I just wanted a free goddamn email

All of the companies that provide free email either pushes their shitty bot-net onto you

i.e Gmail, Yandex, H̶o̶t̶m̶a̶i̶l̶ Outlook.

Sells your data to shitty 3rd parties

i.e Yahoo, AIM, everything else, and see above.

or now charge money or are completely out of business.

i.e Inbox, Hushmail, Fastmail.

Please!! I want it all back! I want to go back to the old days! I didn't ask for this.
When did things go so wrong. How did it become like this?
I just wanted a free goddamn email

Other urls found in this thread:


psst hey buddy, try cock.li
you didn't hear from me


Create your own email... All you need is a server

If it's free then you're the product.
If you can't deal with that then kys you fragile fruit cake

You DO realize that these emails are "free" for a reason, right..?

iCloud has free email. I think you need a serial from some Apple device, but I generated one on my Hackintosh and it worked fine. No ads, no botnet.

gmx.de the most secure mail provider. Based Germany, hail Merkel!


Nice meme my friend

If you wanna be spyed by some German Gay Glub
Try tutanota

No such thing as a free lunch, or email in this case.

Everyone jumped on the Google train of business and they failed miserably because they couldn't provide services as good as Google and they're way behind on the advertising sector.
On another note, check out openmailbox.org

No botnet

nothing's free in life, kiddo

>open source
>mobile apps
>encrypted everything
>no ads
>not shit

and whats wrong with gmail if you turn on imap access and use your client of choice?

sells your personal email to 3rd parties. Also the signup process went to shit after google+ integration.

>nothing is free
Where do you get this wrong. The entire free software movement obviously proves you wrong.

where's my free as in beer free software email

Free software isn't free, kiddo.

It's sustained by mutual incentive (you give me software, I give you software), and non-profit business tactics (donation, speeches, industry funding, etc.)

Setup ISPConfig+Roundcube and get a powerful dovecot+postfix+web-interface mail server.

Tutanota is good

Set up your own with free software

>needing a web interface
>needing some shitty stack to hold your hands

There's a lesson in this, and it's the old saying, "there's nothing so expensive as that which costs no money".

If you want a service and not to pay money for it, it's going to cost you in some other way. Live with it and decide which you want more; to not pay money or to not be treated like the product, because you ain't gonna get both.

Gmail is absolute cancer. A data selling whorehouse that needs to die a quick death.

We did some testing, created 10 outlook.com email addresses with random generated passwords and shared them via e-mail. We sent one email + password over:

Gmail -> On premise hosted mail servers
Outlook -> On premise hosted mail servers
Yahoo mail -> On premise hosted mail servers
Gmx -> On premise hosted mail servers
cock.ly -> On premise hosted mail servers
aol -> On premise hosted mail servers
mail.com -> On premise hosted mail servers
yandex -> On premise hosted mail servers
ProtonMail -> On premise hosted mail servers
HushMail -> On premise hosted mail servers

After 2 weeks, the outlook account we shared over Gmail got blocked because it was used to send spam.

The other 9 accounts are all fine even to this day. (we did this in February this year).

We now suspect that Gmail not only collects data and sells metadata, but they sell entire mail achieves.

We advise to avoid Gmail.

> hold your hands
Not really, it just automates things, you still can setup it with configs and update separately.
>needing a web interface
Many people need it, I didn't even know how many people use it until we migrated to our own server at work. I'd say at least 40%.

That's some next tier bullshit.

>it's not free because they use other free software too
>it's not free because they allow donations
>it's not free because their project can get popular and they'll be invited to speeches
Can you see the obvious fallacy?

FLOSS is great, and totaly can run your own, but then it wouldnt be free in the sense OP obviously meant.

If it was only the Outlook account that was compromised to send spam, this suggests poor security at Microsoft more than it does Google selling mailbox contents.

cock.li + PGP

I think we're arguing about the definition of “free”. You seem to define “free” as “you can obtain it for free”, whereas I'm using “free” to represent “it requires no external funding”.

Yes, you can download it for free, even without donating. That doesn't mean it grows on trees or pops out of nothing - all that time and effort has to come from somewhere.

If nobody's paying, the website dies as soon as it starts growing. If that doesn't happen, and you aren't paying, somebody else. If you can't tell how it gets funded, you're the product that's being sold.

i miss lavabit
oh well, i just run my own mail server now, small VPS's are cheap

Out of 10 created accounts, only the one shared by gmail gets compromised. And that pains a bad picture of MS?

