What does your prompt look like Sup Forums?

What does your prompt look like Sup Forums?

My .bashrc

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What is the point of delaying the time it takes to open a terminal by running a bloatscript that probes your system just to clutter up your screen with information you already know and probably don't care about at the time?

Delays it for maybe half a second the first time I start it. Besides, it looks cool.

My discordianigga.

# ~/.bashrc

# If not running interactively, don't do anything
[[ $- != *i* ]] && return

alias weatherreport='curl -4 wttr.in/BuenosAires'
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias DOITFAGGOT='sudo $(history -p !-1)'
alias sysupgrade='sudo rm -f /var/lib/pacman/db.lck && yaourt -Syyua'

PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ '

I was so sad when they removed ddate from util-linux.

Also, I stayed in Buenos Aires for about 6 months a few years ago. Was fucking awesome.

I don't really see the point in fancy prompts, the terminal is there to do work not to look qt and display uguu anime.


When I login over SSH I use fortune to serve me up a deep thought from Jack Handey. Otherwise it's just plain.

Tack this onto your .bashrc to do something similar:
#spit out a deep thought when logging in from ssh:
if [[ $SSH_CONNECTION ]] ; then
echo " "
echo "Deep thought of the moment:"
echo " "
fortune /media/bigdrive/fortunes/
echo " "

You should >&2 this so it writes to stderr. Otherwise, tools like rsync will be confused.


Just comfy

>YOLD 3182

I have a function that shows the return status of the last run command but beyond that its very simple.

I've experimented with bash and zsh, and now typically use fish for interactive shells, switching to bash $ for POSIX scripting when needed.

No, I am confused.

What does >&2 do exactly?

Stdout to stderr

Try ZSH, I'm much more productive in it

Mine is just PS1='/w/$'

Looks like ~$ when in /home.

How do I get cute girls into xshell as background, I was forced to retire putty at work.

Zsh + vi bindings running extremely comfy.

might as well use Ubuntu or Mint and not have to deal with that pacman shit

How about a dancing Kirby?
export ORIG_PS1=$PS1
export KIRBY_IDX=0
KIRBY_FRAMES=("" "^('.')^")
export PROMPT_COMMAND='export PS1="$ORIG_PS1${KIRBY_FRAMES[KIRBY_IDX]} "; export KIRBY_IDX=$(expr $(expr $KIRBY_IDX + 1) % ${#KIRBY_FRAMES[@]})'

this. it's pretty much just fuckos trying to look cool

plain 'n' simple is the best way to go

can anyone explain to a retard the difference between running bash/zhs/fish? i know fish has autocompletion and looks nice but is there any other reason to switch?

Only if you're a hipster.

