The neet life fucking rocks. Who else /neet/

The neet life fucking rocks. Who else /neet/

NEET for 11 years here.


I'm not a NEET just yet. But soon

NEET for a bit over a year here. Might learn to program or something and see if I can get work without leaving my house.

n-no linux is better

>1100 euro welfare a month
>implying working is even worth it
Thank God I'm considered mentally disabled.

I was until 3 months ago.

When I was trully NEET for 3-4 months, I started getting suicidal thoughts.
Even doing nothing at my dorm room all day feels better than being completely worthless. At least you have the potential to change your life as a student, but not as a NEET.

>still believes universities are necessary to learn

being a recovering NEET it helps, a bit, to be pressured to learn.

>he still believes that watching a few khan academy videos and "coding" hello world programs is enough to get you a decent job

>tfw my 15 month NEET streak ends this Monday

>>still believes universities are necessary to learn
Fuck off 90s kid trash

>t. some 17 year old that fell for the "coding" meme
Have fun working minimum wage as a programmer in 5 years while I make 100k with my engineering degree.

Not only are you stupid for thinking you need a degree to get a good job, but even if he applied for jobs out of high school based on his skills and had a rough time, he could always go to school later and get a degree. Rushing it without even trying to just get a job seems like the stupid idea.

Suicide? Job? What's going on?

I'm only doing this because I don't want to live with my parents anymore

I spend all day shitposting about AMD vs NVIDIA. I can't help myself.

Good luck realising that you won't be able to afford to move out and you'll be stuck with your parents forever.

It's not a retail/service job, it's a code monkey job so
the pay is okay, not great, not even good, but okay
I did the math and after taxes and all the bills and even putting away 10% for savings, I'll have a few hundred dollars in disposable income each month.
But I don't care whether it's a few hundred or a few thousand or zero, I just don't want to live here any more.

depends if you are low potential.

jesus loser you can't just generalize all NEETS as incapable of ever moving out

>I spend all day shitposting about AMD vs NVIDIA. I can't help myself.
Boring and Sup Forums tier.

NEETs are a waste of oxygen. If we want to advance as a society, we must employ these young people, or enslave them in hard works, like being a miner or bulding roads.

>waste of oxygen
The CO2 exhaled by NEETs fuels this planet's rich and diverse flora. Whenever you see a pretty flower, think of how NEET breath helped it grow.