We created more accounts and shared them the same way, and every time we shared account details via gmail, the account would soon after get blocked due to sending mail and we'd have to change passwords and provide phone/secondary mail for recovery.

We also shared phone numbers the same way. Our company mobile phones are all private, no search turns them up. The colleague whose phone number was shared via Gmail had to get a new one because all the polling agencies and tele sale calls he started receiving.

As I said, avoid Gmail or don't share sensitive information over it.

wew so hard

applies to 2-3 of the above

oh noes, the botnet knows your pron subscriptions

i stopped caring long ago that google can see what i do, i search big cock futa and rl horse porn on google every day while logged in to my account

That's true for large corporations because large corporations are supposed to make profits, but small scale mail servers don't bare a lot of costs, so anyone tech literate could easily set up a mail server, pay the $50/year and let other people use it for free. Openmailbox is a nice example.

The large problem would be the growing storage, other services like chans or dns providers don't have this problem and can well run for free.

sort by Price / Year. Done.

I really hate this timezone. Grow out of the money already, your life is not worth any amount of work that you can translate into money you'll spend to another worker.
You should be free.

Personally, I hate the goddamn hippies who think everything should just be freeeeee (except for the part where they'd need to work hard)

Somehow misunderstood your post. Still, the other accounts you created for these tests and sent the password via Gmail, were those also Outlook or other providers?

There are other ways phone numbers can get out too, so it's still not conclusive that Gmail selling info is behind that. And I've seen all sorts of sensitive stuff sent via Gmail and have never seen it subsequently compromised.

I guess it's not outright impossible that there are incidents of that happening, but I haven't seen anything to suggest that it's happening wholesale. Your tests that I only have your word for notwithstanding.

You can't understand because you're born in a society where money is your master, in a time where money don't have a point anymore but keep having everyone on a leash.
You should let go and think user, what are you doing ?
What are you doing with your life ?
That last question just triggered something in your brain, now you either think (depending on your situation) that you're doing great because you have a well paid job, or that you're not doing so great because you don't have a lot of security through money.
Well that's where your problem resides, in your brain. You're merely just playing a game and money has won already and also masters the game for everyone, your brain is just now programmed to place money high in your thoughts of what the meaning of your life should be.

>What are you doing with your life ?
Living the NEET lifestyle, what about you?

>your brain is just now programmed to place money high in your thoughts of what the meaning of your life should be.
Wrong. I firmly believe there is no meaning to life. It's completely devoid of all purpose.

That doesn't mean I have to be some naive fucktard who thinks the world operates on good will and charity.

>no one is offering the free service that complitly suits my need
you disgust me

That's all well and good, but once you've had the great realisation that money is not your master, then what? You still need to earn it to pay for the various goods and services you require to live. I mean sure, you can find some commune where everyone works together to grow the food you need and all that, but that really isn't all your long-term needs taken care of. If you get sick and need medicine, surgery, etc you're basically fucked. Unless you, one way or another, pay money for it.

>I mean sure, you can find some commune where everyone works together to grow the food you need and all that
Those communes don't change the laws of economics. On average, everybody still needs to put in an equivalent amount of work into the system in proportion to the services they receive, otherwise the system would collapse.

I don't care if you call it “money” or “work”, I don't care if you back it with it information or rare metals - at the end of the day, nothing's free except nothingness itself.

If you want to live a free life, kill yourself. There is no alternative.

That is kind of my point: if you live, there's effort you have to expend, whether it be to barter directly for goods and services or some form of currency, so if money is slavery, there's no such thing as true freedom.

likewise, we hate the corporate cucks that think everything should cost an arm and a leg so the ceo can own 5 houses, and air and sunlight should be taxed


The CEOs are providing a service to the world in proportion to the money they are receiving, otherwise they wouldn't be receiving it.

Nah, my outlook account which I only used for sending a single email, and then didn't use anymore, was also closed due to spam.

Microsoft considers this unusual behaviour.

>Wrong. I firmly believe there is no meaning to life. It's completely devoid of all purpose.
Maybe i was wrong about you then, you're just resolved. Or you don't mind playing the game of money because you think there's nothing else(but i think you know you can do something else)

Yes the world doesn't operates on good will and charity, because of money. But it doesn't mean you have to waste your life user. Maybe you'll live to see it maybe you won't, but when mankind will progress and leap forward money will be irrelevant in the mind of the many. Money will fade.

