you become dangerous you lose your anonymity and infamy to a government

To be fair, it wasn't the hacker's personal terminal right?

Yes, and the public's knowledge of these groups are worrisome.
I believe the cyberwar is a much bigger thing than most people believe.

The thing is, most of their "nicknames" are given by the organisations that uncover them (Kaspersky, FSecure and Symantec throw around a lot of names).

Google for "APT Groups".


What's the password user

>Do they exist?
Enlisting in the army as 17C soon. Basically this.

lol, not shilling or anything. but clearly, the said character was obviously not a 'techie', she handled the accounts financials or whatever the fuck

and asked about a specific kind of malware that i bet alot of people in Sup Forums has no clue what it is

sounds like shill

for me, sounds like logical thinking

This scene was surprisingly impressive

>not updating your software
>not patching security holes with said updates
>wanting the FBI to find you because of those unpatched security holes

Lrn2hack bub

>Last episode ended pretty good
>Elliot fucked up, he looked
>Gets beaten up
I still am trying to figure out: how they found out? Maybe I missed something?

>extremely secretive
If they were good at keeping secrets, they wouldn't be well known.

There is the hacker known as Fourchan

Tell me how to hack. What comes after upgrading (you're only updating your lists but upgrading your software)?

the beat up guy snitched because they pulled his rat tail off

>hmmmmm really makes you think huh
about what?

sudo su
nmap && rm -rf / --no-preserve-root

They exist but they aren't nearly as organised or powerful as "the dark army" is portrayed in that show.

>shit show

most of you retards think stuff like Gay of Thorns is good

I actually vomited a bit because you put those two in the same post. Fucking disgusting.

Found the shit show fanboy.

go back to Sup Forums and then pic related

Why are you bringing up Sup Forums? What does it have to do with your liking a shit show?

Most of you retards can't even "hack" so how you gunna know what it gunna look like

Butthurt fanboy can't let it go?

>comparing Fight Club: The Reddit Show to Twin Peaks
Come on, user.


Did you pick up those posting skills on Sup Forums?

Wait, is that from the second season?



Why do you like this shit show though?

The Dark Army is literally China`s military hacking group just posing as a hacker group "The Dark Army". Please pay attention to the fucking show.

And yes, in real life USA, RUSSIA, CHINA and most countries have hackers that are tasked with taking down important infrastructure of their enemy during war.

Dangerous non-millitary affiliated hacker groups? No. The only danger is if they put a hit on you but then again so can anybody.

not that user but it isn't that bad, there isn't much else to watch at the moment anyway

It's the virtual equivalent to being a state sponsored pirate in the 17th and early 18th century. You can plunder all that booty so long as that booty just happens to belong to our enemies/trade privals/rival colonial powers and if you ever ever rob anything of ours we're coming full force against your ass.

Wasn't that hallucination?

Of course they do, but most of them have ties with various mafias or crime syndicates, they act like an IT department for a bigger organization operating on tor selling drugs, doing murder for hire, that type of thing in order to supply the organization with an income, so they act within certain rules without needlessly attacking government or private businesses for the lulz.

i can't hack, but god damn am I good at being a script kiddie, stole around 600 facebook accounts by putting my facebook phishing page link in a game arcade's/internet cafe's chrome speed dial thumbnail for facebook but keeping the image of facebook logo. So people go there, and mindlessly click on the thumbnail thinking they will get the facebook page but instead they get my phishing page. Now they don't look at the url literally being "user's nickname and", no they don't care about that! They just enter their info like fucking retards and it just redirects them to the facebook page that you get when you don't enter your password correctly, they just enter their info again and off they go to their facebook.

so fucking idiotic but hey as long as the victims are more idiotic, it works like a charm

Nice try, FBI

>hacked celltower/whatever to get free bonus tickets whenever someone ordered pizza or some shit like that

lOL OKAY, so by your definition of normie then the average Sup Forums browser is a fucking chad, not a normie. It's like you think the 1 to 10 scale peaks at 3 when the scale goes up to 10

>stole around 600 facebook accounts by putting my facebook phishing page link
Doesn't cuckbook have 2FA? Doesn't it automatically lock your account if you're logging in from a different machine or a different IP? You got the credentials, but I don't think there's much use for them if you can't use them in any way.




this was like 3 years ago, back then you could just redirect them to the page that you get for not entering your info correctly, now when you try to do that they give you the "you were just hacked" page, but you can still steal people's info because most don't have the thing set up where they get the code every time they try to login from a strange computer (at least where I live). Maybe that's mandatory in America now, here it's optional and really no one uses it.

got triggered by that really hard huh?

You know, something about criminals piss me off. Like how fucking dare you try to wrong me like that, you fucking piece of shit.

Same with unethical hackers.

How can you be so fucking unethical and have no morals.

Oh, look. It's that "omg you use gnome, you must be such as l33t hacker!! I use KDE btw :)" show.

The first season was ok, but the 2nd, holy shit how much this sucks

I did something similar like this. I was one of the first people who send phising emails for world of warcraft. I made some pretty serious cash back when I was 14.

A bit since it's basically a nod to reddit about "hey reddit, remember this? btw watch the netflix documentary about the deep web. Oh btw, 99% of the movie is just about silkroad and the trial of some retard kid running the site."

To be honest the deep web documentary triggered me more, especially since it's gotten so high ratings. It's like making a documentary about the internet and only talking about facebook.