Is it time to bury the SSD meme once and for all yet...

Is it time to bury the SSD meme once and for all yet? It's obvious that they are an interesting little experiment but ultimately too impractical for every day use. Much like the Betamax or Direct2Drive, it might be time to say goodbye. Don't be sad that it's dead, be glad we got to find out it's shit

t. someone that doesn't have an SSD

kill yourself kike

Troll bread.
Sage goes in all fields

Your troll misses the mark because it just reads like you don't know what an SSD is

You sound as well informed as a tech reporter

Saged for faggotry.

user, should I upgrade my Kingston v300 to something like op-pic (samsung pro 850 I believe)? Will that make a difference for my dev machine?

You're fucking retarded. Kill yourself.

>Kingston v300
nah, not something you will notice with op pic
maybe with a nvme sdd if your project problem domain makes direct use of the increased drive bandwith, but not for developing itself

My PC boots real fast and games load in a heartbeat

OP you are a fag

next year Optane drives! HYPE !

kill yourself

>ssds arent useful!
So just how much slower is your HDD?

Goodbye spinning rust.
You were good while you lasted.

Go fucking kill yourself faggot

>Once installed in a laptop, offers greater battery life
>much faster read/write times
>boots in 3-6 seconds

Yeah, SSDs are a meme...

I think you accidentally typed SSD meme instead of HDD meme.


that random write tho

random write?

-Intel 750 PCI-E 400GB sys drive
-WD Blue 1 TB for programs and gaymes
-WD Green 2 TB for backup / archive

I think I'm fine with it, op is a fag


Random write is important for our filesystems because files will be put where ever on the drive they can be put. Sequential writes are great when you are only writing to the drive once, or it is largely empty.

I'm sure they could be a viable replacement for tape, possibly. I'm not sure how durable they.
Even overall you can drop a tape and not have to worry about any data corruption, but scratching a crystal might have issues.

I could certainly see it as a replacement for tape for backups but just like tapes it isn't viable for everyday storage.

Even with an entry tier SSD, an old school hard drive will be about 10x slower.

I'd replace all my drives with SSDs if I could afford it, but price is dropping very fast now, that day will come soon.

You are supposed to sage int the options field, not in the name

>in all fields

If you knew shit about how operating systems work, then you would realize why SSDs are one of the best components to have for a highly responsive system.

wtf i hate ssds now.

lot of new friends on this board, hm.

I got a 1tb samsung 850 ssd just for my music collection, and a second 500gb one for my other media, and have never looked back. more or less binned my old harddrives.

is hating them a meme?

also launching windows 10 in less than 5 seconds is pretty useful.