Progress are made through technology, inventions. Unfortunately today's technology is altered by profit, growth, concurrence... it can't leap forward like it should have already, it's stopped in an endless cycle where inventions can't exists because of products. Every year the same product is reinvented, everyone is working to make it, to think it.
No one is really thinking about something new. Something where money is not needed.

thats false and you know it. way toomuch money goes to specific individuals. they can make a profit but theres a line between reasonable and excessive, abd almost alwats company profits tend toward excessive. that system keeps rolling because the little man cant stop it in any feasible way, its not like we can collectuvely boycot major companies r some shit like that, or in any other way coerce them into a fairer system

typed on a phone, try to read over the typos

There is nothing stopping you from starting your own business. Instead of working for others.

It's not about being free of money today, it's almost impossible. It's about realizing that money shouldn't exist anymore and make it so mankind moves to the transition.
You're thinking with money in your mind, you think i can't live a life without money and you're wrong. I, not as me in the day of today, but as an human being, don't need money. I think you know that and should think your life user, surely you can do something to improve the situation. Everyone can and everyone should.

sure, lemme just pick a company from the company tree and plant it on company road

you guys always only have the exact same unrelated arguments and falsehoods as always

>thats false and you know it.
Money doesn't grow on trees. If they're getting the money, that means somebody (i.e. YOU) is giving it to them.

Why are you giving your money to CEOs if you don't think they are doing you a service?

because its not like theres any viable alternative

I'm a poor university student and started company last year. I don't see your problem.

Now I'm not even eligible for unemployment benefits and social security anymore. While employees have all these rights and protections and are ensured that they get a salary. Now if I need to hire someone to do work I can't do I'm not going to give him half my profit. Why the fuck would I? I'd rather find someone else who is willing to work for a reasonable fee.

>Or you don't mind playing the game of money because you think there's nothing else(but i think you know you can do something else)
You seem to have painted some mental image of me as somebody who devotes his life to collecting money or something.

In reality, I do pretty much the bare minimum amount of money-collecting I need to cover for my expenses. There is no value in money, it's just a vehicle for exchanging my work for my rewards. Having more than $0 on your account is a waste. (Although having less than $0 is painful, which is why we keep a buffer)

But either way, I don't think “money” is the only type of value in the world - for example, I also contribute actively to (and use) free software. But my own contributions to free software is essentially my part in the self-sustaining system of free software. The fact that me, and many others like myself, are putting work into the free software system “for free” is exactly the reason why we can take so much value out of it (again, “for free”) - it's a net zero-sum system

again changing and evading the point

fuck this gay site and its audience, man

And why exactly do you think that's the case?

he's right you know ? Giving way too much to the few is giving just enough to the many. And when the many only have enough to live, they don't have the security, they think money is a need and that they should work to earn their passage on earth.
In that situation it's really hard to think for the many, as for the few a lot of them don't really care because they feel like they won the game of money.

>It's about realizing that money shouldn't exist anymore and make it so mankind moves to the transition.
I think there's all kinds of things wrong with the way we approach money, but "it shouldn't exist anymore" isn't the answer. And even if I did think it was, it would take the cooperative efforts of world leaders to even start making it happen - there is literally nothing I can do to even start preparing the world for it.

Technically, anyone can start a company at any time. Being able to make it successful enough to even pay for your own living expenses, or doing any good at all, that's another matter.

>I think there's all kinds of things wrong with the way we approach money, but "it shouldn't exist anymore" isn't the answer.
Never mind the fact that it's impossible in a society based on physical limitations

You can't fabricate food out of nothing, ergo somebody needs to work for it. And thus is born the concept of money.

Since when ProtonMail became botnet?

>Technically, anyone can start a company at any time. Being able to make it successful enough to even pay for your own living expenses, or doing any good at all, that's another matter.
Most entrepreneurs fail a couple times before they make something that works. The trick is to keep trying. It's the only realistic way to escape having to work your entire life. Because you don't have to get paid by the amount of time you invest in work, but you can get paid by the amount of lives you affect.

I don't have a mental image of you, i was just showing my point.

Free software is really a good thing, but you're still seeing it through the lens of money. When in reality it is just a step forward, probably one of the easiest for a lot of reason. And yes it can't sustain on itself a new paradigm for mankind, but it's a real step i think you know that already.

