What is Sup Forumss antivirus of choice? I am using avira and my pc is pretty fucking infected at the moment

what is Sup Forumss antivirus of choice? I am using avira and my pc is pretty fucking infected at the moment

A condom


Run Tronscript and install Ublock.

Then of course stop being retarded.


but I torrent a lot.
I am an experienced user and a programmer. but these new viruses are a pain in the ass and avira doesnt really work properly even though it detects so many things

i use zblock, but some malware is too much for it

Common Sense Current Year Supreme Platinum Deluxe Edition

>I torrent a lot
so what?

He torrents a lot of viruses I guess

wait, people still use AV software?

>not having Common Sense Current Year Supreme Platinum Deluxe Edition Plus

>not running pirated programs in a snapshot of a virtual machine that has no Internet access

I could run them on "sandboxie" it takes so much effort my friend

I never understood people like this. Who needs new software so often that they're constantly torrenting software and contracting viruses.

I prefer national.

normalfags buy into it because it makes them feel safe
they can't install bleeding edge common sense 2017 beta because their brains lack the requisite intelligence

use Kaspersky

manchild gamers


>common sense 2017
at this point I literally googled common sense 2017 thinking it might be an actual product

Kaspersky. I trust the Ruskies more than the Yanks, Chinks and poo in loo's.

Not sure where to ask but, how do I protect my mobile from that malicious fucking JavaScript ad on the main page that keeps hijacking my browser?

You don't even need Common Sense 2017 when you have wine, kernel namespaces and cgroups.

Windows is ages behind any modern Unix.

Forgot pic

Bitdefender Free is god tier

Linux is slow uncompatible unsupported garbage.

There's a reason why there's no viruses for Linux - the userbase is so ridiculously small that the virus makers don't even bother.


ClamAV plus my own common sense.

>muh FOSS
ClamAV is garbage

People uses AV's?

Literally dont be retarded when torrenting.

I've been using WINDOWS DEFENDER and my PC is crystal clean, haven't formatted like in 2 years.

>I've been using WINDOWS DEFENDER

Congrats you're a part of a virus botnet and you don't even know it.

Everything you said is false, you realise that?


Kaspersky since I get it for free although this thing is a shade of its former glory so I'm opened to suggestions.

Are AV programs biggest scam in history of PC? I mean ffs a single freeware browser extension did more for stopping adware and malware than all AVs combined.

Welp. I've never gotten a virus and I've used it for 8 years.... but then again I'm not a total retard and always have my wits about me.

>Windows is ages behind any modern Unix.
you're running on Enlightenment 3.1 so of course you don't need fucking Windows common sense anti-virus

>Are AV programs biggest scam in history of PC?
Which was it? McAfee or Norton?

webroot , simple , small and dont make the pc slow.


Linux + uBlock + uMatrix is all you'll ever need desu senpai

Avira is nice but slow as fuck and has fewer ads than avast but still has ads

bitdefender free is light, fast, detects anything, and in months and months of using it I've never once seen it

>ads in your AV software
>in AV software
when you find my sides pls return them to me