My dad goes to the local Best Buy to pick a TV I bought for him

>My dad goes to the local Best Buy to pick a TV I bought for him
>He's mistreated by the pickup center girl because he has a very limited english knowledge
>Called me to fill a complaint because even if he got the TV, he was discriminated
>Want to fill a complaint but a the same time don't want someone to lose their job because they had a bad day.

What is the correct thing to do, Sup Forums?
Let's say your dad is German and his English is very weak, and he gets mistreated for that. What would you do?

File the complaint. The customer is the lifeblood of the company.

The last I time I filed a complaint anywhere, a hot girl got fired.
It hurts, but it's not the right thing to do, it's the only thing to do

Tell your dad to learn English.

I would go there and check the girl if she's an asshole or she's having a bad day. Everyone has bad days.

He is in a English school right now but he just started

>He's mistreated by the pickup center girl
Does your father overreact to things?
If not, file a complaint. If so, ignore and said you did.

I don't understand?

You seem to be implying it would have been better that someone ugly was fired instead?

To be honest, no. He is very peaceful and that


> german
Of course he is ahmed

I wouldn't do it. Have you worked in retail? I did for half a year. After about three weeks you're just so numbed by the constant shit idiots give you. Every day in retail is a bad day.

Regardless of that I think everyone should be able to speak the language of the country they're in somewhat properly. If it's not an English speaking country, also English.

I don't know man; there's a difference between having a bad day and just straight up being an asshole. If you want to give her the benefit of the doubt, do it. If she's consistently has a bad attitude she'll be reported by someone else and shitcanned soon enough.

If you can't speak the same language it's very easy to become frustrated. I say give them a break.

Sounds like you and your dad is a real dumbass dude.


File a complaint. If you're in the service industry and can't provide good service you shouldn't have a job in it.

It was an example, I never said I was German (or Poo)

Fuck best buy employees

Who do you trust more, your dad or the Best Buy Corporation?

Get real, my. I've never met a German in my country 5hat had problems with English. Even the backpacker in there first week are fine. Before you go and make a complaint because the warehouse girl couldn't speak Arabic or Chinese, why don't you imagine the shoe on the other foot. How do you think a foreign national would go trying to pick up a TV in your shifty home Country?

>making excuses for foreigners

sounds like you're a dumbass also

>people itt defending shitty employees
I don't give a fuck if you had a bad day, i don't care if your mom was beheaded live on the internet, if you treat paying customers like shit you don't deserve your job.

Not OP, but why?

File the complaint. Being polite is like the least you can do working in retail. Best Buy deserves to know and ultimately you're doing the employee a favor since they aren't capable in the job and need to pursue a different kind of job.

sometimes the customers are shit

File a complaint, his broken English is probably better than the Ebonics and Spanglish they're used to hearing.

Was she white OP?

What excuse did I make for foreigners? As far as I'm concerned, you dad should fucking off back home until he can speak the language.

because only dumbasses have problems with retail transactions

having to ask why makes you a dumbass to

And when you own your own business you can treat them however you like. Best Buy is paying her to be nice, if she can't do that she doesn't deserve the job.


Yeah, which is pretty odd. I'm told (because I buy almost all my shit online) that blacks and hispanics give the worst customer service, so I was kind of surprised.

you a rasist!

what if she was nice but the dumbass didn't understand took them as insults

You're doing Best Buy a great disservice by not filing a complaint. They're paying a shitty employee with a shitty attitude that is driving away business.

>because only dumbasses have problems with retail transactions

But who was the dumbass? The girl or OP's dad?

>calling others dumbass
>can't write a simple sentence without grammar mistake

I worked six years in customer service before graduating college and here's the answer from the employee.

YES. That person might be having a shit day, because retail fucking sucks. That does not excuse mistreatment. I have been slapped by an old lady for "making our coupons too small". Did i over react? No, I walked away. They need to learn to not be candy asses and do their job.

Language would probably be a cultural thing rather than race, but youre right, I do dislike people who have skin that's darker than mine.

the dad was obviously trying to come on to the girl for a schnitzel rub.

haven't you been paying attentions?

you are

>wanting to help a corporation without compensation
who could be behind this??

Actually it's not surprising, white girls are incredibly shitty people.

Maybe your faggot dad should learn American. If an adult can't speak American properly I tell them to fuck off to whatever shithole they come from. It's not "mistreating" him it's treating him the way he deserves because he's treating USA like shit by not learning the language. Fuck people like your dad. I hope Trump gets elected so fuckers like him will be sent back to where they belong.

Did he get the TV he wanted at the price he wanted? That's all that matters. The girl isn't there to be his friend.

LOL, you sound like a little bitch

Genius, he IS learning the language.


This. Fucking off back home, pajeet/zhang

Go be a white knight somewhere else, faggot.

THE WALL is going to stop the rest of your family from coming

Isn't anyone going to ask how?

Did the girl molest him or what?

He should have learnt it before yelling gibberish at retail employees

>White Knights
>defending some 3DDP
I miss the old Sup Forums

He told me that the girl was yelling at him, not the other way around.

You guys think is impossible for a girl to be a bitch?

I hate women, but I hate faggots who can't speak English more. Go back to your shithole country.

Why the fuck would anyone go to Best Buy? Their underpaid employees treat everyone like shit and all they care about is getting you to sign a service agreement. Next time, order it online.

