Will this kill Windows? Or does Microsoft have their hand too far up the developers asses?

Will this kill Windows? Or does Microsoft have their hand too far up the developers asses?

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second one

Make all the APIs you want, developers still won't port their shit to Linux. In the off chance they do port to Linux the port will be shit.

As it is it's too much fucking work.

Writing for Vulkan is no more difficult than writing for DX12.

GAYMURS don't give a shit about how bad win10 is. If anything kill ms it would be the business because pajeet os fucked their workflow.

i think you meant D3D12

If you want to see games on Linux first you need to convince developers/publishers that it will be financially worth their time.

You're being pretty pedantic, but yes.

The only dev that used OpenGL as a primary renderer on AAA games was id, so don't expect people that cruised off of a decade of D3D9 to put effort towards learning the next generation of OGL immediately. The blanket of disgust surrounding Windows 10 might make it more appealing, but we're probably in for a few more years of D3D11 being the standard, despite the fact that it should've been the standard during 7's release year

3D graphics is only a small part of a game's engine.

As long as Linux still has a fucking shit mess with regards to keyboard and mouse input, sound output, sound input, controller support, and in the recent future, VR support, it's not going to be a viable platform for the gaming industry.

SDL is often touted as some magical pill but if you have any experience with it you'll know how useless it is compared to DirectX. Just look at the long-lasting issues with broken audio and failing to get the correct controller/keyboard output in things from Dolphin and PCSX2 to the new Runescape client.

When using portable APIs, the time is scientifically noted as: 0.0 s. :^)

(Build time does not count since it does not prevent coders from browsing their favorite CP websites while it compiles)


You guys will never give up.

Vulkan works on Windows as well mates

Lol nope, even android already adopting vulkan, checkout galaxy line. Some android games already supporting too, nfs no limit, and vainglory.

>using the smiley with a carat nose

>missing the point

Why does MS feel the need to potentially fuck with game development? MS literally had to do nothing and developers and gamers will continue to use their OS

$, $ and $

Game developers have choice:
-DX12 and win10 only
-OGL but only for Android and iOS
-Metal but only for iOS

DX12 is poor choice due to missing support of win7 which is the most popular PC platform, more than 2 times than win10 regardless of aggressive MS campaign (source: netmarketshare.com/operating-system-market-share.aspx?qprid=10&qpcustomd=0 ).

If GPU hardware can provide more performance with Vulkan than DX11 then choice will be obvious. So success of Vulkan is in hands of NVidia and AMD.

On mobile where OpenGL is used now, Vulkan is guaranteed success: OGL API is shit in use compared with Vulkan. And prototype drivers can provide better performance than so-called 'hard-as-rock-stable-opengl'.

Finally, GPU driver is huge mess only to introduce various optimizations and workarounds to make lazy game devs happy. Vulkan moves that burden from GPU drivers to game engine which I find good choice - driver should be very stable and do its job as best as possible. If driver can be light and gain performance - it is best possible thing. Believe me, driver development is shit. And do not make more shit just because Pajeet is too lazy to write efficient game engine.

Its more exciting for its mobile applications than desktop my Sup Forums friend.

>-Metal but only for iOS
Metal is on macOS as well.

bro have you checked the steam stats?

GAY MUHRS really love their W10, the adoption rate is almost 50% among GAY MUH lovers.

But writing for DX12 is difficult

Yea AAA companies use their own fork of portable software since they dont want to be fucked by unresolved, platform-specific issues, so they do take dev time.

If I was writing something new from scratch with higher end modern systems in mind, i'd probably go with vulkan as opposed to d3d12.

Your point is? Why would anyone use DX12 when Vulkan will increase the marketshare by ~12%, this is when one includes OSX and Linux. Adding the last 12% of users is significant when looking at maximizing profits.

Nigger please, linux has 80% mobile device marketshare.
And they all still run on OpenGL, so they will be adopting the Vulcan asap. Google is pushin hard for the vulkan integration.

Then there is also Gabe, who still tries to make his shitty console competitive, so Valve will be shilling for Vulkan too.
I think the best thing would be if they release HL3 after all and make it Vulkan exclusive.
Then Sony wants Vulkan for the Playstation.

Pretty much everyone, except Microsoft wants Vulkan instead DX12.

More like 95%

Apple has their own API.

Still MS lost the mobile for good.

Yes, that's for sure. They lost most of the internet services too.
And they are gradually losing the laptop market.

Microsoft's last bastion are the desktops and they are deliberately turning people away with the whole botnet fuckery.

OGL works on all platforms. It's just a matter of writing multiple implementations of your rendering code because half the driver vendors totally abandoned their customers on hardware that would otherwise support more modern versions of OGL. See: Apple and AMD (and ATI post AMD)

Vulkan doesn't fix this.

is new doom opengl? the last opengl game i remember playing was chronicles of riddick

>vulkan = AMD

nope, no one is betting on this shit.

>Will this kill Windows?

Are you actually serious?

Are linuxfags so delusional that they think an API can actually kill Windows?

Yep, new Doom is OpenGL and Vulkan. All id games are OpenGL first.

Or as I have come to call it, Direct plus 3d

I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as DX12, is in fact, D3D12...


"works", not works. This is subtle difference. For Nvidia it actually works but OpenGL API is shit.

youtube.com/watch?v=x4B1CLswbhs given that Vulkan is in early stage of development and this demo does not uses full potential of Vulkan (ex. no multithreaded rendering - this is main reason why OGL sucks) it is already impressive. And there are thousands vulkan demos.

