/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Good tracker times with good tracker friends.

Old thread: >New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki or the PDF before asking redundant questions

>If you have a question check Google and if you can't find an adequate answer, ask here.

>What.CD interview info:
whatinterviewprep.com/ and the wiki

>Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup:

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you into believing that cheating can be evaded, it can't and you will be banned with those bastards laughing at you
>people may report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned
>don't respond to anime posters, they are known to ruin threads and shitpost, report and ignore.
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time and you should just interview at What.cd
>Easy way to elite on What.cd = whatbetter+search 2016 flac albums on better.php

Other urls found in this thread:


first for anime

>tfw just got a KG invite
>tfw all other film trackers are now superfluous

>these people browse WCD

Fucking degenerates

I'm enjoying a diverse selection of high quality uploads on ITP without having to worry about ratio. Meanwhile you fucking whatcucks have to download gigabytes of Mongolian throat-singing compilations
>fucking kek

are you talking about the people that post on the forums there?

where from

Have fun, retard. Sucks to be poor like you, deleting shit off your mom's hard drive instead of seeding back.

a friend

can someone recommend me some good seedboxes? I don't want to have to keep my PC on 24/7 to seed and it seems like they are the best option. Preferably 1tb with unlimited bandwidth

thanks ami/g/os

>One account per person per lifetime.

Does anybody actually follow this rule? Kek

ohoo, another rebel :^)

You have to unless you get a new ISP


You mean IP?

I don't think you can change your IP without changing your ISP

educate yourself

Is there a good tracker for finding school books? Doesn't necessarily have to be private.

>I don't think you can change your IP without changing your ISP
these are the people that browse Sup Forums

Sure you can, unless you're browsing from an office or school building. If you're on a home connection, there's a very high chance you have a dynamic IP, so it can be changed. All you gotta do is change a few digits in your MAC address via your router settings and nobody will know a thing.

bibliotik, myanonamouse, arg (private)
libgen (public)

What went wrong?


no problem user
btw myanonamouse does interviews and they're literally impossible to fail
also, arg users get unlimited invites, i don't have an account but maybe some other user does

Just download anything you will listen to and permaseed that, look at the required ratio table.

Got banned from PTP a month ago for pissing off some autistic staff member (long story and i barely remember the details anyway), anybody got any ban evasion tips? I:

>cleared everything from my browser (in-browser and in CCleaner)
>changed my IP
>even changed my torrent client out of paranoia

I could very easily get back on the site due to connections/friends, but I just wanted to scrub my tracks first.

>arguing with staff

This is a bad idea, no one is going to download the torrents you did.
The best way is to download only freeleech torrents until you have ~20GB upload.

You will never get to 20 GB unless you get new FL torrents between 10 minutes of being posted and having a seedbox.

user should try /pyramid/ then.

I don't know man, I'm not even going to bother going into their IRC and apologizing. Once I get back on the site I'm keeping myself on a down-low and away from everybody.

>being edgy with staff
>calling them autistic

Worked for me.
If you download FL shortly after they're posted, you'll seed tons of data,

ngl i wouldn't attempt to dupe anywhere unless i faced a global ban
and then i would just sell my accounts

Here's a tip. Seek therapy for your emotional problems. Only crazy people get banned from a private tracker after talking to staff.

pretty much this

Waiting in queue for WCD interview, what am I in for?

He was being an argumentative, power-tripping little cunt, and I wasn't having it.

I'd argue that autism and/or emotional problems are a prerequisite to being a torrent tracker staff member to begin with, honestly.

>and i wasn't having it
as i said, edgy

I think you are the one with the problem since you see "autism" all staff.

Seek mental help you nutcase. We arent emotionally unstable like you. We get along with staff just fine. Personally I've been fine with them for years.

In for some fun.
Make sure you actually understand the stuff from the preparation site because that's required for the questions, don't copy/paste and close all preparation sites. If you need to, only use it offline, not on any websites.

Get a load of this insecure faggot.

>I wasn't having it
You're retarded

I'm not worried about it. I'll be back up and running on the site soon enough, I was just wondering if you guys have ever had to ban evade before. No need for self-righteous horseshit.