She wasn't wearing a burka and almost caused his dad to have a sexual emergency

no it less likely any retail employee would yell at a customer for no reason. if any other employee was in earshot then she would have been fired on the spot.

There's little information here, in what way did she "mistreat" him? Did she taunt him by misspeaking gibberish on purpose? Did she tell him that he should learn English and then come back? Or did she simply say that she had troubles understanding?

There's a lot of fucking missing variables here. I don't doubt for a second that a electronic shop employee can be a fucking cunt, then again, I don't doubt some people are way overly sensitive towards everything as well. If you feel he got mistreated for real, in that case she has troubles being respectful towards her customers and in the end her company's customers and the company should know that they won't be hearing from you again.

>poo smelling old pajeet wanders into your store and starts bother customers
What would you Do? I would have had him arrested, personally.

So is your dad an sand nigger or a spic?

I had a complaint for saying "I'm sorry I can't understand what you're saying." It wasn't a foreigner though but a black person from Denver. Thankfully it was recorded and I could show that I didn't say anything racist.

Don't listen to this bunch of idiots. Make the girl apologize to your dad, that's the human being way.

Are you East Asian, Southeast Asian, Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern, Eastern European, or about any race that isn't a nigger? File a complaint.

Are you a nigger? Go steal from their store next time.

Americans don't go buy Mexican televisions and expect them to speak English. Tell your dad to learn English or get the fuck out.

He is a Spaniard.
He told me that the girl refused to give him service and did some "offensive mannerisms" because of his broken english. He asked her to call the manager (he knows a little english as I stated) but she refused. Then he had to talk to another person to get the TV and the got the fuck out.

That is (in his words) what happened.

This, also kys for making this thread on Sup Forums.
Tell him that he needs to go back.

"Spaniard". Yeah, okay, well maybe next time go with him so that he doesn't get angrily redirected to the only kid in the store that understands Spanglish.



We live far away.


Or I know how to deal with customers. Take a pick

file the complaint already and ignore this thread

He is learning English, better than those that don't even try, you know?
Yeah I guess, this devolved pretty quickly.

I'm sure that losing your manhood was 100% worth that $6/h job

He could be an older person from east germany, therefore its likely he learned Russian in school



If he is still learning, why would you send him out to pick up the TV alone? Did you think the employees would speak Spanish or that his broken English and gesturing would be enough?

I thought Spaniards men were capable of dealing with a little girl's tantrums, guess your dad's just a whiny little bitch looking for a victim card.

True, my mistake.


So beating the shit out of a old lady is the proper response? I'm sure you're a well adjusted NEET.

She works for a company, and his dad is paying the company money, she shouldn't have mistreated him for no reason and so she should be fired, simple as that


that's correct

yeah just go beat up an old lady lol that's what a man would do

You sent someone who is too stupid to speak proper English to a English business to interact with people. What the fuck did you expect to happen you fucking idiot?

Nah I probably would have just spat in her face or dragged her out of the store.

What a silly idiot, he actually expected employes to not be retarded and be respectful, kek

How did he expect the employee to be able to process his request?

Respectful to someone grunting and waving their hands because they cant speak english? You are a special kind of stupid if you think that's acceptable.

OP said his father knows a bit of English, all he had to say is "Hello my name is Anondad, I am be here to pick TV up, here this is model *hands receipt*", pretty sure anyone with very basic English can handle that

If this was the case, I'm sure there wouldn't have been a problem.

Apparently he couldn't handle that, which speaks to how much English he did know.

Depends on what actually happened... Happened to a friend of mine once:
>Works at Wallmart in New Jersey
>Customer comes in to exchange a faulty smartphone
>Pissed off to boot so you might be able to end that this probably isn't going to end very well
>Really terrible english so he tries to speak Spanish
>Friend can't speak Spanish, best he can do is say "No hablo espaniol" with really mangled pronunciation
>Tries to find someone on staff who can speak Spanish, but can't
>Customer gets even more irate over this
>Transaction naturally goes a lot slower than what it should have as the customer tries to communicate in a mix of badly broken english and spanish as my friend tries to communicate in a mix of broken spanish and english
>Customer gets even more irate when an exchange that shouldn't have taken more than 10 minutes takes over 30
>Whole thing ends with him walking out the door with his replacement and flipping my friend the finger while yelling "FUCK YOU" with badly mangled pronunciation
>The same day someone who speaks english just fine calls in to complain about how someone had been really rude to his uncle
>Friend would have gotten into loads of trouble if it wasn't for a co-worker who witnessed it all backed his side of the story

Long story short: If you weren't there to see it I doubt you can really make an impartial assessment on what happened. It could have just been your dad acting like an asshole because his lack of english dragged out the transaction.

In literally every other country (except maybe Canada) it's ok to shit on foreigners. Why does America have to set the standard, especially when no one follows suit?

Because $$ are king in America

Oh you were there when the mistreatment happened? Should have started with that.

>He told me that the girl refused to give him service and did some "offensive mannerisms" because of his broken english. He asked her to call the manager (he knows a little english as I stated) but she refused. Then he had to talk to another person to get the TV and the got the fuck out.
And apparently OP's dad lied to his own son about what happened! Fuck germans!!!!!

>In literally every other country it's ok to shit on foreigners
No it's not, you fucking retard

>No it's not, you fucking retard
Uh, yeah it is. Everyone shits on Americans everywhere, even in America.