Why do businesses still rely on Windows XP? Is it even supported still for business customers...

Why do businesses still rely on Windows XP? Is it even supported still for business customers? Just saw XP on self checkout.

Upgrading won't bring a profit in the short term

Runs on literally anything

Costs too much to upgrade OSes

Offline PC's - less risk of viruses

honestly its a cash register who would hack that in the open

XP POS-Ready will have support until the year of the linux desktop

>Boss goes to update all their computers and software

>All the quotes are for hundreds of thousands of dollars or millions of dollars

>Boss realizes all the embedded shit still works

>Boss stops looking to update their shit.

Which is never.

But long term they could use Red Hat Enterprise Linux and redevelop the point of service software. The support would be there.

Aren't they connected to a network to update pricing? Or maybe connected to a secure up to date server with strict firewall rules? NEC and IBM seem to manufacture these machines, so I guess they are responsible for upgrading.

businesses are usually incapable of long-term planning

>year of the linux desktop
What is this? Was there a year of the apple desktop. Does this year happen when certain conditions are made? Does it only last a year...whatever it is? Maybe it's when photoshop comes out with a linux version.

The whole concept reminds of when people's choices are limited by authority, the oppressed tend to attack each other rather than band together to hold the authority accountable.

there's no reason to upgrade what doesn't need to be upgraded

if "redeveloping the point of service software" was just some casual shit you could pay Pajeet to do over a weekend then there would be zero market for commercial POS solutions in the first place, that shit takes time and effort and planning that isn't fucking worth it when the systems you have now perform exactly the way they should and will continue to until you upgrade the entire fleet (software included) anyway in 5-10 years

They used to be capable of it, but modern shareholding and such places emphasis on quarterly returns over long term stability and growth. Companies have an obligation to the shareholders to make money, and when they say, invest in infrastructure to make money in 5 years when the factories have finished building, they're losing money in the short term, and the shareholders don't like it.

theres actually some shit in the military that runs on red hat. i was surprised. not regular computers tho, just specialized shit like satellite trackers and shit.

They probably bought them all as a package with another PC that hosts a database they can change. Windows XP has a POS edition just for it, probably air gapped in most stores so security would be lax if you got physical access, and don't try

Because it's not a piece of shit like your fucking windows 10 trainwreck


do you even know vending machines have windows xp inside them

>Why do businesses still rely on Windows XP?
Because it still works and there is nothing to be gained by going to a newer platform.

>Is it even supported still for business customers?
From MS? Not particularly. Very rarely if at all.

>But long term they could use Red Hat Enterprise Linux and redevelop the point of service software. The support would be there.
>Hire an entirely new development arm of your software company just to work on a Linux-based POS software/hardware suite
Soooooo...what does the business get out of doing this, when obviously their current solutions work when properly maintained?

Most, properly setup, supermarket LANs are segregated to shit and back, and are managed and hardened out the wazzo. Entire companies make it their responsibilities to do this for retail firms. They'll spend the extra money stomping out the possibility of vulnerabilities in an existing system, rather than spending money to get new engineers for a new system.

You'd be surprised. A lot of properly setup POS machines have mega-restricted access to anything. To the point where even having physical access does nothing. They boot from LAN, so you get no data walking away with the hardware, ports don't work without admin login which can only be done remotely, and BIOS/UEFI is locked with as massive and complex a key as they can manage to fit, and even newer ones use two-factor with a factory-issued technician's drive that needs to be present before it'll boot to any modifiable state.

Oh yeah, let's get dx12 and gut legacy drivers. Why the hell do you think they would want to upgrade?

Not everyone is an autistic manchild.

Name ONE fucking reason to go through the hussle of ugrading a fucking self-checkout machine.

dude ur gross no one will use ur old arse program from the 90s to run a business. Ur so 2000 and late

It's nice to know that the best version of windows will live on for probably another 20 years, Now THAT is a product.

>ports don't work without admin login which can only be done remotely
Then how do the Admins log in remotely?

Yea. Get ppl all the time. complaining that Outlook Express wont work because of some new silly and pointless SSL updates.

What did he meme by this?