TD the absolute madman

What the fuck is this shit?

>In 1985, I tried to get a dog to lick my dick.

>From 1998-2003, I fantacized about leading a Catholic army like Dune, of Mexicans or Brazilians? That was dumb because they're niggers.

>In 1977, when I was about age seven, my brohter, Danny, got me high on gas fumes and we sucked each other's dicks.

>At about age five, Jay Weinrick and I touched dicks to each other's assholes.

Other urls found in this thread:

Can Terry replace Stallman as Sup Forums's mascot?

CIA Niggers can't comprehend natural events in life.

The CIA prison is Terry's mind

Terry is ex CIA



This is all just messages to be decrypted later by God.


>The CIA prison is Terry's mind
>Terry is ex CIA
My God, it all makes sense now...

Terry makes Stallman look like a sane and normal human being

Yes it can. Make it happen mods.

Why is he running ubuntu abd not his operating system?


no connectivity on TOS

That's why he should be there.

And it won't run natively on most newer PCs. And he has better things to do.

Eh. Think about the absolute weirdest shit you have ever done in your life. Mine are certainly a bit comparable.

Still, you don't just go on and tell people about it, but I guess after a certain age you stop giving a shit?

As someone who temporarily experienced schizophrenia, that's pretty accurate. I didn't hear a bunch of voices like that, though, it's more like my thoughts were really scattered and I thought lots of things were conspiring against me, along with minor visual/audible hallucinations.

Moral of the story: Don't do DMT unless you *really* want to.

I'd be OK with that.

That's true Blahinio did confirm this

That's is true Blaha already confirmed this

Temporarily? Did you have it and get rid of it somehow?

Well, I suppose I just had very schizophrenic-like symptoms that were triggered after I did DMT and it lasted about ~3 months. I avoided all friends and family as much as possible during that time and had very wildly fluctuating emotions (along with what I described in the other post). I went to a doctor about it and he prescribed me risperdal, but I only took it a few times and threw the rest away after the episode, because I felt it wasn't helping.

I don't think there was an exact point when I got better, and I don't know how it happened. I just slowly went back to my old self and started talking to friends and family.

Having the memories of basically being a crazy person is strange, because I'm a pretty logically grounded guy.

This stud slays. He should get on Tinder.

There is nothing wrong with you other than shitty self diagnosis. Schizo is like std once you get it it's here to stay . You are just some bored user that feels sorry for himself and makes up shit to justifie his shity life choices

Nah mate. I nearly lost my mind on a powerful mushroom trip. You just don't feel the same for YEARS. But somehow, your brain goes back to normal. I still seriously wonder if I died or not during that trip.

That wasnt schizophrenia that was psychosis or something. Schizopherenia doesnt go away

He might be crazy but there's no denying that he's good at his job

I mean
He wrote a fukken compiler
And TempleOS is completely public domain, that's more free as in freedom than Stallman's favorite GPLv3

What did stallman do recently?
>ate gunk off his feet
>did not wash his shirt in forever
>wore the same pants everywhere
>looked like a hobo on every photo and video
>gave the same MUH FREEDUMBS speech everywhere
>sperged over proprietary software like it's a new thing and hasn't existed since computers became consumer goods

Terry A. Davis is our Sup Forumsod

YES. This please.
