You've been tasked with making a webapp. Post your preferred stack (Full) that you will use to do so

You've been tasked with making a webapp. Post your preferred stack (Full) that you will use to do so.

Perl 5 + Dancer
OpenBSD chroot + jails
Apache + fastcgi (for dynamic pages)
NginX (for cached pages)

jQuery + Vanilla js


I don't use IDEs at all.

More often than not I will just use Atom and if you are going to come at me with the bloat argument you can fuck right the hell off because I don't care.

My laptop can handle a couple extra instructions because it's not an autistic as fuck thinkpad from 4 years ago.

an ide is not part of a stack...

No shit nigga I was curious

Ive only ever been exposed to a .net environment and wna expand my mind and shit.

Depends highly on the "appy-ness" of the webapp, which comes from a conversation about the needs of users, eventual goals of the product or service, and so forth. There is no one hard and fast rule, no one size fits all.

However, on the server side, I would default to Elixir (maybe using Phoenix, maybe not), with PostgreSQL as the database. Both subject to change, of course, based on business details, but those would be my defaults if no compelling reason to change is presented. Front-end, would either be straightforward, no-nonsense static HTML with a sprinkling of vanilla JS or jQuery, OR go full-bore with a single-page app and use Ember. React as a potential in-between if you need a semi-rich front-end that doesn't need to be a SPA.

>Worried about bloat

>TFW I Use Visual Studio 2015 ULTIMATE

Most complex functionality in the app is ability to send notifications (email, SMS) and upload pdfs

Then fuck all the front-end javascript nonsense. Don't over-engineer it and stay with as much static HTML, page-reloading as you can. Use JS for rich forms if you so choose, but don't add anything unnecessary, especially on the front-end.

Pick whatever language you know and like already that has a suitable MVC-esque framework, and roll out your use cases one at a time using whatever the most well-polished tools are for each task in that ecosystem. EVERY language under the sun these days can do what you require, so don't fight an uphill battle by choosing a complex front-end or learning a new language for your back-end.

In the end, shipping well-tested code, delivering business value on time, with as little unnecessary "excitement" as possible is the real goal. Everything else is a distraction.

in that case if you're on Visual Studio, it's more or less the best IDE out there in terms of features and utility

If I use anything else, it's usually just vi/a text editor or various jet brains products

NginX for survin up teh webs
Flask for fast codes
My sequel for the datas

HTML code
Css sheets
Javascript for the buttons

golang for server
postgresql for dB
react for front end
Ubuntu as host

I make 160k/year


nginx -> openresty + lua
mysql -> postgres

Cool beans

Do your own homework, Timmy.

ubuntu server
sqlite or mariadb

of course, for particularly memey webapps that aren't useful enough to need django, i sometimes just like to throw together a single static page of js with couchdb as the "backend"

> Platform

> Server OS

> Server Language
Typescript / Nodejs / Express

> Database

> Clientside
Typescript with React

I make 300k starting

Ahaha, get a load of this guy going full "webscale" over here.

have fun spending your weekends on pgpool instead of making money like me

>mfw i'm in a 2nd year web dev course in college and I don't know what you guys mean by "preferred stack (Full)"

stay in school kid

lol nah

Python on App Engine
Google Cloud SQL
Vanilla ES6 on the client side

>dude cloud lmao

>dude servers in my basement lmao

mariadb or postgresql
rust, go or express via node for logic
nginx as server

angular 2 typescript(angular core, net and anim)
shivs for ie9 support

do not use jquery, or other libraries with angular 2.
use their core libraries and do it all the angular way.
otherwise you end up with horribly bloated and slow websites.
angular 2 is incredibly fast. but only if you implement it correctly.

jquery has outlived its usefulness and just adds bloat.
everything it does is included in angular core,
angular net takes care of ajax stuff, it does communications with rest apis, websockets and webrtc.
angular animations is to make your site look pretty and interacts with your css media queries and animations.

all this shit is also following tested with jasmine or whatever testing framework i currently use.

VPSes and dedicated servers are IaaS bro

centos, postgres, elixir, phoenix, elm

or kotlin, spring with intellij

Django running with runserver

I ship it, get my money and quit the webdev industry.

mariadb / sqlite / bolt
nginx if there's a substantial amount of static content, otherwise go's builtin server can probably handle it (go-bindata/ego)
.deb packaging

python (modified to get rid of that pesky security bullshit)

the gauntlett program runs like a traditional webserver directly based webpages
say the webspage is
it goes into the test_com or test directory, finds index.html or index.pyhp or index.php in that order
subdirectories are treated first as directories with additional index pages in them and then as files so if the root of the website directory doesn't have a matching directory it searches for subdir.html etc etc

executes php by passing the environmental variables as arguments and pyhp is my modification to the python scripting engine to allow more functionality and access to importing libraries and otherwise blocked functions

it looks for 404.html/php/pyhp if a webpage cannot be found and if no 404 page return "404 NOT FOUND" in plain text

Ayyyyy this guy gets it

Seriously though, anyone who thinks one stack will solve every problem should not be allowed to work in the industry


h2 db
spring boot
jdbi sql convenience wrapper
undertow webserver
json rest endpoints
html5/angular/purecss webapp

lightweight, minimal code, portability, as little unwelcome abstraction as possible (i fucking hate jpa/hibernate)

go all the way and leave debug=True

>DevOps stack


Django REST framework (Python 3.5)
PyCharm IDE

a sprinkling of jQuery if necessary
Bootstrap, which comes with angular anyway

PostgreSQL even for NoSQL functionality

This shit is guaranteed cash

wew user, for how long are you in webdev? Or if not for long, since how long have you programmed in Perl? I really don't see enough of your kind any more.

My last project consisted of the following:

Ubuntu Server
LAMP stack

Basic Javascript for slideshow switching, ajax get/post function for dynamic shit, SHA512 password encryption.