Is Type C USB the future for smartphones?

Is Type C USB the future for smartphones?


it's the past for iphone because innovation by appletm

No, it's the present.

micro-USB and Lightning are the past.


No. It's the future for headphones.

my phone has 2.0 type c. feels sweet not having to remember the orientation of my phone's port anymore.

>implying you can't feel it by how the fuckin plastic is formed around it

Type C is nice but I wish everyone would use the same fucking implementation of it. I don't want to HAVE to remember which devices support thunderbolt over type C and which don't. They all just should. None of that bullshit "Only for charging" or "Not display out capable."

I really don't get people who have trouble with that

When chinks stop making cables with incorrect specs that fry your equipment.

yes, and i want i want apple to put it on the iphone because this needs to be universal. no more, "do you have an iphone charger?" bullshit.

No. I bought a USB c to hdmi converter so I could watch films from my phone on a tv, but it turns out my phone won't send video and audio via hdmi. fuck you Google, I regret buying a fucking nexus.


no USB 3.0 is the future idiot, type c is for computer illiterate applefags

i don't use apple and i like usb-c

are you retarded? c is the connector

there will be usb 3.1 - c

You're literally an idiot.

why the fuck didn't you buy a Chromecast?

Lightning is a far better connector.

Maybe it's the future of the bjs you're going to be having for the next decade, OP?

Android shill here. Very true. The one connection is so much better for keeping dust out. And the plastic port inside the hole doesn't exist, so it doesn't break. Almost zero chance of breaking the phone end. If it had the data features of USB C, it's miles better

I own a chrome cast, but I dont want to have to take it everywhere seeing as my gf also uses it. Also you can't use it in environments where there isn't wifi.
Please elaborate.

I hate to admit it but...yeah. Lightning is better than USB C. I wish it wasn't Apple-exclusive, though.

Great... another type of port to on the pile of annoyingness.

Ya, and it feels like this one will be more expensive to manufacture so micro USB will be around for the next decade in all sorts of devices, won't it...?

Didn't you look up if your phone supported mhl over type c before buying it? Type C's spec doesn't include display out on its own, all of that is over alternate modes which use the extra wires in the cable for other protocols. It's why thunderbolt can use type c cables as well, and why

USB-C has no 'data features'.
Yea, definitely wish Apple would make it a standard connector and let others use it, even for a small royalty. Same with MagSafe.

>I wish everyone would use the same fucking implementation of it.



>people do dumb shit to cables
Color me surprised.


>using an edit of the original

he probably clicked on the thumbnail in his file manager thinking it was the original, i make the same mistake sometimes too

either that or he's a dumbo

late to the party, but the Nexus does support video output through USB, but it can only be enabled after root.

All of those images seem to be more of a problem with the shitty plastic/rubber cable than the connector itself. MicroUSB and USB C would have the same things happen to them if they were encased in that material.

There's no problem with the cable, people just don't know how to take care of cables.

>data features
Please elaborate.

Already have one with it. So much better than that microtrash

He doesn't realize USB-C and USB 3.1 aren't the same thing.

Only problem is that it's hollow, kinda a big structural weak point. DESU the world would be perfect if USB-C had a design similar to Apple's Lighting. Not sure why they thought a hollow connector would be any good.

By "he," do you mean or ?

It's already the present.

Not according to Apple.

completely irrelevant.



That has nothing to do with Lightning, though. On top of being wrong, MagSafe is the only charge port that should exist.

The connector has nothing to do with greedy applejews to sell expensive shitty cables or cheap applefags buying even worse chink cables

> implying you're not severely retarded for clicking thumb instead of pic


>Has exactly the same features as USB Type C but is proprietary
Fucking iShills

till the next dumb standard in 1.5 years, yeah

Wireless charging fagbook in 2020 or sooner

When someone releases a waterproofed version, yes.

Rumor has it the next Xperia will be.

People shouldn't need to take care of a fucking cable. It should be able to get shat on and still work.

Ok dude

I'm sorry for assuming newer technology would be capable of transferring video and audio over hdmi, considering my older phones could do that.
Not everyone is a wiz kid like yourself it seems.

>stupid shit that's your fault


It is micro USB.. type c. Dumbass

> not being retard from Sup Forums
That's why

WiFi? What do you mean?
You could download the movies on your device, then via hotspot connect the two devices (chromecast and your phone).
SD cards arent expensive. I bought my 32 GB Samsung card for ~$11.

>mandatory headphone jack
>getting rid of it on iphones
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Holy shit m8.

no, it's just USB-C

They'll be dead in a couple of years when the novelty wears off and people realize how shit they really are and how much they fuck over their privacy.

You retards have been saying this since 2009. Fuck off.


>They'll be dead in a couple of years
Well, Microsoft's phone efforts seem to bear your thoughts out. It can't be long before MS and BB quit the market altogether.