2nd week in cs class

>2nd week in cs class
>already ready to kill myself
jesus christ why is programming so hard. Not only I have to write the program but I have the write pseudocode also
im this close to dropping out lads

Trust me, it sounds chinese right now. But in 6 month, you won't understand what was so hard about it. I was like you.

Keep practising, outside of class too.

In my own experience, the lab teachers sucked at teaching things properly, so don't hesitate to find other resources online that could explain concepts differently.

Find motivation to build discipline so you can study regularly. Then you'll get better in due time. You can do it, user-kun!

Don't fucking quit.

How? When you think you want to quit, don't, and instead, continue programming.

Visit your professors office hours, we had a more dedicated lab tutorials guy that helped as well. I'm sure your school has some sort of tutoring system in place if you can't learn as well by yourself via online resources.

Do a course on codeacademy, really easy, good material

These tbqh famm

well theres a reason why programmers are always needed and thats one of them

You're probably just stupid

If you have problems use every tool at your disposal, go to the library and find online resources, Youtube also helps.

>learning python 3

You should change schools t᠎bh fa᠎m

At least it's not Java.
Python is great for math oriented programming.

Lol are you braindead m8? Use a real programming language, pic related.

>ermegerd money in programming
>wow this makes me want to kill myself, I'm sure it will be better when I'm doing it for a living

>python 3

Real talk does anyone ever actually use this for anything?

Why do you fags care so much about which programming language is used? If you've learned one, it's not difficult at all to learn another. The syntax between a lot of languages are very similar.

Not to mention that it's more about the mindset than syntax and 'vocabulary'.

Why would you learn python 2?

That's retarded.

>Second week in cs class
>Doing kindergarden Java tutorials
Kill me

Not when the language in question is python.
Python is hiding a lot of things and you will get fucked over by that once you learn something like c++.

Java is better for actual programming, it introduces you to C-style syntax, lets you play with objects without having to fuck with memory, and has an easy compilation process.

It's funny, I really enjoyed doing Python but I'm now doing Java and it's so hard for me. It feels like things were easier to do in Python.

nomies basically

This is Sup Forums, people here are fucking stupid and give awful advice. I hate it, it really misguides people who don't know any better. And then it causes them to ignorantly spread misinformation and meme about Java being a pajeet language, etc.

Programming languages are merely tools, no language is the best at everything. Languages are chosen to achieve a project goal suitably.

No shit sherlock, Python is dynamically typed so you were basically doing freestyle coding without giving a fuck about anything

Well of course it's going to be more work to learn when you move from the functional equivalent of a children's tricycle to a mountain bike.

>tfw self taught developer
>tfw wish I had majored in cs in college
>tfw you are squandering your opportunity and will probably switch to an English degree or some other stupid shit

Fuck you OP


>Programming language
Choose one
Python is a Scripting language, not a programming language. It is good for stuff that can be coded quickly that need to be done repeatedly.

>Being a know it all little faggot who is wrong

Know how I know you're not in the industry?

is it that bad to know the difference? he's not even wrong, python is a scripting language

>print 'python 3 sucks'

what's the difference between python 2 and 3?

My first cs class was absolutely dreadful. The prof was awfully nice but she was indian and struggled communicating with the class with assignments and all that. Lectures were incredibly boring. I don't know man just push through.

Only complaint about schooling in general is that's it's kind of fifficult to do your own thing with such a heavy work loud so it's hard to develop a real interest if you don't already have one.

You took a CS class without ever having programmed before?

That's like taking English Literature without ever having read a book.

this isnt r/programming
go away faggots

>Programming languages used to write scripts are not programming languages
>High level programming languages aren't programming languages

Don't be so fucking dense user.

>being encouraging and supportive is reserved for redditors
>everyone on gee must be an unhelpful dipshit with a superiority complex!!!!1!!

To be fair, this shit really doesn't belong here.
>Sup Forums is NOT your personal blog

Just give up and major in business.

Fucking faggot op. Pythons the easiest language there is.

Ah, and you were born knowing everything about programming? Lucky you...

The difference between a programming language and a scripting language is that with a programming language, you compile the program into a binary PROGRAM. With a scripting language, the code is run live by an interpreter. A C# program ends up as an exe. It isn't run as a .c# file. A python script is run as a .py file, which is a text file containing the code.

It's a fine introductory tool because it does half the work you'd have to do in C++ for you and hides most of the complexities of a language.
Beyond that? I don't know, bot scripts or something

actually try for once in your life you retard

just write programs in python instead of pseudocode, you'll find pretty quickly that it is simpler this way


>why learn py2

Legacy app maintenance tbqh.