>Being able to make it successful enough to even pay for your own living expenses, or doing any good at all, that's another matter
and it still doesnt justify ripping people off like all companies and such do. Make a profit, sure, but let it be reasonable. dont sell shit that costs 5 bucks to make and sell for 50 while claiming its solid gold instead of solid shit and while artificially keeping demand high and availability low so you can keep exploiting everyone

im not against companies and im not against profit, but rarely have i seen a company deliver a product/service of nominal quality at a nominal price while also striving for continual improvement and honesty toward customers. its always complete shit sold as if its gold, people being deceived and manipulated, quality being held back so they can exploit every little improvement as if it were much bigger than it is (nvidia and their gpus, anyone?), etc. nothing but milking, abusing, exploiting and lying. and the population at large cant stop it because everyone with the power and every competitor is in on it. when they all agree to sell shitty stuff someone needs at overly high prices, all people can do is either give in and make one of those assholes rich, or give up their purpose altogether

tl, dr: theres no such thing as an honest businessman selling acceptable products at fair prices, ensuring quality and compensating for lack thereof (just look at dell and their expensive yet always defective and bug-ridden laptops for which they dont even bother to write a fucking bugfix driver update, google nvidia optimus diagonal screen tearing for another example - whoever gave the green light to sell that junk should be hanged) without artificially furthering his interests in a way that cheats customers and without being a two-faced lying cunt

therefore, fuck businessmen

ill change my mind about them when they start showing that theyre not greedy lying fucks who enjoy ripping everyone off, i.e. never

it will happen though, the alternative is that we're bound to repeat history forever. This thought makes me sad because it could very well be true... I'm gonna go.

You can't see how it'll happen, with today's technology and way of life it'll demand a large scale cooperative effort yes. and it's not likely to happen that way. It's the small things you do that inspire others and lead to something different, better. The human brain is weak in that sense, really easy to influence.

You don't need to prepare the world, it's important to think about it and do the things you really want to do. The way you live your life will shape exactly that anons.

>it will happen though, the alternative is that we're bound to repeat history forever. This thought makes me sad because it could very well be true... I'm gonna go.
Latter seems more likely to me based on past evidence, rather than some scifi “free energy” mumbo jumbo

>waah waah I want free stuffffffff
get a fuckin job

>it will happen though, the alternative is that we're bound to repeat history forever.
That's rather like believing in god not because the stories about him truly sound plausible to you but because the idea that we just cease to exist when we die scares you. The idea is not true just because the alternative is unpleasant to think about.

Like you, I would truly love it if society could reach a point where everyone's needs are seen to and no-one has to work more than the minimum necessary, and I believe people's attitudes towards money are an impediment to that. And maybe it will happen, but I can't see how it will during my lifetime. With present and foreseeable technology, it can only happen if all the greedy arseholes in the world stop being greedy arseholes, and if you believe that's going to happen I've got a bridge to sell you.

That just leaves the advent of some revolutionary technology that will allow it to happen, but any such technology will invariably be under the control of greedy arseholes, who will only use it to make things better for themselves.

zoho mail

Most companies go tits up regardless of how much time and effort is put into them. Starting a company with nothing, or with your own money is a fast way to end up bankrupt.

... And a domain, and a clean static IP

I'm interested, could you please develop/source it?

In summary, about $5 per month. Is that really too hard?

Congrats, Google will implement corporate employment solutions one day and may get monopoly on that while treating you as a subhuman.

$5 per month and all of your work time too
Unless you want you email to constantly be hacked you need someone or yourself to constantly make sure its updated and secure as fuck there is no simple email server that's why companies either use outlook/gmail or they hire people to upkeep their own email servers.

>$5 per month and all of your work time too

I'm not even going to ask, I'm pretty sure I don't even want to find out.

Time is money unless yours is worthless
Which I'm assuming it is

What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read on Sup Forums.

At no point in your rambling, incoherent somehow terrified of jews, sexist, rambling response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought.

Everyone in Sup Forums is now dumber for having read it.

What's wrong with cock.li

It takes a day at WORST to set up a mail server

Fuck, I'm getting trolled and I know it already..

I'll join with my question
what are good English mails that work in China?

I said upkeep you illiterate fuck
Have fun knowing some random Chinese kid has all your emails

How exactly do you think server administration works? Do you picture yourself standing in front of the network cable, fending off chinese brute force attempts with a sword?

>i just want free shit
>gimme free shit!
>GIMME! I'm a special snowflake and I deserve free shit!
kys you stupid cuck

No but taking 10 minutes of my day every day isn't worth my time when I have better things to do like shit posting on Sup Forums or scratching my balls.
I'll pay someone $8 an hour to do server maintenance

Buy a domain for cheap and host it in your own home

It's not free but it's yours

>10 minutes a day every day
doing what?

I want to know this as well. It looks interesting.

How do you like the Mossad reading your emails?

Tutanota is good

This reminds me why the internet sucks now
Too many jews nowadays