Speak for yourself you group mentality-bound fag.

losing hope, being driven into a manic frenzy, getting your bulgarian interviewer at 3 am, failing your interview because you didn't see the new irc printout of questions, studying for a week, staying up all night and finally getting in to learn you can't port forward and it was all for naught

Not really. I don't think I've ever been on a tracker with staff worth respecting, except for maybe BTN.

The future looks bleak.

There's literally no way they can prove you're cheating unless you take a bit too long to answer the questions. What's staff are fucking idiots, you guys give them too much merit.

Any particular reason for closing all preparation sites?

retardedness: the post

How can I build up my ratio if nobody is downloading the torrents I'm seeding?

>using the smiley with a carat nose

elaborate, if you can.

you think they haven't read the preparation guides to their own site? they even review your stylometry to make sure you aren't duping accounts/ban evading, and have evidenced to have visited this general numerous times
they will likely know if you are copying/pasting

btw don't mention that you found out about them on Sup Forums, i didn't get in because they want to keep Sup Forums retards out

>they even review stylometry

BULLSHIT, they can't prove anything if you just change your IP, which is all they know about you anyway?

>which is all they know about you anyway?
google and the EFF will help you with this one

have what's staff ever admitted to harvesting anything about people outside of just IPs?

gazelle literally has features for it

They give you bonus points if you mention reddit. :^)

l-like what?

how does arg compare to the others in terms of content?

You guys are paranoid little bitches. Got this one friend of mine who was banned from What years ago, and a year later he came back onto the site with no problem at all, under a new account and everything. His old What username was even his current Last.fm username, and he linked his Last.fm with his new What account, and he's still going strong to this day.

Go home wcd staff.

So apparently the owner of IPT was recently raided and in the process of working out a deal with authorities. Not sure if the site will continue to run as a honeypot or if they will just hand over all the user data and shut it down, but the fact that it's still up at the moment might indicate the former.

multiple ip cross-referencing tools that easily matches the histories of hosts between users, the ability to search by IP ranges, and emails too obviously
a user tool on-site that allows you to see your recent browser agents
some others i don't remember

the staff has also admitted that a number of features of gazelle had not been added to the github as they protect the site's 'security'


fuck it's impossible to get a kg invite
anyone want a wcd invite for a kg one?

Lol dude not even, my point was that What's staff aren't nearly as alert about ban evaders as you guys seem to think they are.

If you're going to ban evade, literally all you have to do is change your IP to something totally new, and keep your mouth shut.

oh fugg im in the middle of downloading a movie. couldnt find that shit anywhere else.

I think it all really depends on how high of a profile you are. They aren't going to crack the fuck down on some Joe Schmo who called a staff member a faggot at one point.

well yes i was just entertaining how far their limits stretch
which is further than most people here would think

i would trade, but it's forbidden you devil

hehe :/

>using the smiley with a carat nose

>using the arrow with the green color

Whats your BP/day and how many GBs are you seeding?

inb4 /marked/, i just wanna know

I have no friends to invite and trading in not allowed... so what am i going to do with my invites?

don't use them, and keep your account in good standing

what are some thoughts on pixelhd and x264.me?


Getting about (1k BP/1GB)/month on PTP

I can't tell if talking about IPT and affiliates is becoming a meme or viraling

Multiple sites have bonus points systems, you'll need to be more specific

You know people prefer to be /pure/, right?

Thats pretty good, do you seed RAW blurays or what?

lol yeah, i figured

I figured out a semi efficient way to find things with low seeder counts

Can someone help me understand why Deluge is saying its seeding but the speeds are 0?

pls be bait


The fact that you're seeding doesn't necessarily imply there's someone leeching

Marked :)

a bunch of pricks. and it's hard to keep a ratio since file sizes are so small and everything has seeders. good source but i'll stick with soulseek etc

I'd understand this question in like 2004 or something. lordy



on what tracker?

I don't want to get marked...

seed torrents that people actually download?

I heard trackers have you /marked/ if you browse ptg. My question is how they would know?

You know when people post a link to a very specific album/show/film in this thread? That's one way.

uhh by saying what tracker you're on?
freeleech, fill requests, seed forever
what he said

Is there a comfy IRC channel for /ptg/ friends?

There was, then shit hit the fan.