Is there any good software for developing Javascript Software?

Is there any good software for developing Javascript Software?

Currently im using Eclipse for writing and then copy pasting it into Sublime and saving the file for opening it in Chrome.

Eclipse because of its syntax check which is needed for retarded languages like javascript

>inb4 some butthurt faggot starts screaming about how his shitty thinkpad cant run Eclipse and therefor no one should use IDEs

Vscode with node extension. What really puts me off from working on js at any real level is the lack of a ide debugger with support for breakpoints and shit.


Atom is good at parsing JavaScript projects but it's very slow even on modern hardware.

JetBrains WebStorm is decent but non-free, proprietary and as such evil and it should be burned at the stake.

Sublime is also non-free and unacceptable.

>Javascript "software"

If you are doing open source work then Jetbrains will give you any of their IDE's for free.

And there is no point handicapping you self in such a matter. Jetbrains makes good software.

>If you are doing open source work then Jetbrains will give you any of their IDE's for free.
Yes but it's still non-free software

Use community edition then and install Javascript plugin.

Is the JavaScript plugin free software?

Also, `debugger;`

There's tons of them. Choose one that is free.
You can make IntelliJ community edition behave like you want for any project and it will still be better than Eclipse or Netbeans or VS.

Also Phpstom is great if you do some php too

Does it have some kind of console output?

Is it free?

What do you think? are there pirated JetBrains IDEs out there?

WebStorm is non-free, and only gratis, and only if you develop free software with it

JetBrains PhpStorm?


You're on Sup Forums, which is non-free.

Atom is pretty much the only thing you need.

OP uses sublime and chrome. He shpuldnt be worried about non free-ness.

You don't have to execute non-free code to use Sup Forums.

Word, then copy it to NetBeans to save it as a .js file, then I open this with node.js on the DOS prompt.

It can still log your shit like a non free piece of cose can. You're also using the Internet which is non-liberté

Just pirate Webstorm like every normal human being.