Serious question to those who own "gaming" laptops or really any high end laptop/ultrabook - Why?

Serious question to those who own "gaming" laptops or really any high end laptop/ultrabook - Why?
I 100% understand wanting a laptop for watching netflix or taking notes in class, but wouldn't it be more economical to buy a chromebook and build your own high end desktop? Even the best ultrabooks pale in comparison to their desktop counterparts.
Laptops are meant to be portable, what would be the benefit of having an ultrabook as opposed to cheap laptop/chromebook+ custom desktop?

What if I have a high end laptop and a high end desktop?

Easy there fat cat no one needs your sass

I have a high end desktop and a high end laptop.
The PC: self explanatory.
The laptop: There aren't many quad core i7 laptops that don't have GPUs out there (at least with what I have seen), and having a discreet GPU is actually beneficial in accelerated tasks and games if I want to play anything outside of home. Plus, richfag.

I have to travel regularly for work. That's why I got a gaymen laptop. But I also have a gaymen desktop at home. Also for playing in bed, it's comfy.



What do you play that you can play laying down?

I basically live in two houses

I have an i7 Macbook Air 11" with a 512gb SSD and 8gb RAM. I'm a photographer so it's crucial to be able to store, edit, and process a lot of photos, quickly. In a pinch I've used this as a backup to my hackintosh with a 4790k, and it performs not too bad. Low resolution screen? Maybe, but it also means that Lightroom renders jpeg previews that much more quickly. It's super comfy, and basically my favorite computer I've ever owned. Even plays some vidyas pretty well with those Intel Iris graphics. Not too shabby. Cost way too much, but I was making fuck you money at a business at the time so I didn't feel the pinch.

Because I work out of my truck and enjoy rocket league matches between consults.

I'd imagine mmos like League of Legends and Dota. I mainly play Rust and Counter Strike: Source, so I can't lay down, but I used to play Runescape back in highschool and I could play laying down.

for the same price of that chromebook, you could get an x230 or t430 with 8-16 gb of ram, an i5 3rd gen, and an IPS screen, with a large battery

I have friends and play games when I go to their places.

Hence, laptop.

Cities Skylines, other city management games. Bit of skyrim too.

Those aren't MMOS, they're MOBAS, WOW is an MMO.

I travel a lot for work. And by a lot, I mean I've been at my house a total of maybe 10 weeks the last year. When you take tons of flights, you learn to travel as lightly and efficiently as possible, if it can't fit in two small bags and a smaller carry on (ie, my laptop bag), I dont bring it. Also, because there's absolutely fuck all to do (generally) other than drink when I go places, it gets boring just sitting around my room watching tv. I want to play some vidya, and I really dont want to lug around my full rig and go through endless questions at customs.

I got questioned once for like 20 minutes because I had an external hdd with me, I can't even imagine how long it would be if I had a fucking desktop computer.

I'm a college student and my desktop would be greatly impractical in a dorm. I also have both because I have a job on top of well-off family.

Maybe something that can be played with a controller?

I am currently building a moderately powerful desktop and looking to get a surface pro 4 to replace my gaming laptop.

I did get a gaming laptop back in 2012 because it did have the same specs needed for my field of study. Now selling it is a hassle.

hows the throttling cuck?

because having 2 machines adds tons and tons of overheae costs andvwork and fragments everything i do (files, programs, etc)

I work in co working spaces and home now and literally couldn't fit my desktop to travel in my car when I moved. had to sell everything for this bad boy

Fuck chromebooks

OS is a piece of shit

All about old Thinkpads

P50 is probably one of the best Thinkpads they've made in years

Hope the T470 follows its design

1070/1080 equipped notebooks work fine

Those aren't MOBAS, they're ASSFAGGOTS.

I work with Matlab.
It needs a lot of system resources to run my models. With a desktop, I couldn't walk over to other people and show my problems with the code at hand. With a high end laptop, I can just visit them in their office, computer in hand, plop it down on their desk and start discussing..

