Why the FUCK do people use wireless charging when magnetic cables are a thing?

WHY THE FUCK? They are inefficient as fuck, slow-ass shits. I get it, you don't want to plug cables. FUCKING GET A MAGNETIC CABLE NOT THAT SHIT. And the funny thing is some Sup Forumsentooman actually love it despite it being proprietary.

stick it up your ass and fuck off

>I get it, you don't want to plug cables

Magnetic means, you know. You just get it closer and it, you know. Plugs itself. You know, like, wireless.
Are you sure you want me to do it?

Yes, post vid in one of those /gif/ gay threads

fuck off shill

magnetic cables cant provide data transfering (at least the one in your pic)

would be a real hassle to take that thing out to put some porn on my phone

I use a mini usb one and its great, bought 3 so far to put in various places. Havent taken the plug from my phone out in over 6 months. Supports data too. I refuse to upgrade to usb type c since magnetic for it is not available yet, magnetic is too convenient. Saves the micro usb port and cable from being ruined if someone trips or pulls on it. Only downside is you have to take it out for OTG.

because apple owns the patent on that shit

Do you get electrocuted if you put your tongue between the two magnets?

pic related can't but the one I have can. Please stop being ignorant

>Throw phone onto night table
>Wake up to a fully charged phone
The price difference between the one with and the one without was the cost of a USB cable. Also, I don't have to worry about losing the little bit when I charge my phone at a friends house.

Forgot my pic

>12 posts
>no pic related

>putting a magnet on a connector
fucking muricans will patent anything. Apparently even just applied maths like algorithms to compress images (bla bla cosine bla) are patented. Fucking surreal, people aren't even free to just invent shit on their own anymore cause some douche could drop in and wave a fucking piece of paper claiming he was first and this somehow makes it illegal for you to invent the same thing.

Samsung's wireless charging is faster than Apple's regular charging actually.

Charging speed is irrelevant to me. I just drop my phone on the charging pad on my desk when I get home from work and by the time I leave again the next morning enough time has passed for it to have charged several times over, how slow it is compared to a cable does not matter at all.

It's simply very convenient, I pick my phone up and put it back down without having to fiddle with any cables at all, it's especially nice if I'm busy with something and don't want to waste more time and attention on the phone than absolutely necessary.

Convenience. Galaxy S5 has a port cover so I don't need to fuck around with that every day.

I just need to use one hand, set my phone done on the pad and it charges.

I have a charging cradle in my car, set my phone in it and it's set.

no idea, never used or seen a wirelessly charging phone, but doesn't it have to be laid in a very particular place? how far does this wireless thingy actually go?
Long ago I was dreaming about wireless charging, as a thing of the future, but not this bullshit. Like walk around the house while charging.IMHO this wireless charging is as much the real thing as a hendo hoverboard.
Wireless charging in its current form isn't worth anything to me. not worth a single dollar more spent on r&d/coils/wasted energy sent into the air. how much watts do these things provide anyway? my charger is consistent at 1,5A so about 7-8 watts.

You place the phone on some sort of charging pad.

would buy that wireless charger is it stopped charging the phone once it reach 100%, to leave it all the night.

thank you user

xperia had mag chargers

xperia lmao
> virtual buttons

>$599 or more


>throw 1mm off the coil area
>wake up to dead battery

poorfag detected

Because you don't need to connect cables at all?