French billionaire founded free code monkey university for talented individuals aged 18 to 30

>french billionaire founded free code monkey university for talented individuals aged 18 to 30
>free tuition and dorms for those who get accepted

Who else passed the test but too autistic to go in for the meeting?
Anyone go to the one in paris? What do they ask you?

>4 weeks coding
It's fucking nothing.

5 years read the article

>french billionaire
>sets up his code monkey university in the united states instead of france
fucking cuck
>Knowledge is not useful any more, because IT advances in revolutionary ways, not iterative ones
not sure if this was a mistranslation of if the guy is a moron

you're a fucking dumbass my man

read the article you stupid fuck

>There are guys on this fucking board who really want to become codemonkeys

I do, but I live in Russia and its hard to get visa. The tickets are expensive too...

money is money


only first world! sorry!

>he says "cuck"

Where it say first world only?
You people are scared as fuck of Russia and call it "first world" that's amusing!


First world only because only two schools: in Paris and California so you need to be from the first world to attend: a citizen of the European Union or of the United States.

False, not him but student visas in EU can attend.
Check stuff before you spill shit out of your mouth.

42 don't provide any student visa, nor in the US nor in Europe.

42 does not have to provide it, the European Union does you dipshit, seriously, what the hell, is this place full of 16 year olds?

what the hell are you talking about you stupid fuck
first visa are not at the European Union level but at the country level and you need to attend a school in the French student visa program and 42 is not in the program
you know shit about visa so shut the fuck up and leave this place forever

Those working stations look so cramped.

cramped and overpriced

42 sucks hard, you go in without a diploma/degree, you go out without a diploma/degree/whatever.
And it's 3 years, it fucking sucks.

If you can take a loan or you have the resources, go to an engineering school, and 5 years later you're golden.
If you don't have the money, go to a public university, it's free and recognized in France.

I'm from Brazil. I was doing a master's degree in maths in Paris. After it I was in 42 for a few months before I dropped out. All of my friends from 42 are now working in IT and for big names like Google, Facebook IA lab, Air France, EDF, Blackstone...

42 definitely don't suck

Facebook AI lab*

takes a lot more than 100 million dollars to run a college, something doesn't add up, the money specifically.

There is already one school 42 in france.
This guy lead Iliad a leader in High tech and Telecom, So i don't think you can call him a moron.
Also when a free famous school set up in a country where further studies are expensive. Just think about who have a normal intellectual level and shut the fuck up.

>So i don't think you can call him a moron
> We believe that IT has nothing to do with math and physics
yes, he is totally moron

Not him but I had a student visa in Germany thanks to a European Union foreign study program.

It's the part where they're not accredited.
It's 'self taught coding', but in a 'school'.

He builds a school in Paris.
He wants people working for him

> coding
Straight into the trash it goes.
Just a wageslave factory for the billionaire to make even more money

I have one close friend and a couple discord mates currently in 42 Paris. It's pretty dope apparently. It's for people who can properly manage themselves and work on their own. If you're a lazy ass like me or isn't passionate enough about the subject you might end up wasting your time cause nobody will be holding your hand.

Xavier Niel the main founder/invester of 42 is the ceo of onz of the main telecom providers in France. He's loaded