I fucking hated matlab during my undergrad, but yes, you're right. I would also be able to run CFD programs like ANSYS on my laptop, because why the fuck not.
>High end PC
>High end Laptop
why not both?

Fucking kids these days.
Back in my time, we stuffed the desktop pc with all peripherals inside a backpack and carried the CRT monitor over in our hands.

I have both - and with good reason. I need to be able to run a lot of numerics - some cpu based, some CUDA, whereever I am. Remote access isn't quite good enough so I have both.

Frequent travel so I'm not in my country most of the time. Moving around a big desktop is inconvenient.

Though I don't own a "gaming" laptop. I just own a reasonably high spec laptop that is capable of playing at mid-high settings.

My lappy has an i5 and 950m which is perfectly fine for games like league and older games which I still enjoy playing.

Other than that I use it for school and I have no need for a full desktop. I am considering buying an external monitor and nice keyboard for that comfy work flow when I'm home.

I just use an android convertable from 3 years ago as my laptop. works fine for my needs (shitposting, writing, netflix, games emulation...various other things ect)

A laptop is a convenience item not a powerhouse. And its not a desktop replacement.

>co working spaces
ayy lmao you an anitfa commie or something?

This desu

Because I'm not poor or weak.
I have a good laptop and a good desktop.

Lets say i'm going to be at a hotel for a few days and want something powerful enough to play some decent games or work on any music projects that require a lot of vsts (or if we do it from someone who is going to use the gpu a lot, 3d modelling).

Chances are I will want a high end laptop if I know I wont be at the comfort of my own home as much.

Its purely to portability factor and depend son the users usage and what they do.

>any high end laptop
I have a 2015 macbook pro, does it count?
Got it free at work. I think I would have bought it anyway cause I do rails and android programming and chromebooks look a little underspecced.

I spend a lot of time in hotel rooms while traveling for work, so it's nice to have a powerful laptop. I also have a desktop though.

I study away from my home half the week.
I can enjoy some gaming while in my hotel room.
And I'm anti social.

Im a vidya devop, how the fuck would i test my shit without a gaymer lap?
Also, for playing shit from bed i have a rig and a shitty 80€ notebook, steam game streaming is everything u need fags.

Because they are retarded

Heavy travel, you are going to waste massive amounts of money to do it, but the convenience is nice if you are on the move more then usual. I own an ASUS G from a few years ago when I was moving and traveling a lot, the convenience was great and I obviously prefer my desktop, but it's still nice to have if I take a trip somewhere and want to play something while I have down time.

Obviously no grown-up needs a laptop with a dedicated GPU.

I have a desktop. 4790k, GTX 1060, 16GB@2400MHz, SSD's, etc.
I do the bulk of my work on it.

However I also have a Dell XPS 13 that I got over a year ago. 3200x1800 panel, dem bezels and a sort of relatively okay i5 5200u.
I got it because I needed/wanted a light mobile shitposting machine that could handle Adobe suite. And unfortunately I'm in a design field, which will get you judged on whether you use a macbook or not, so I made the compromise of getting the "acceptable" Windows variant that met what I wanted to do with it.

And honestly it works really well. It's a fantastic shitposting machine. Works amazingly for photoshop and illustrator. I could've gotten a laptop that would have done similar for much cheaper, but it would've had a truly shit tier display and probably would've been some retarded 15'' monstrosity at three times the weight.

I just bought a Macbook for school works great and they aren't even that expensive.

I got my T420 for under 400 cad less than a year after it was launched. Can't argue that price and performance. Especially since it has an Nvidia graphics card.

two axes:
>computing power
both cause an increase in price
different activities require different computing power (e.g. games vs. notes), and different locations require different portability (e.g. hotel rooms vs. at home)
so if you need/want to do a certain thing in a certain location, you need a computer with at least enough power for that thing and at least enough portability for that location
some people need/want to do computing-intensive things in portability-intensive places, so they buy high-end/gaming laptops