Text editors are technology

I really hate to bring up one of the oldest holy wars in computing but I have no idea which text editor to use

For the longest time I used nano, simple, lightweight, didn't think anything was wrong with it. But it started running into problems with certain languages, for instance PHP displays as all one line half the time even when the source was formatted propperly, and getting it configured for a language it doesn't support out of the box can be a pain.

I really wanna like emacs because it seems so damn powerful, but to be honest the commands are pretty fucking confusing, but I like Lisp a lot so I might wind up customizing it

Vim on the otherhand is clean and lightweight, but it's just as hard to use as emacs.

My question is am I wrong to wanna use both, just kinda learn them and pick whatever suits me best at the time?

Or is there a reason people treat their text editors like a cult, where once you pick a side there's no turning back?

Out of these three I want to like emacs but my favorite is vim

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If you can learn both, use both.
Most people learn one and use that one because it works and don't care for the other.
Emacs is a platform on its own. vim is another tool to use with others. Choose what you prefer.

Spacemacs is emacs combined with Vim. It's great.

>Vim on the otherhand is clean and lightweight, but it's just as hard to use as emacs.

I think emacs is harder to use user, because it's basically an OS

I haven't used it much though. I mostly use vim but I'm not vim wizard either

I like nano for small stuff/scripting and such.

Big java/python (example) projects require the right tools to improve productivity, and overall, a jetbrains ide will make your life easier.

And don't believe shit needs to be hard to be well done.

vim is a way of life

jesus am I in 1995 or whenever being in terminal was cool?

>Sublime Text
>Visual Studio Code

move for the future
we all know that market share of this old timey editors designed in 80s will keep shrinking
hard core fags that already invested thousands of hours in to learning and perfecting their own will stay and die in the past
but this recruiting for deprecated technology seems to me so desperate

>Sublime Text
I never really cared for Sublime, seemed cluttered
>Visual Studio Code
Haven't tried it, I'll get a package
Same problem with sublime, just messy/feature bloated
I use IDE's for debugging but that's about it, if I'm writing something fresh I use a text editor

The command line will always be more powerful than your piece of shit GUI.

This. Spacemacs simplified Emacs and allows you to use Vim keys by default. Really nice.

You have to go back

sublime text is not cluttered at all
it came with the idea of command palette which since been copied by lots of applications

I am not sure if you understand that you have terminal inside your piece of shit GUI if you want

Avoid editors that are written in meme languages (html/css/javascript) like Atom,VSCode,etc.

Sublime is written in Python and C and is the fastest of all the "modern" editors because of that.Yeah it is proprietary but it is one of those non-free programs that are really good and helpful for what they are made for and also they are not collecting your data like others.
It also has VIM mode.

I am using it on my linux system even tho I used emacs and vim in the past I realized I simply dont need that much of funcionality from editor because nobody is programming complex stuff so fast that you actually have use of those billion shortcuts.
The reality is that when you program serious stuff you are going to spend more time thinking and writing on paper than actually coding like in le Matrix-like movies. It never happens.

Whats the icon theme and gtk theme you have got going on there?

its not mine
I dont do shitty javascript anymores

Icons: Ultra Flat Icons
Theme: Flatabulous


Atom is Emacs that switched Lisp for Javascript and has pretty themes.

I mean at least we can all agree on one thing.
That Visual Studio dark theme is the god tier. I mean just look at that smooth blue color for keywords. Not so many colors, it's oldschool.

I was really happy to see such theme for Sublime.

Thank you

Visual Studio is shit. Intellisense sucks compared to the options you get with VIM. Debugging sucks too, and so does refactoring.

I was talking about the color theme.

>Computers are able to redraw million dots flawlessly
>Vim flickers while redrawing >10k glyphs
That's sad.

Best text editor for note taking?
Not programming.
Text formatting, colors, bold and shit would be nice.

you mean note taking application?
are you on linux?

Acme > alles.

I personally use Sublime. What's the point of using console editors when you have access to the GUI?

what editor should I use Sup Forums? My friend showed me how to add codes to files using echo and pipe but the indentation isn't the same and it can be tricky writing my programs all on one line

I usually do something like:

echo int main(void) { puts("hello, world"); } > helloworld.c

use sublime text

how many layers are there ? jesus fucking christ what a clusterfuck

I'm using notepad, but I want something that let's me add formatting.
Wordpad sucks.

emacs org-mode

You should be using integer division and the modulo operator instead of those loops.

why does emacs have some special snowflake window behavior that causes it to look wrong in most WMs when maximized

No idea what you mean, do you have a screenshot of it?

no, but for example in KDE if you disable all the bars, it will always leave a very noticeable space at the bottom

you can bypass that in KDE, but in some WMs you can't

hands down THE BEST notetaking application is microsoft onenote.
I am heavy linux user and I spent lot of time searching for something remotely similar.. nothing comes even close to how awesome onenotes are, just look up some youtube tutorials on them. OCR and screenshoting, and mobile apps, its all fucking awesome

if even though you are on windows you are more of a hands on fag, that wants notes files nicely separated and be nothing than just text files and use something to get style and formatting out of that then qownnotes are pretty ok, it uses github markdown, every note is just .md file

I use them on linux, they are not ideal, the idea that you have two panels one where you edit one where you see formatted results does not sit well with me. Though if you tinker with it you can make it behave so that you switch between modes..

annyway, you windows side, you want onenote

Tbh I've been learning Vim thanks to all the shilling here, but the modal editing paradigm still doesn't sit right with me.

