Has anyone here worked for Microsoft?

Has anyone here worked for Microsoft?

Would you recommend it?

No and yes

My friends dad works for them, no clue what he does. Gets great insurance and benefits and cheap M$ keys/new product/ xbone games cheap

If you want to sell your soul to the devil, I understand microsoft is one of the better devils to choose from.

no and no

I expect around 30% of the people here to be Microsoft employees.


All I want is a decent stable job I can tolerate

Not looking to save the world here

look at this guy

all rational n shit

I wouldn't mind being put on their research division, seems where all the actual fun is had.

For about 10 years, in various groups. What do you want to know, specifically?

I am not now, nor was I ever, an SDE, so I don't have any input if you're a code monkey.

How much did you get paid per post?

do they have loo?

why doesn't bonzi buddy come preinstalled

What are the exit opportunities for people involved in development?

Could you comment on the corporate culture?

Any commentary on their recruiting practices? What do they look for in new hires?

job discussion is not technology discussion

which one of you bros posted this :D

I don't. But I don't care if you use Microsoft stuff or not.

Actually, with most of Sup Forums, I'd prefer you didn't. I deal with enough turbo retards as it is...

Yeah, usually two male and two female bathrooms on every floor.

Because it's shit software? Ask Gateway, IIRC, they were the only ones that ever pre-installed it.

> Exit opportunities
> Corporate culture
If you're an FTE, you can usually go anywhere. Microsoft is ran much like Google is trying to run Alphabet. Each group is ran like it's own individual company from a management standpoint. Stack ranking isn't a thing anymore, but neither is getting rich and retiring at 40. At a more granular level, it depends on the group you're in. OSG is pretty decent, MTE is more of the hardware geeks, and PSS support is micro managed to hell. But Kevin Turner is gone, so I hear it's getting better.

> What do they look for in new hires?
Anymore? An H1B visa. It's fucking terrible. But if you can get to the right person, and have genuine talent, and an active Monster account, most of the recruiters working on campus in Redmond will reach out to you.

As a whole, it's not the same company I started with ~10 years ago. Satya is nice enough, but Ballmer kinda screwed the pooch.

>those days when i installed bonzi buddy

link me that gateway... for research purposes..



No but i work for a microsoft partner and have to visit them once evrey while they seem to be decent people

>Has anyone here worked for Microsoft?
>Would you recommend it?
Windows or the job? Doesn't matter, no to both.


Coz Reverse Psychology.

Why would you not recommend working for Microsoft?


>Has anyone here worked for Microsoft?
Pretty much every linux luser here will claim to have worked for them.

I've worked with ex-Microsoft people and they're horrible. Super passive aggressive, always assuming malice on the part of others, conniving, etc.

Oh, and they always said things like, "we just gotta have heart, right?" It was some kind of weird cult chant of theirs. I heard from another coworker that it came straight out of Microsoft. They'd get visibly upset when I'd answer, "no, we need to have an excellent product that provides value for our customers".

Maybe things are improving, but Microsoft has been famous for stacked-ranking (which leads to horrible behavior, like undermining your team), astonishingly insular thinking, and endless infighting. As a long-time Microsoft user and programmer, it's my impression that they focus more on "rebranding efforts" than they do an actual innovation.

>stable job

I think M$ is way better than g00gl or Applel..

At least you don't get sucked into some sect-like "we own your ass" culture.