hello Sup Forums, i come from a Sup Forums background but i am pretty versed in the gentoos so let's talk face to face

as /lgbt/ as this may sound, i am here to tell you what pisses me off and to propose a solution.

take a look at pic related. its what i could find in 2 minutes. but the issue is MUCH broader.

basically most major media outlets are fighting a fight against free commenting. whereever you see a slightly controversial article, the comments are deleted by the thousands.

i mean i would understand if they """flagged""" """offensive""" comments and you'd have to click on it to make it show, as a way to make the general experience """friendly""" (whatever that may mean). but they are blatantly deleting and censoring the comments.

>inb4 this is to prevent spam
i understand some comments might be spam or off topic. but if the sites internal voting system gives the comment 30 "stars" or whatever, it's not fucking spam, gtfo telling me what i can or cannot read


anyways, this """idea""" has been lingering in the back of my head for several years (which means its not a fad but still urgently needed), its blatantly simple and most likely exists in some for or another but i came here to gather some opinons on how to best design some system like this.

basically we would want a system that is
1) separate from nytimes/gawker/reddit/facebook/etc.
2) but allows people to comment on particular content on nytimes/gawker/reddit/facebook/etc.
3) has one of the common ""selection"" systems to filter out spam/shitposts/bait, for EXAMPLE reddit-type voting system (its an EXAMPLE you goddamn faggots, i know this particular system is an echo chamber for popular faggot opinions)

i mean we need something like disqus but hosted separately, not embedded in the website itself.

this would tilt the momentum back into our hands, because at the moment, the globalist media owners and goverment censors are winning.

Other urls found in this thread:


Are you a woman?

Are you a faggot?

make your own subreddit faggot

I'm actually asexual, woman.

This is a great idea, but for it to catch on it would need a large userbase.

Best implemented as a browser add-on that shows the comments in some kind of bar below the website.

In fact I'm pretty sure there's already a system like this out there, but I don't know the name of it off the top of my head and it's probably still heavily censored.

fuck off roastie

It already exists.

One such example is Fark.com

>I'm actually asexual

This actually isn't a terrible idea. A browser plugin could show the comments on the appropriate page. Good luck finding a voting system which won't piss everyone off though.

However, you sound like a gigantic faggot and should go ahead and kill yourself asap for the benefit of all humanity.

>it would need a large userbase.
this is not true. what would be suffice at first is a strong (small) group of powerusers. it will spread naturally into normieland.

and yeah, browser add on is a possibility but tbqh i would prefer something more universal. maybe a website that embeds websites? or simply an external website? i mean when you're done reading the article, you're done, you don't have to look at it anymore, now you want to see the comments. sure there should be a way to quickly get back to the article if you need to reference something, but in general people will want to focus on the comments

what's with this level of low quality shitposting on Sup Forums? sorry im not a regular

How is that autism? I literally just don't want to fuck woman or dudes, I'm just not able to have those kinds of feelings. irl I have a big group of friends both woman and dudes I hang out with at least every other Saturday. I also have a job too.

If you start embedding sites in other sites you go down the "you're stealing our ad revenue" wormhole. A browser plugin is the safest option.

>How is that autism?

If you have to ask...


>I literally just don't want to fuck woman or dudes
>I do not have biological instincts
ok tumblr

Unless the site is shown as a thumbnail and you have to go to it yourself, that way they won't complain right?

>irl I have a big group of friends
I doubt it

It's a brain anomaly, not autism. And stop falling for the bait.

Who the fuck writes like this? Are you 12?

Thanks for the copypatsa, now fuck off faggot

>pls me a freedumb website
make it yourself kid

Mobile Chrome and Safari are probably the most common browsers out there OP, and they lack extension support
Anyways, you should take this to one of the competent versions of Sup Forums in other imageboards, you will only find low quality bait and shilling here
I believe it something like this already exists

But autism is a brain anomaly

But not the same anomaly

Can you please elaborate and also explain how I am able to have friends and a job if I'm autistic?

I dunno I have just never had sexual feelings toward anyone. I've tried to browse through many different types of porn but everything is either funny, strange, or feels generic as fuck.

I do, we all hang out at the pub or go watch movies and shit. Most are childhood friends and some just randomly clicked with us along the way. It's 6 of us right now.

>explain how I am able to have friends and a job if I'm autistic

Plenty of autistic people do. Pic related.

That's what reddit was supposed to be and the role Sup Forums sometimes fills.

Unfortunately these places aren't taken seriously because there exists a certain demographic that would rather spam the word "nigger" or spout inane memes and few people are prepared to wade through endless shit to have a discussion.

tl;dr: shitposting may as well be censorship and by extension makes the justification of the genuine article so much easier.