This course was great but the audio/video quality isnt the best, even for how old it is.


Not him, but I walked into college already knowing C++ from being self-taught. Many other fellow classmates also already knew some programming.

Your definition of scripting language would be correct, but your definition of programming is too narrow. Scripting languages are a subset of programming languages because yes, the .py file itself is a computer program.

>But it requires another program to run
So does the C# program. It may be an .exe, but the entire file (except for the header that just prints "this program cannot be run in MS-DOS mode") is bytecode. When you run it on Windows, the OS will just be told "the entry point is in mscorlib.dll." That file, in turn, will toss all that bytecode into a VM, which then recompiles the bytecode into native code. If it's run on Linux, there isn't some kernel-level PE loader, so you outright need a program like mono or corerun to put the son of a bitch into memory, rather than relying on the DLL entry-point trick

The fuck did you expect in week 2 of the intro class?

I can understand being frustrated at difficulty. But if you don't at least find it fun and satisfying when you figure out what went wrong and hit the run key and it runs without errors. You're going to be miserable with this as a profession even if you can manage to do the work

I had no coding experience when I started. Working on my PhD now. Get shit on you dumb memer

Lots of languages are shit at everything.

>learn boring obscure shit because it's the 'right' way

kys faggot

idiots like you ruin education for everyone

Have you tried hitting it with a hammer repetitively?

To be fair, Java is the king of enterprise and cog-in-the-machine jobs.
I don't know a single person that endured a decade of Java programming without developing a serious hatred for the language and the kind of over-engineered shit code it allows.

If you happen to enjoy programming beyond being told by your middle-manager to develop subroutine #3232 of the pattern #2323 that was designed by the guy down the row of cubicles in his ivory tower, you might want to stay away from java.

Go is where it's going to be at for enterprise anyhow, it's the same shit except modern and with Google backing it.

"scripting languages" aren't an actual thing, it's just a meme used by people who like to think they're better than everyone else.

Does Hello World in Commodore BASIC and some messing around in VBA count? That's literally the only programming experience I had before I started. Most of the greats of computer science didn't even get to interact with a computer until their university years anyway.

You're talking about compiled vs interpreted languages. And it's a kind of gray area with things like C# and Java, since they're run in a VM that interprets IR bytecode. And since most languages require some kind of "support" to run (even if they run "natively" as an executable without requiring a VM, they still need runtime libraries), they aren't truly standalone; one might even go as far as arguing that compiled binaries that depend on system calls to operating system APIs are in a sense "interpreted" as well.

C is not obscure. Even if it's not your main language, it's a good idea to learn because it's used for implementing a lot of the low-level stuff higher-level languages depend on, and has extensively influenced most imperative languages as well.

Pretty good answers.

But "scripting language" is a meaningful term.

It refers to languages that are directly interpreted from source code, and do not have any corresponding binary file on disk. (I.e. the only binary representation a script resides in RAM, and only during execution). Thus, bash is a scripting language. But C/C++ is not, obviously. And Java/C# aren't scripting languages either because of the JVM or CLR byte code intermediate representations of the program that reside in a disk file.

Would you still call it a scripting language if the source code is JIT compiled, stored in ram, and then executed?

>it's the same shit except modern
Go is not a modern language -- it's radically *un*modern in that it shares the zeitgeist of languages from the 70's.

All languages share the zeitgeist of the 70s dubs man.

All CS was invented in the 70s, from graphical programming to message passing and every modern trend is just rehashing of something pioneered in that era.

But yeah Go isn't "modern" in that sense. But by that logic Java isn't modern either, so it's a moot point.

fuck you cunt


fucking quit while you're ahead, otherwise you're gonna hate yourself when you lose job offers to pajeets

take up plumbing, auto repair, carpentry, machinery, etc, good high paying jobs that only local people can get, and you'll be learning skills that apply to more than fucking pajeet shit.

fuck you

I think "scripting language" is a very subjective term, I know people who quite happily do all their scripting with C or lisp and don't bother with languages like python or perl. I do a lot of scripting with f# on linux because I find it to be a very expressive language that gets shit done. So you see, it depends on the programmer, not the language... Whichever language you use to quickly automate mundane tasks is your scripting language!

if you dont like programming and find it enjoyable don't take it as a job. Its a fucking slog unless you're into it.

FML thats me, time to switch to informatics major

Do you really think codecademy can teach anything more than basic syntax? Kek