Hi Sup Forums i got a short question for you. Is it too late to buy PS3...

Hi Sup Forums i got a short question for you. Is it too late to buy PS3? I don't have budget for PS4 and I never played any PS3 games except GTA IV-V. So what do you think? Do you think I regret if I buy a PS3?

Yes, don't. A new Xbox and PS4 are scheduled for a few months from now. They are supposedly cheaper.

Also, do you know what saving is?

Considering a lot if PS3 games got remastered with all DLC included and a better framerate I'd get a PS4 unless there are exclusives you want to play.

eh, not really. considering all the games on disc you can buy you will have shit to play for years. im only gonna replace mine for the games i have on my hdd. as for current gen im leaning towards a xboner so i can play based 360 classics(assuming theyre compatible.)

You can pick up used good cond XB1/PS4 for good money. Don't cripple yourself with a PS3, I put up with mine for far too long and GTAV couldn't even load buildings 100m in front of me if I went over 40MPH. Never again.

wtf is this thread

sorry is it on wrong board?

Get one with 3.55 or Rebug firmware installed and it definitely isn't too late.

gta doesnt count. it does that on any system.

first off, this goes in If you like ps3 games, go ahead. They'll last for years. I still play on my fucking sega genesis, so i doubt you'll get bored of a semi-new system.

Not him, but would be more appropriate.

do you know the meaning of being broke?

Works 100% fine on the XB1 I bought, never had env loading issues.

Go for it. I've had mine for 6 years and it still runs great. Just clean it out annually (dusting). And there is a 20 game Capcom Humble Bundle on PSN for $15 right now. Find a good price and you're golden.

>Tfw sony patched out the ability to put linux on the ps3

If you've never played any of the exclusives on PS3 go for that you'll get a lot more bang for your buck if you're not a graphics whore. And really most new games don't even look that much better and still have shitty a FPS.

The PS3 operating system is a lot better than the PS4 one if you wanna do more than just play games on it, though the playstation store is very unoptimized on PS3 right now because PS3/PS4 share the same store page and it's optimized for PS4 and not for PS3 potentially to get people to move over to PS4 so try to get your games physical or pirate them (not possible with the superslim pictured in the OP if you wanna pirate)

Yeah bro get a cheap ps3

Only 60 of the queen's currency.

Worth it.

Warhawk, KZ2, Infamous, and Uncharted are more than worth it. MAG was amazing, but unfortunately they shut down its multiplayer a couple years ago. Go for it!

Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection on PS4 is better though. 60fps/1080p, tweaked for more responsive aiming, and annoying motion controls removed.


PS3 + Cobra ODE


If he's broke maybe he should spend his money otherwise instead of fucking video games.

>no KZ2
>no Warhawk
>no Infamous

Absolutely, you've got a decade of games to play on it, and at the moment PS3 games are cheaper than they're ever likely to be in the future.

I'd say it's not bad for the exclusives. Infamous and Ni-no-kuni come to mind. All the games are incredibly cheap now too.

However, for multi-plat games, even an older PC can max out last gen games fairly easily. Skyrim on console is unplayable after trying it out on my 2gb 960.

buy old tech only if you're a collector not bcs you're poor. when you're poor you'll regret not getting higher tech. if youre collector you'll always want old tech : )

1. Buy PS3
2. Sony deletes your freedoms
4. PROFIT???!!!

>poor people shouldn't have fun

Game consoles are different from other old tech. Old games are still fun and playable.

is it possible to install CFW on the Anorexic Slim PS3's?

I have been thinking if you could flash its ROM, you could probably get some CFW installed. I wanna play that MGO 2 revival so badly.

PS3 is only worth it now if you have CFW on it.

>Tfw Fat PS3 with 1TB HDD, replaced thermal paste, and installed CFW
Plays pirated PS1/PS2/PS3/PSP games flawlessly.

CFW only works on fat PS3s and certain slim models. Super slim models can't have CFW at all because it can't be downgraded to a exploitable firmware.

play demon's souls and MGS legacy collection

They recently released ps now for pc u should look into that u can stream many good ps3 games for like 15 per month

You could still put Linux on it if you downgrade your PS3 or find a CFW enabled PS3

Poor people should spend their money wisely so they stop being poor.

>Old games are still fun and playable.

yes but if you are an enthusiast or a collector; not for penniless normies who wants to buy the latest games but don't have mone for it..

Sure. What can he spend his $150 on that will help him right away?

Save it and invest it later. The US dollar has a very low devaluation rate, so there's no problem with saving.

This is how you stay broke. This is also why I do not show any compassion towards broke people, they make dumb decisions like buying an obsolete game console instead of saving their money.

Get one with CFW installed.

You'll play everything for free, and if you are careful you'll even be able to play online.
I got one myself just to play TLOU, i don't regret it but i don't use it anymore so i may as well sell it.

Don't. PS Now which is a streaming service for PS3 games is coming to PC soon. Just get a free trial and play all the exclusives!

Fuck That Noise.

CFW PS3 or bust. I downgraded my PS3 slim with a E3 Flasher just so I can install Rogero CFW and play the definitive version of Tales of Vesperia with a fully translated English patch. It was worth it, very good game and I got a hacked PS3 to boot.

I used to think this board was overrun by Sup Forums fags but now I'm certain after reading the replies itt that it is just overrun with retards.

There's no difference between Sup Forums fags and retards.

Same could be said about anime/otakushits

I bought a used ps3 from cowboom after my 360 broke. Lot of cheap games to play. I had plus at the time, but you don't need it to play online.

>tfw I bought a PS3 because Linux and they'd already removed OtherOS

And any other Sup Forums board.

Don't get a PS3, it is outdated and sucks. You can already get a PS4 and Xbox One for under $200 and when the new versions come out it will drop even more, getting a PS3 or Xbox 360 is a terrible deal now in days.
You could even get a decent PC for a low price as well, especially if you look around.

I wouldnt say it sucks.
It has pretty good exclusives, its cheap (i got mine for 40 bucks a year ago) and, at difference of PS4/Xbox, you can play online for free.

The fuck are you on about? The PS3's a great console

Either refurbished or new.

Then get cheap games.
PS3 has a very good library with plenty of great exlcusives.


I decided to buy PS3, I can't afford a PS4 and its games and actually I can't afford any games that's why I'm going to buy a PS3 and gonna tweek it. I hope I won't regret this decision, thanks to everyone who commented here. Sorry for opening the thread here not in Sup Forums.

I bought a xbox 360 recently and I'm quite happy with it, for the price it's cool for casual gaming