The irony is that VSCode is actually decent and you should try that one instead of Atom, which is sluggish and would be more deserving of

both are sluggish

True, but VSCode considerably less so.

OP, I tried GNU Emacs, and I fell in love with it. It definitely takes time to learn Emacs or vim (Emacs seems to have a learning curve that is more gentle,) but it's worth it. I really like how Emacs keybindings allow me to execute commands without moving my hands away from the typing position, and it comes with some powerful editing commands (and it can be easily extended.) I managed to stay productive even when I was new to Emacs, and I barely knew how to do anything. The nice thing about Emacs is that it comes with a help system and you can ask it for commands and how to use them. Emacs Lisp is fun to mess around with, and it's pretty useful, because whatever I write in it can be used regardless of the operating system that I use (I use GNU Emacs on GNU/Linux, Windows and Android, and it's ported to pretty much everything that can handle it, even windows 98 can run modern versions of GNU Emacs) as long as it doesn't try to run any programs (because doing things like launching compilers from Emacs is a normal thing.)

Try GNU Emacs with org-mode. It can export to a lot of formats if you need to, and defining custom backends isn't hard.


How can vim autists consistently lie through their teeth and claim their shitty inefficient mode switching is good?

They can probably see the beauty of modal editing, and they aren't used to it yet. It takes time to get efficient with powerful tools, and it might seem stupid to have worse efficiency when you learn them, but in the long run it will make sense.

>his editor doesn't have mode switching

I hope to god this is bait

Who Gnome 2.0 gedit/pluma here?

You can use >> to append output of your commands to the end of file. I hope that I helped you at least a little bit. You could also try using sed to edit your files.

Sublime text and Notepad++:

Sublime is just nice, recognizes spaces tabs sizes, good plugins selection. the only thing it's missing is notepad++'s compare plugin.

I keep notepad++ around mostly for the comfy compare plugin and for the charset switch/convert functions, I find them really useful when trying to fix garbled unicode.

Other mentions:

Atom is not bad but being a standalone webkit view that runs on javascript makes it sluggish. I LOVED THE POWER MODE PLUGIN THO. (And then I uninstalled Atom)

I've heard good things about visual studio code, but I haven't tried it yet.

Don't bother with VIM unless you have a reason to. It has a steep learning curve, magical keybindings and a road paved with frustration.

obvious bait, but try ed
it's actually pretty interesting to know how to use it

we're actually pressing less keys on average, especially less key combos
since I have some pain in the fingers, it really helps

>uses the mouse

hipster trash

>syntax highlighting considered harmful

The only, but valid reason to use those is input latency, which should be < 20ms.
See: pavelfatin.com/typing-with-pleasure/

If you listen to have fun with your non-sleek typing.

>ides are bloated
>installs 143 plugins on his editor of choice
>editor weights as much as eclipse now
nice logic

I use at least 3 editors when i'm writing stuff:
- vim when i need to mass edit some shit
- geany when i want to regex some complex shit (i used to have my own regex tool but dropped it back in 2010)

>I dont do shitty javascript anymores
what did he mean by this?

vim with solarized light theme + spell checking (that's my only use for solarized).

ghost writer (github.com/wereturtle/ghostwriter) or retext for markdown.

org mode in emacs

Vim is not clean and lightweight at all

Emacs is designed to be extended from the ground up. Vim just isn't. Vim is a collection of hacks. Emacs is a collection of opportunities.

But you have to admit

emacs could do without image and sound support
and truly asynchronous elisp

Emacs is graphical

Most "modern" editors are basically the feature set of emacs, but worse. Especially atom and sublime text. ESPECIALLY.

All of them. I have all the IDEs and never stick with one for very long. Brackets, NetBeans, VIM, Gedit, Notepad++, all of them. Know how to use them all but it's ok to have a favorite. Mine is a tie between VIM when I only have terminal and Brackets when I have a UI.

>emacs could do without image and sound support
distros should start shipping minimal emacs to be honest

it would be emacs with just enough elisp for everything to work, then you could add the rest on top

I run Emacs, it's the best

This is literally my wet dream thank you kind sirs for showing me the way

>IDE faggot
>uses reddit
rly makes u think

I use 2 plugins that are actually only 2.2mb

tfw using sublime but the logo is so damn ugly I can't stand seeing it on my bar. Fuck this piece of ugly shit. freetards can't design shit for life and even dares to charge for it

>freetards can't design shit for life and even dares to charge for it


dont listen to assholes who tell you "here, take this custom .vimrc, and learn all these shortcuts, and don't ever ever touch the mouse"

no, fuck that. it's the worst way to learn vim

run through vimtutor once or twice to get accustomed to teh whole idea of hotkeys and editing modes, and then use it just like fucking notepad. and then, every time you have a "there's GOT to be a better way to do this" moment, look it up, because there is

over time you'll pick up lots of handy tips and tricks that improve your workflow but you will barely have to try to remember any of them

pen and paper

whats the pvrpose of this vertical space wasting??