What are your thoughts on the new Blackberry phone, Sup Forums?

What are your thoughts on the new Blackberry phone, Sup Forums?

Can I install Linux on it?

>no keyboard
>runs Android

Sleek as hell and probably a fortress when it comes to security, but I was hoping for a new phone with a keyboard.

>Either of these things being bad

Pretty sure the Vienna's coming out at some point. If I ever give in to Android this'll probably be the BlackBerry I get.

They're both terrible.

Are you one of those guys who has exclusively used blackberry phones?

Nope, I just got my first BlackBerry last year.

Until they re-release the classic running Android I don't give a fuck


Pretty sure it's a rebadged Alcatel.


The FCC certifications released last month, it's got the same hardware and the same manufacturer as the Alcatel Idol 4

It seems to have a slightly different layout, though.

The camera location, for instance, is different.

I most likely won't be able to root it so I won't be getting it

Literally everywhere that his reported on this phone?

>no keyboard

Did they hit themselves in the head or what? The Priv was their most succesful phone in years because it was the one Android phone with that fucking feature.

And here was my dumbass hoping they'd made some budget models WITH THE KEYBOARD IN THEM.

The keyboard model is coming out, user, next year :^)
Wish I could've held out until then, physical buttons and keyboard would've been great.
Priv isn't too bad, but AMOLED and onscreen keys are the worst combination ever.

>but android and phones are the worst combination ever

Coming from BB10 this is a complete shock. It has been 6 major versions of Android at the current software release for the Priv and we *just* got separate lock screen and encryption passwords.
It is still impossible(?) to have the phone "sleep" (screen = off) to a "lock screen" (requiring a gesture to open; not actually locked).
Text manipulation is a joke. Look up how BlackBerry 10 does it with the hourglass and arrows.
Multitasking is confusing and inefficient: the last app open is in fact the last "screen" open, which sometimes means you can't navigate to the upper level menus in certain apps but instead close them out with the back button (or in app screen controls). It's difficult to tell what states apps are in unless they're puking notifications into the title bar (it doesn't even stack downloads from the same app source??)
Gestures are trash. It takes a tap, a tap, and a tap to get anything done and you might throw a scroll or two in there.
Settings and flagship (Google) apps are lacking features and disorganised. i.e try sharing an app page in the Google Play app to a friend. Built in file manager is weak sauce and difficult to navigate.
You can also try sending a file over NFC or wifi direct to someone with stock. I now know why all these cloud apps and Internet services like push bullet are popular.

I'm trapped on Android and know iOS isn't any better. New BB10 phone when?

Bottom line I would be forced to recommend this phone to budget normalfags as it has security hardening baked in and is mostly stock. For the tech proficient I'd recommend something like the nexus 5X for copperhead OS.

>and know iOS isn't any better

All the issues you listed are fixed with iOS and to some extent jail broken iOS (fluid text selection and file sharing)

>Text manipulation
Minus keyboard and keyboard gestures and an inferior cursor movement it's decent, I'll agree. Better than stock android by miles.

State is handled better but it's trash overall. Does anything actually run in the background yet? They at least did before official backgrounding in the days of backgrounder on 3.1.5
Fitting in with gestures: enjoy all that home button pressings :^)

>File management and sharing
Sharing is a no. I encourage you to buy a used bb10 phone and see what it can do outside of noapps. iFile is decent and tabbed browsing is nice though.

Jailbreaking or rooting are a bit of a crutch that shouldn't be considered though, imho. iOS is pretty bloated now too, though at least the settings menu is partially sane.

I really like it. I'll probably be getting this phone when my Q10 falls apart or stops recieving updates.

Its a shame about BB10 but I've mostly come to terms with the fact that its dead. It looks like Blackberry's modifications to Android are still true to BB10's design choices though. Security's also been a big reason I've avoided Android like the plague.

As for the keyboard, Blackberry is underrated with their digital keyboards. The Z10's keyboard was sleek as fuck and very precise. Almost as good as a physical one. It looks like they've ported it to Android too, so i'm not too concerned about that.

>fortress of security