The hardest part would be reigning in the 12 year olds while still encouraging open discussion.

There is a faggot who says he has money and resources and wants to do something big. Maybe post there instead.

He has never been officially diagnosed with autism though.

Is this another "A is B because A hurts my feelings/I don't like it!" kind of faggotry?

>I'm too autistic to realize that people can have instincts without desiring the exact same things I do

>i come from a Sup Forums background

>this would tilt the momentum back into our hands
Your hands you mean.

>the globalist media owners and goverment censors are winning
As opposed to your censors? Last time I posted on reddit and got censored was in /r/worldnews when I asked why posters there expected the male refugees from Syria to pick a side in their civil war instead of leaving when their choices are between ISIS, a dictator who commits a ton of war crimes, and various smaller factions who have no chance of winning as they're up against Russia as well as Syria. All subsequent posts I made replying to other posters in that thread were hidden.

Can you write that a little more cohesively? Thanks.

That would make for just the most brilliant UX.

>what's with this level of low quality shitposting on Sup Forums? sorry im not a regular

it's the fucking crossposting dipshits from Sup Forums, just ignore them

How can Shaq make sick dunks on the court if he's autistic?

This sounds a bit like Disqus.


The comments are deleted because the position they hold isn't supported by a large enough majority. Sites like Reddit and Der Spiegel (what I assume the German comments are from) want to have as mainstream of an appeal as possible to maintain support ($$$) from advertisers. Advertisers will not tolerate their content (ads) being attached to something that could alienate a large majority of the public. It's that simple. There are of course other factors, but I believe that ($$$) is the biggest one.

It's the same reason the ads you see on porn sites are different than the ads you see on the Wall Street Journal.

>don't tell me what I can and can't read on a website you own and need to make ad revenue off of

kek, never change Sup Forums

OP you're basically talking about a half-reddit half-Sup Forums browser extension that adds external comments to any webpage, which probably already exists in several forms with a combined userbase of ten people.

There was a site or a browser extension that was popular a few years ago that added a shared drawing overlay to any site (Goggles maybe?) but was slow and unresponsive because it was a heavy java app moving a ton of data on no budget. Pure text thing would be easier but most people are plenty content with their existing echo chambers so you'll never get a userbase without a lucky miracle.

Okay here's another idea:
just make an ultra-simple browser extension that restores deleted comments. It would run silently in the background scraping comments from sites like reddit, Sup Forums, disqus sections on news articles, etc. Those comments are then sent to a server. The server of course has a database associating comments with a particular site, URL, or other identifier. Whenever you want to see what's been deleted, you can click on a button or something. The button sends a request to the server for comments, and those comments are re-inserted back onto the page. All client-server communication is encrypted via OpenPGP. Basically similar to uneddit.com/ but universal and better. Eventually there could even be a service where archives for popular sites are also queried.


how about you just live your fucking life instead of giving a flying fuck about something as dumb as this?

fuck off, nothing is going to change.

fuck off and stop using facebook you normie asshat


>I cum from Sup Forums
Return from where you came.

>just casually scrape millions upon millions of web pages repeatedly to see whether my aryan brothers are being oppressed by the JIDF

expensive hobby

>Sup Forums wants a safe space special snowflake comment section after years of being against them

>how about you just live your fucking life instead of giving a flying fuck about something as dumb as this?
Says the user who decided to post a reply on Sup Forums. OP's idea sucks ass btw.

Yeah but unlike sexism and racism, naziphobia is real.

with good reason tho

There is a huge problem with your idea, but don't worry there's a definite solution.

- the host would be able to censor indirectly by modifying the votes.
- by extension, spammers (as in "buy x upvotes for your post for only 9.99$") would be able to rig the system from the outside.

- both can be perfectly prevented by implementing a block-chain protocol (yes, it is a generic algorithm that just happened to be used for money, you might know it under the name of "bitcoin")

a distributed block-chain network (like bitcoin, but very heavily modified to suit this ideas needs) would counter the problems by
a) being distributed, nobody can modify anything alone
b) having a pre defined "cost-factor", that would require you to spend some computing time for every network action you take.

example: you want to upvote someone, you click the upvote icon, your computer has to spend a huge amount of time, like 1 or even 2 seconds(!), which is a LOT when you think about computational complexity, to create a hash block that fits the block chain, then transfer the block to the chain and wait for confirmation (the network can designed in a way so this takes < 5sec while still staying secure).

install gentoo

Some of the comments you people post are disgusting and deserve to be purged

You could probably hitch it off of bittorrent as a browser addon or something

>nairaland for black people
>2ch for Japanese people
>Sina Weibo for Chinese people
>Sup Forums for EVERYONE
Global market appeal is a codeword for white genocide!