I'm a technology expert because I spend thousands of dollars a month on useless gadgets

>I'm a technology expert because I spend thousands of dollars a month on useless gadgets
>don't ask me to write code, you dumb nerd

are you implying that being able to type stuff makes you a technology expert?

I run a server room and could barely do hello world if you put a gun to my head.

Please tell me how your more tech then me because you have a github account.

I remember this animation when it came out! What is the title again, Nonny?


X can code, Y knows about tech

Everyone has some role, and we should all live in peace.

it's pretty funny that there are programmers that exist that don't even know how to replace computer parts, much less build a machine.

>my ability to plug legos together makes me a technologist

how the fuck do you administrate a server room without automatisation? wouldn't hire a useless fuck like you


He's old, probably one of those gimps they hired during the first tech bubble, when they hired anyone with a pulse just to fill seats. Those guys could barely do their jobs a decade ago, now they're even more useless.

Don't tell them, though. Boy, do they get upset fast when you remind them you'll need something other than Perl or shell scripting to cut it anymore.

My spoon is too big

Wednesday is coming. Have you got your coat?

>plug legos together
So much this

Anybody with half a brain can replace a part or build a machine if they take 15 minutes and google it. Your "skill" is worthless.


>Anybody with half a brain can code if they take 15 minutes and google it. Your "skill" is worthless.


Most programmers can be replaced by someone copying and pasting code from stack exchange.

Sound like a salty 1990er who can write Hello World in 20 different languages and is mad that they can't get a job.

children in china put together higher quality builds than you. I seriously doubt children can write even reasonable code.

face it, plugging things in isn't a skill. quit wasting your time and money

>tfw sysadmin
>tfw easily replaceable code monkey seriously thinks he has a desirable "skill"

I won't be outsourced but you will. I'll make sure to toss you a few pennies when I see you begging on the streets.

>I won't be outsourced but you will

The fact that where-ever you might work at still uses on site sysadmins is a miracle in and of itself.

Your skill set is gone, everything is on cloud based servers now, which can be accessed from anywhere in the world. It's a super outsource-able skill.

>tfw making 120k at 22
>tfw I built half the codebase for my company

Yeah, I'm sure I'm much more replaceable than a sysadmin who can't even script

>Coding is technology

>implying I'm the same guy
>implying I can't script

Who cares, you'll be replaced by a younger and cheaper guy in a few years.

If you don't know how to write in a language such as assembly or BASIC, you don't know shit about computers

I'd be willing to bet 90% of programmers don't know even the slightest bit about hardware. It's why so much software today is shitty unoptimized trash.

few companies will trust hindunuffins to manage their databases.

coding on the other hand...



> Perl doesn't cut it
excuse me user, I forgot we all migrated to memethon now

>some people can't code

I'm a certified coder, nerds

great, now fix my fucking leenux toaster

Sorry, too busy texting all my friends that I'm a coder now

>tfw former sysadmin
>tfw former code monkey
>tfw now manager

I'm still not sure if the stress is a fair trade, but god DAMN does it feel good to be above this petty shit.

I know a programmer upstart who thought he could change a PCIE slot wired for 8x to 16x in the bios. He adamantly tried to tell me I was wrong and that he had set it that way. Because software can change physical attributes of hardware, y`know.

NaN / 10 b8
lmaoing at your life

This user is right.

Anybody in systems that doesn't know basic programming skills is pretty much fucked.

>tfw former sysadmin
>tfw former code monkey
>tfw CTO is retiring soon
>tfw I am next in line with no viable competitors in a prominent company in my state
I know that feeling as well.

Reminds me when a female colleague said she was a "computer nerd" too now, because she just bought a Macbook air.

I hope you realize there is a lot more to tech than just programming. In fact programming is such a ridiculously small part of it, like 1%.

Interesting. I get paid $95/hr. for my "worthless" skill.

I"m more tech than you because I have a github account

That's the real reason software developers love agile: no clueless managers telling you what to do.

yeah well I have a gitLab account lol

confirmed for college kid. shitty unupdateable on-site cancer is everywhere

The correct term is "Industry Analyst"

I'm sure the server in your mom's basement is just fine without a dedicated admin anyway.

This to be honest, especially that the cloud are now just a big meme

Man I could really need this job, pls tell how


Start by writing for Tom's Hardware.

With the whole "coding" movement, the programming field is becoming insanely over saturated. You're in for a big shock if you think programmer salaries will remain this high forever.

making jewtube bux is where its at now

No, I'm in consulting, have been for the last 4 years.

We're a small company, so unless a client provides a sysadmin we always have devops on Cloud providers.

Used to be VPS, now we do Azure and AWS more often, and the guy who does that is devops, posting shit up on those sites and having rolling updates from master branch pushes/pulls is a gig that takes a day.

Sysadmins are a dying breed.


Inevitably Agile runs the same way, except your directors or a pseudo-manager among your team will become that (typically the scrum master). I play Scrum because I still have to code some stuff, typically tests. You have to go full-bore holocracy to see the state you're talking about. Godspeed with that.

I have a job, and I have to deal with these old idiots who couldn't code their way out of a wet paper bag. They needed a database migrated from some ancient DBMS to MSSQL. The department head couldn't wrap his grey head around it, so obviously it was too much for everyone else. They got a quote for ten thousand dollars for a third party to do the migration, and decided it probably could stay on that old system for another decade.

You're just mad that Perl is silly.

If it's on stack exchange, how hard was it to write in the first place?

sure it is, bucko