Well, gamersnexus.net/game-bench/2510-doom-vulkan-vs-opengl-benchmark-rx-480-gtx-1080 says clearly that AMD gains more from Vulkan than Nvidia. Of course, overall results are worse.

store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/ 46.67% for win10, 31.37% for win7. And 0.81% for all Linux versions. Well, I don't believe that win10 usage will raise fast anymore, win10 is 'not free upgrade' anymore. And I doubt that game devs will abandon 30% user base just for DX12. Unless game engines will provide many renderers which is possible.

Is Doom 2016 even running on Linux? That will answer your question.

It could easily, but they didn't do it.

Gabe already announced that Source 2 will be using Vulkan as it's primary renderer.

Only because there's no denuvo for linux

It ran perfectly in Wine in the alpha. Doesn't work now because of Denuvo. But other Denuvo games like Hitman are coming to Linux so who knows.

That matter little since every new game runs on 1 of like 5 engines, all of which will or currently do supported Vulkan.

Welp that's it, I'm buying a MacBook now

developers will still use directx over it because it's the industry standard and a nicer to use API for developers and they are more familiar with it. it will also most likely end up being better optimized for their target audiences computers (windows, nvidia, intel) and the other way around due to industry standards

>industry standards

As long as Linux audio still sucks and software from Adobe and Autodesk isn't available (wine doesn't count), Windows has nothing to worry about.

Screw Gaben he fucked up and never release Half Life 3

fucking DRMs

His point is Vulkan won't increase acceptance of Linux because developers will still develop games, even on Vulkan, for Windows first. Yes, porting them over should be easy, but it still wouldn't happen. There's very little incentive for them to do it. The minuscule bump in potential customers isn't worth even that much time spent porting, regardless of how easy it is.

>Then Sony wants Vulkan for the Playstation.

Why would a non-Microsoft console even consider DirectX in the first place? It's not like a Playstation is going to run Windows.

And to add to my point: Doom 2016. It's the fucking poster child of OpenGL/Vulkan success. Looks great, runs fucking great, doesn't use DX. Still not ported to Linux.

The problem with the "12% of users" number is it's logical fallacy.

12% of users doesn't magically mean 12% more profits. The percentage of users of that 12% that are actually gamers and would actually buy games is small. The percentage of games that could or would be ported over to Linux is small. The chance that the percentage of Linux gamers interested in that particular set of games ported over is again just a smaller portion of that.

Think of it this way: You're a linux gamer, but you only like futuristic/WW2 multiplayer FPS, which is by far the two most popular genres.

But even that is far less than half of all video games released year after year.

And not 100% of those games would be ported over.

What's the chance of you getting a game you want as a Linux user? Not very likely.

Microshaft puts too much money into devs with all the exclusives and shit.
They may not give many fucks to the PC market compared to the console one but they sure as hell don't want to lose it.

Only way for Vulkan to win is if AMD and Nvidia decide to push that shit as hard as possible AND some big game developer focus on both vulkan and linux development instead of directX/windows which will never happen.

Are there any upcoming games with Vulkan support?

>guise I said the meme. I'm cool now right?

As a linux MMO/MOBA player my life's pretty darn gud. Wine runs'em all.

>defending (((Gaben)))

Vulkan marketshare: 78.85% + 100% Consoles
DX12 marketshare: 46.67% + 33% Consoles

Vulkan's got a 32% lead over DX12 simply because microsoft wants to handicap themselves so they can lock in every user possible.

Vulkan has Valve extremely interested in continued development so that Microsoft doesn't fuck steam over.

The only way Vulkan doesn't become a predominant API for the market is if there is something seriously fucked up about implementing it that makes it too much of a pain in the ass to bother with.

>OGL API is shit in use compared with Vulkan
Not true.
Vulkan is much much harder to program for than OpenGL.
Yes OpenGL may be a verbose clusterfuck but Vulkan is EVEN MORE of a verbose clusterfuck.
OpenGL still has it's place.

what big DX12 games or even Vulkan are comming out this year or the next?
That's right literally nuffin.


>this is when one includes OSX and Linux
OSX doesn't support Vulkan, Apple would rather shill their shitty Metal API

OpenGL was better for a long time, Windows stayed very relevant.

>GAYMURS don't give a shit about how bad win10 is
I'm guessing plenty of people would love to have their operating system for free

It will kill nothing.

Not saying it'll die, but we'll probably only see it in emulators, source ports, and games with linux support.

For all we know, Valve might be porting HL2 to Vulkan.

Nothing will really change,tho. Game Developers are lazy, Direct x made it easy to develop games for Xbox One and Window 10. On top of that Microsoft will fund developers to use Direct X just like Nvidia did with gimpworks.. DirectX dominates gaming primarily because of Windows monopoly of the desktop.

However outside of Gaming, OpenGL even before vulkan dominates everything else. OpenGL is used for pretty much the majority of all professional 3d software, Mobile Devices, and the majority of non Microsoft software. On top of that WebGL (which is based on opengl es) will dominate web browser. Open GL is fine.

>defending that shitty csgo (((meme)))

God you freetards are so delusional.

This Vulkan thing is NEVER going to catch. Do you really think game devs are going to waste time on an OS that only 2% of people use?

Face it, it's over. Microsoft is going to continue to dominate because too many bussinesses are reliant on products exclusive to Windows, like Photoshop and Office.

Yeah fuck Linux
BSD is the future

You are a dumbass as well. Vulkan works on just about everything, even the most used desktop OS: Windows 7.

>Only using Windows 8.1 because I can play my games on it, would prefer to use Linux.
>Linux will never get games because of the small userbase.