Should I learn Ruby on Rails or PHP? What are the pros and cons of these two languages...

Should I learn Ruby on Rails or PHP? What are the pros and cons of these two languages? I already know HTML/CSS/Javascript.

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between the two, probably RoR, but if you're looking for a server side language you should probably look at javascript (and specifically Node.JS as a framework)

Ruby on rails is great despite what memers tell you

Id suggest it, it's nice to work with

PHP rules the world and gets people paid.
Partly because it's shit but still.

PHP dev here, RoR is fine if you're a pansexual dragonkin. If you want employment learn node and PHP at the same time



>willingly learning php
OP please check into a clinic for suicidal depression and self-harm ideation

PHP? absolutely not. It's an abortion of a language.
RoR? meh.
I think you'd have a better return on your time if you went with Python.

I've worked with PHP, clean for 2 years, 4 months and 13 days now.

At one point the sun stops shining, sure light reaches objects, but it's no longer livid, there is no joy to it, no satisfaction, you feel it should be better but it's not and it works and it's everywhere so people seem fine with it. Just like PHP.

You do get paid tho

Neither. Learn Lua/Sailor

Not that guy but I'm just now taking a breather from learning Lua. It looks real nice & simple.

PHP is Pajeet tier and the RoR meme is over
Learn Elixir and Phoenix

PHP if you want to find work and easily make good sites quickly.

Those numbers include stock options in meme startups that die and lose all your money.

Not really /webdev/ here but I've finished 3 large projects with PHP, RoR, and Node.js respectively.
Basically trash. It'll have you fiddling around with minor details so much that you'll never make any good progress within a reasonable time if you're beginning. It's shilled by Sup Forums in the same way that C is.
Fairly easy to learn if you know javascript already. You can have a decent site up, running, and looking good by the end of 24 hours. The asynchrony can be annoying sometimes.
Silimar to Node.js in the sense that you'll be able to get your project up and running quickly. Ruby is a little weird at first but you'll get used to it. RoR is more strict than Node in the sense that you have to structure everything the way THEY want you to and you might find yourself spending more time than usual reading docs to understand it all.

Me again..At the end of the day I'd choose RoR over PHP and Node.js

PHP: is a pretty good manual and has examples. You can learn it as you go.. its the modern BASIC

Node.js: there were some really ugly politics with engineyard? I dunno, I don't see it working well for busy/big sites.

RoR: One benefit is that you'll know Ruby and can use it for other non-web tools. It's a resource hog

Yeah, I've heard node.js doesn't scale very well. Haven't had a site that busy yet though...

Do you want to make money or fuck fat chicks?

PHP former RoR latter

PHP: Its good for simple scripts, but its a big no no for larger projects (facebook as an example).

RoR: Its good for larger projects (twitter as an example).

Python: Like PHP, its good for simple scripts/sites.. as a backend. For larger projects, avoid using it.

ASP.NET: Microsoft shrill, don't even bother.

Sup Forums's backend is written in PHP isn't it? That alone should be enough to make you steer clear

Most web frameworks works the same way, pick one of the popular ones like RoR or Django.

Go has some really nice web frameworks. If I could start over with some of my projects I would have picked Revel or Iris, instead of RoR.

PHP is annoying, but not that awful to work with on a daily basis. It will get you paid for sure, and there are a lot more PHP jobs than RoR.

RoR is a much nicer language to write and maintain, but the users are pretentious fucks (PHP users are [myself included] are morons, so take that with a grain of salt). It's harder to get a RoR job because there just aren't as many, but it's a bit more pleasant.

Learn PHP to get a job and pay your bills while you learn enough Ruby to get a better job.

But Facebook is PHP

That's what I said...
>(facebook as an example)


>Twitter is more complex than Facebook

RoR is nice that you can set up a website structure in one command and immediately start developing the design and functionality without having to write everything from scratch.

Facebook has had to invest heavily in tools to compensate for PHP's shittiness. HHVM for one, and they purchased a company that did evaluation of PHP code for bugs. I'm also fairly sure they have big libraries to rely on to make PHP more palatable.
It's a wonderful and easy but advanced framework currently in development. I've used it for personal projects and work and absolutely adore it. Disclaimer: I do contribute to some parts of it.

This. Mark Cuckerberg said something about that Facebook took the PHP Source (written in C) and then heavily modified it. They call it 'PHP on Steroids'.

I hate to break it to you, but twitter is in a few different languages. You remember when the failwhale was common? That was RoR in action. RoR scales very poorly.

Python is great for large projects and its gaining in popularity.

No shit, Sherlock.

^This and this. It seems like RoR is mostly being used with pure JS front ends nowadays, so learn both.

I understand that, many large sites use different languages. But I didn't think that Python would be appearing in the list of web development languages.

After the release of PHP 7 the speed is comparable to HHMV in bechmarks.

It is also faster than Python.

I run PHP 7.0.9 and it runs a clockwork

But in CS50 David says php for serverside and js for clientside

david who?

david malan

Not sure if trolling

I met David Malan a couple months ago, I took CS50X through LaunchCode and he flew out to our hackathon

>One of the main devs is a woman
Dropped like a rock


lots of jobs (tons of legacy code)
many simple frameworks (i.e Wordpress)
a few pretty decent frameworks (i.e. laravel)

language is a little bit of a mess
Sup Forums will call you a pajeet

>Ruby on Rails

Ruby is a pretty cool language
RoR has a good structure

not so many jobs
a lot of stuff to learn in Ruby