how's cybercrime paying these days?

\how's cybercrime paying these days?

In bitcoins

Pays well if you don't consider the opportunity cost of being in prison for years and then being unable to find good jobs ever again because you were convicted of fraud and now no one will trust you with their money

Just get a job or start a business.

It pays well if you live in Russia. If you live in the US, the police might just actually do their job.

Only pays well there if you have good connections with police/government. If you're a regular schmuck you're going to prison the moment the US pushes on you a bit

just get a job meme
just start a business meme

How are they memes?

>le i'm going to be a criminal mastermind hecker xDDD
Enjoy prison kiddo, I sure hope the small fortune you carded was worth it when you could've built an actual career or legal business that you didn't have to launder, get worried about cops busting down your door or have to lie to your family and friends about when they asked what you've been up to

don't you have anything better to do then be butthurt on the internet

How am I getting butthurt?

I'm just telling you it's not a wise choice to make. I understand you're an angsty teenager but there is plenty of money to be made legally, you don't have to commit serious crimes to earn it.

well, go ahead and tell me how you started and got your well paying legal job.
unless you don't work in a CS field. then i dont care.

You should see how boring most application security jobs are.

I went to University to study accounting, got a great GPA, networked with professors, scored a couple internships and then got hired at a big 4 firm. That's how I got started.

There's lots of jobs for CS majors though. Go ahead though, go card and run a botnet then go to prison and have a criminal record. I'm sure it'll work out for you

i'm touched that you are so concerned about me.
>everyone has the same opportunities as me they just don't work as hard
excellent meme, i'll save it for later

What opportunities don't you have? You're probably living in a third world country and are at the very least physically disabled right?

There's people from every single country in the world who have made it from nothing, are they all better than you? You are thinking way too short term. Okay you can card for a little while and make some money, but what are you going to do later? You'll need to get a legit job at some point unless you intend to permanently card shit and not get caught for 20+ years (probably not happening)

except these people get jobs easily for their skills irregardless of whether or not they go to prison for them

I sincerely hope you get cancer.

Not a cyber criminal but I've thought about it hypothetically. I think the best thing to would be to do a "big dirty" I.e. one big thing that makes you right for a long time. Basically it would involve stealing a large sum of money via the interbuts, while you're in a third world country, quickly transferring it to bitcoin, going home and then selling the btc for cash.


No security company is going to hire somebody convicted of fraud. Companies are liable for that shit and someone who's done it once is a huge liability to them and can't be trusted. Besides it's not like the vast majority of people doing this are particularly skilled technically. They just buy a botnet and then rent an exploitkit, most botnet masters don't even know programming

check out "exit scams"
basically darkweb markets (like silk road) set up shop, get some good reputation, then one day split with all of the BTC they have in escrow. last one i heard of they made off with around 20 million dollars worth of coin.

This but it's a little hard to set it all up and i'm not sure how you'd cash out millions of dollars in bitcoin exactly.

really don't care for going this off topic. not going to list any 'opportunities i don't have' because there's too little information to compare it with yours, plus i have a feeling you'll handwave most/all of it.

also i never once stated any plans. i'm no mastermind hacker or anything. i dont even know what a botnet or "card" is?

So how do you intend to become a criminal without knowing a single thing?

I'm curious to hear what opportunities you don't have, I want to just help you out because I never had many opportunities either but I've made the best of it and gotten to a position better than most and I didn't have to commit crime to do it. Maybe I can help you too. Really all I'm saying is that you need to think big and think longterm

if you understand opportunity cost you'll realize crime doesn't pay in the vast majority of cases, and the people smart enough to commit serious crime for extended periods of time are smart enough to make lots of money legally and can sleep peacefully at night not worrying about all the bullshit that comes with earning money illegally.

nope i'm not continuing this off topic discussion.

Stay legit. Committing crime doesn't pay longterm.

>everyone lives in the first world
There's a reason why there's a billion Chink and Russian hackers. They can launch attacks against western pigdogs all day long for profit, and their governments will never arrest them. The FBI actually put out a bounty on a Russian hacker that the FSB refused to turn over.

They have connections with police and government. Most big Russian botnet masters usually have some relative in politics. If you're a regular ol' joe you won't be spared

>It pays well if you live in Australia and attack the Australian Government, who undoubtedly needs to blame Russia for the attacks

Fixed that for you.

That's because you get paid in US and then convert it into rubles and become instantly rich.

No that's because Russian laws regarding the situation are fucked up and don't apply to you unless you steal from Russians or backdoor Russian machines , that's why most Russian made malware does not run on machines that have geoip in Russia or detect a Russian keyboard character set selected.
Thats why ZeuS author did not get extradited even tho the FBI fully knows who he is and where he is right now. They nabbed the author of Spyeye when he went to a vacation in a country the extradites to the US.

Anyway speaking about banking bots , most of the old ones i mentioned do not work , i guess its possible to buy newer ones that have the software needed to bypass the 2FA (called webinjects and automated transfer systems) but they tend to cost about 2-3k on the malware markets , personally i don't do any fraud but from what i know about the whole thing , its quite difficult to set up properly if you're not a good programmer (that's it know how things work in low level both in Windows and Linux) The crooks that get caught usually just buy the more expensive malware that has everything set up for them. The hardest part of banking bots is hiding the money you earned to be able to spend it without the FBI investigating the botnet and IRS checking for illegally acquired funds.

Don't banks refund the customers who lose money to this stuff? Seems like the only ones who lose are the bankers here.

The hardest part would be actually getting the funds as you said, I'm guessing it'd need to be sent through dozens of accounts in 3rd world countries quickly because banks aren't retarded.

Makes you wonder how risky this stuff is if bots are sold for a few thousand which have the potential to make more than that off one transaction.

poo in the loooooooooooooooooooooo

Well , routing it through banks wont really cut the money trail , the feds will just have to wait longer for the transaction data from the banks because it takes time for them to acquire it.
I don't really know how they cash it out
And security now days is actually good. Some banks have mechanism's that defeat your average ATS.

Yeah I'm interested how it works. Why are these bots so cheap if they can make millions? What's the point of selling them

like all crime it pays well if you can get away with it

criminals run the world, op

if there is money involved sooner or later they'll get you

>met a friend of my roommate in college dorms
>some wanna-be black hat flunkie who still lives in the dorms even though he failed the IT course
>Guy brags about how he writes ransomware and regularly gets good money

What a waste of space. Kind of shame I didn't report him to the police back then.

$72 million USD worth of bitcoin was recently stolen from Hong Kong’s Bitfenix exchange.

They don't really make millions , at least not in a short timespan. and they get taken down a lot , its not as effective as security blogs say.

thanks everyone you have been great have a good night

It pays with many years in prison

What do you mean they get taken down a lot? Like they get seized by police or what?

Most banks don't really transfer money to other countries, especially needs to be under $10k

Yeah , most of those old bots are based on a HTTP server running somewhere , hosting companies aren't exactly happy with hosting a botnet

That's why they run them on hacked websites or bulletproof hosting off the coast of tanzania