God-tier window managers

God-tier window managers.

I'll start.


Why not just use tmux?

What is this?

doesn't display properly for me

Seems like a font issue (not using the right font)

>Twin Term
Gee, I dunno

why would you post if you don't know, quit being an asshole for fucks sake


Nice codepage.

what does it expect? i'm running it in xfce4-terminal over ssh

does the same on a local copy as well
its X frontend works, but what use is that

>run "htop" in the twin term anyway
good wm


i3. Godly customisation, ultra lightweight.

Wait, am the asshole because I don't know what this thread is about? Or is he the asshole for being an asshole to me?

Whats the differences between i3, awesome, and xmonad?

xmonad is a bitch to configure you literally have to recompile it to change the config, i3 is easy however

Havent used awesome so can't say there

awesome wm


That's it. People who know the language of the config will prefer that one over the others. If you don't know any you use i3.

I think all three work that way.

What? i3 is a simple config file you edit, awesomewm is just lua scripts that lets you change everything about it. xmonad is you edit the C source and recompile to make changes.

Display PostScript/NeXTSTEP WM
this too. It's literally perfect.

>xmonad is you edit the C source
Haskell source.

Derp, got it confused with dwm. But same shit applies to that.


he was being sarcastic, the wm is called "twin", which obvious by the multiple mentions of its name
your response () doesn't seem sincere because of this, like you're causing trouble just for the sake of it

>which considered* obvious by the multiple mentions of its name

>visible dust clouds flying off

Gee how much is being grinded off that cow anyway?

Unity/Compiz best ever

cwm and spectrwm

thanks OP, this is neat

also doesn't really count as a pure wm, as it's also a windowing system, but rio from plan 9 is really cool

i like the idea of programs taking over terminal windows

Why did icons look awesome back then, and now we're seemingly stuck with some single-color, simplistic-shape bullshit which can be thrown together in no time in a vector graphics program by anyone even remotely proficient at it? When will the fucking "flat design" abomination die?

>love lua
>love lisps
>comfortable with C (wouldn't say I like it but I'd use it)
>learning haskell
>use i3 anyway
not really sure why desu. I liked running evilwm when my school computers had that available for a few years though

did you check out stumpwm?

yeah, that's what I was referring to with the loving lisps line. I'll probably give most of them another shot once I've got my desktop set up on linux and have a nicer screen than my laptop.


It's like openbox for people with good taste in everything

icons made by programmers
icons made by art students

Any differences when it comes to multi monitor setups?

i'm on CWM. how can i rice my firefox? please halp.


what do you mean by this? are you talking about how it's using really ugly GTK themes by default?

pic related, my xterm looks nice and clean no borders but firefux is ugly. i want to at least hide all the bars and scroll bars.. without shitty firefox add-ons

you can always just set borderwidth to 0 or change the border colors

don't know about actually making firefox look more minimal

Firefox is a total lost cause.

You can edit the "chrome" of the browser but I'd recommend using an addon like Stylish so you can do it more easily.
I'd also recommend classic theme restorer. Pic related is my ugly but at least not aurora-style firefox just using ctr. too lazy to get things looking a little nicer since that'd mean writing css.

oh shit I didn't realize until looking now that my menubar gets cut off like that when the browser is thinner than ~960 pixels. oh well.

This picture gives me epilepsy and it's not even animated.

• two/three borders (depending in which branch)
• optional entirely keyboard-only usage


good wallpaper

It's not a cow grinder. It's a cow polisher.

Yes the cow grinders look much more, umm meatier.

Classic theme restorer is all you need really.

Here's how mine looks.

It's >windows but should look the same on any linux

Minimal enough?

pretty good. I just still have that irrational dislike for tabs on top after all these years. Also the search bar is wasted space imo but there's not much else to put there anyways.

There's options for that too

kinda curious, does the File Edit... thing get cut off as you shrink the window like it does for me?

Nope, it eats the address bar instead

You can make the menu come out of a button instead if space for them is a concern

>You can make the menu come out of a button instead if space for them is a concern
And here's what that looks like

There's also the old way where the menubar is off normally and just pressing Alt makes the menu bar show up on its own row. I prefer that way.

Window Maker and I'm not even memeing. Check out wmlive if you haven't used it yet.


xmonad is the masterrace

But y?

what does this do that, for example, bspwm doesnt?

its like dwm but less retarded

that's pretty much it

None of these answers are at all specific, descriptive, or helpful. Kill yourselves.

>no fun allowed


>seriously recommending shit based on X.org cancer


>not giving any suggestions for wayland,
Thanks for your contribution to the thread

>implying programmers know shit about design
The answers is that designers were competent before.
Now they're pajeets

It's probably the only WM whose core was formally verified in Coq.

But in practical terms, it's bulletproof and extremely configurable, but it's better to know some Haskell so you can enjoy it at full.

i3 reimplemented on wayland.


Orbment, another tiling wm.
Weston can be configured with some little patience to be a more or less functional Openbox replacement.
In fact I'm thinking in start a Openbox reimplementation on Wayland, correcting some tardness on it (fucking xml as config? what the fuck)

I'm curious, do you really use your desktop like that? I just tend to have 10 different desktops, but I have two small screens, instead of a big one...

Not sure what exactly you're referring to, but yes, I tend to use my desktop exactly like the picture of my desktop currently in use

I use workspaces too, you can see them at the top.

I'd use sway but it doesn't implement rotating screens yet, so I'm stuck on i3.
Which terminal do you recommend (and don't tell me you're using xwayland, fagtron).

I use awesome wm on my laptop and I love it. It's just stupid to set up at first.

I can't speak for the others but i3 works well for 2 monitors at least.


Battle network is top tier

holy fuck what is wrong with that dpi

What do you mean?

>shilling wayland shit

I really like openbox and its XML configs.

The title of your window decoration looks off-center.
Also, congrats on the 1366x768.


>autists with terminal fuckery all over the place on this board
>get first job
>everyone doing actual work just uses unity, xfce or fucking windows
gee really makes ya think

What a mess. You might as well use i3

looks like an early build of Chicago, but now with eye cancer

my resolution wasn't my choice REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

also update

I use Emacs for tiling, and it's enough for me. I'd have to set up another modifier on my keyboard to use sensible keybindings for a tiling wm. Putting 2 windows side by side is as much tiling as I need from my window manager.

personally speaking, bspwm.
The easiest & most hackable tiling WM I've ever seen.

>dont stick your hand in a lathe
Ive been on Sup Forums too long. I expected that gif to end very differently.

I use xmonad in BSP mode, which is probably even more hackable than bsp (your config file is literally the window manager itself - you program your behavior)

I agree on principal, and I have a few mates who use xmoand at work, but my Haskell skills (& FP in general) are utter trash so I've went the bspwm way (after fucking around with dwm, i3 & awesome).
Cheers for using BSP mode!

Because tiling is extremely useful for non-terminal windows as well.

What's the font, user? Is it a pixel font?