God help us

god help us

Who the fuck names they're daughter Jalyssa?

The answer is 1 though. Google is wrong.

Fuck off

The answer is 1.

It's 6 OVER 2(1 + 2)

Tue formatting is ambiguous

Knee grows

The girl is correct but for the wrong reasons

>ambiguous formatting
Seriously, I hate when people are too retarded to use parenthesis properly, I just don't bother trying to guess what they actually meant.

Honestly, that whole question rests on your stance on implied multiplication priority. Wolfram even gives a different answer than it did a few years back.

I was taught to give implied multiplication priority, and it honestly makes more sense to me regardless. Top level physicists use it as well. But it seems to be becoming less popular lately.

Either way, the biggest issue is it is a poorly written problem. On top of that, who the fuck uses an obelus any more?

well that's a new one

I'm not a native speaker. What do you mean by "implied multiplication"?
Is that first handling the bracketed numbers, like (6) over (2*(2+1))? Or first multiplication and division, then brackets?

It's 9 you retards.
PEMDAS is Parentheses, Exponents, Multiply AND divide, Addiction AND subtraction. And it's always left to right.

In this case, 1 + 2 is first because it is in parentheses, 1 + 2 = 3. That makes it 6 ÷ 2 × 3. Since all that is left is multiplication and division, it is left to right. 6 ÷ 2 = 3 × 3 = 9
Anyone who seriously believes the answer is 1 needs to return to the first grade.

this guy fucking gets it. holy hell how stupid are people.

6/2 x 2+1
3 x 3

Left to right evaluation you fucking retard. Multiplication and division have the same operator precedence.
The correct answer is 9, this isn't ambiguous.

it is 9

t. Stephen Hawking

Graduate high school before you chime in, would you? Look up implied multiplication, you simple minded shitbird.


Yes. 2(2/3) vs 2×2/3.

changed my mind

it is 1

holy fuck I need to study

With the first one being implied multiplication.

you idiots

without doing 6/(2(1+2)) it is interpreted as being linear equations

6/2 = 3
1+2 = 3
3 * 3 = 9

stop being so fucking autistic


1. the way it is presented, the answer is 9

2. for the answer to be 1,

it should be 6 / (2*(2+1))

How's 3rd grade treating you? No one uses '/' to indicate division past that level.

Anyone who can't admit it's an ambiguous equation that leaves both options open is the true uninformed, close-minded autist. Which explains the majority of answers on Sup Forums.

and for the normies that don't know the alt code for ÷ the fuck are they going to use? That's right, fucking / because it's also correct. Use brackets to indicate what you want instead of being a retard and expecting separate interpretations of problems due to your autism


My experience was exactly the opposite.

Not really. It needs more brackets to point exclusively to either one of the answers.

Or less for that matter. It is purposefully written poorly to generate controversy among retards.

I've never even seen anyone make it through algebra without adopting "/" as shorthand.

I know this is bait, but you're describing 6/(2(1+2))

We can all agree on 6 / 2 * 3
It's the same as 6 * .5 * 3
Which is 9

Everyone is is retarded
Is meant to be
If they wanted it to be
it would be written so.

PE(M or D)(A or S)

Now get out.

Is there a reason why some schools call it PEMDAS? BEDMAS sounds nicer. Plus it lists division first then multiplication for neatness sake even if they are equal.


you can literally post a simple ambiguous math problem on any board that allows it and it will be at least a moderately successful thread



Were these folks not taught 'left to right'...?

>>>/bayesian probability/

It's not, though. That's a malformed math problem.
The answer is "format it fucking properly"

NC - C, OK
C - NC, OK

C = crit, NC = no crit

You can easily see that the answer is 33.3...%. What gets people confused is that we are talking about related events. We know with a 100% certainty somehow that one of the hits will be crit. This can never happen in real life, you can only predict with a 75% succes rate that one the two hits will be a crit. This is purely a hypothetical probability problem.